Teleport Memory System - Fixes Teleport For Interactions & Adds Various Features Into the Game
Newer Updates
This mod has moved onto Patreon Public for easy management.
But as of Version 2.19, you can find the updated mod here as well.
This update fixes the script changes in the recent version.
Version 2.19.5
Fixed an issue where LE was generated due to changed function name.
Version 2.19.3
Fixed an issue where when enabling Vampire Bat Teleport causes an LE and does not give the TMS Trait.
Version 2.19.1
This update fixes an issue with the config file generation. This should stop the "cheat_debug_pie_menu" option not found error.
UPDATE: The .1 update should fix the Version Mismatch.
Please DELETE the TD1_TMS_Settings.cfg file so that the script can regenerate the file (when you open up the game) as the config options are all messed up.
Version 2.19
This version adds the Werewolf Super Speed to the TMS handling.
Besides that, 3 new addons have been included:
- [GP12] Rampaging Disables Teleport
- [GP12] Werewolf Portal NoTeleport
- [GP08] Magic Portal NoTeleport
Version 2.13.2
Updated Libraries to simplify tunings.
Version 2.13.1
Minor fix to the Version 2 Notification System, which was conflicting with the Access Panel.
Version 2.13
Minor Logging additions implemented for Sims 4 Logger & the MasterApprentice Logger.
Version 2.12
Fixed an issue with the Possessed Buff not disabling Teleport.
Version 2.11
Not much strides in some planned features.
However, I have added a few more addons that will force certain activities to be Teleport Locked. They are:
- EP01 - Mind Control Disables Teleport
- EP01 - No Teleporting For Patients & Suspects
- GP01 - Go Hiking (Moved out from EP10)
- GP04 - Command Disables Teleport
- GP07 - March Disables Teleport
- GP08 - Minionize Disabled Teleport (Put alongside with Delierate Spell)
Also I have cleaned up the Go For A Walk to work differently and it should not let Ghosts and the Grim Reaper actually walk instead of floating.
Version 2.10.1
This hotfix update fixes the startup notification firing on every load instance finished.
Version 2.10
This update reimplements the injection of the teleport enabler and disabler onto interactions.
Also a Tutorial on the Teleport Memory System can now be found in the Lessons Tab
Lastly, on load up finished, a notification will pop up indicating the Version of the TMS mod. Also from the interaction, you can report bugs into the Discord Server through the button in the notification.
Version 2.03
This update fixes an issue with the TS4SCRIPT that causes a Better Exceptions LE regarding Script Not Found Error. Apparently its caused with some script compile issue.
[.1]Fixed another LE regarding the Interaction Injector breaking. Reverted to overridding resources instead.
Version 2.02
This small update adds the scared emotion display override into the Overridden Go Here Interaction.
As for the LastException issue regarding the Script:TD1_TMS_Buff_Loot_Injector not found, I have removed a tunable that I have added that could have caused the issue. Please update all mod packages and script and ensure that the TS4SCRIPT is no more than one subfolder deep from the Mods folder.
Version 2.01
This small update reverts some things in the addons to override the resource. (Injection Issue With Waypoint Interaction, SI Injection still functional)
Also Mindful Walk will now stop Sims from Teleporting.
Version 2.00
This new version adds more features and automation onto the TMS Mod.
Features Implemented:
- Broom Teleport is now TMS Capable and also have the option to toggle the Old and New Systems
- Most addons that add No Teleportation are now using the Loot Buff/Int Injectors - No more overridding
- Usage of Loot Buff/Int Injectors - Easier addons
- TMS will now be automatically added on load if Sim have one of the Teleport Enabled Trait
For Snippet Tuning Examples for use in your mods, you can find it over in the downloads page. [Modding Documentation Post]
Addon Addition - Not TMS Related
I have been requested to make a separate package which has the Vampire Teleport Routing Issues Fix. As aforementioned from Version 1.10, this package adds a testset into the Bat and Mist TeleportStyleSuperInteractions. The testset has been set to 1, if you want to modify that value, you can put it to a higher value. (If you prefer the distance that is used in the Transportalate Spell, its 7)
Version 1.40
This update adds and fixes the following:
- Added an Addon that will disallow Sims from teleporting deliriously from the Delierate spell.
- Fixed a few more issues regarding loot actions and tests that cause LEs, turns out I missed out more of em.
- Added a feature that Sims can now hike anywhere in their neighbourhood (functions like jogging), I'd recommend you use in a park like Myshuno Meadows.
- Added a new addon of where Sims can go for a walk which helps in getting the Surge Emotion.
Version 1.32
This update adds modifies the GoHere Interaction Tuning to support Mist Teleport Spell, Bat Teleport Spell and Dark Apparation Spell to show their respective namings.
Version 1.31
This update fixes an issue regarding preferences which causes Sims to teleport with that preference. Sims with a teleport preference must change preferences to remove the rogue trait.
Version 1.30
This update adds 4 new addons:
- Older & Newer Witch Teleport System Toggle (Transportalate Only)
- Older & Newer Dark Apparate Teleport System Toggle [Needs Sage of Mastery Magic Mod]
- Older & Newer Vampiric Spells Teleport System Toggle [Needs Vampiric Teleport Spells Mod]
- Possession Disables Teleport
For Older & Newer Witch Teleport System Toggle, the Transportalate Spell Teleport System uses the newer version by default. Switching over to the older version, using the Transportalate spell (No Constant Transportalate) may take the same amount of time to fire as it needs to choose either the fail, pass or wild magic option. However using having constant Transportalate with the old system is significantly faster than the new system.
As for the other toggles, the default teleport system is the old system.
Anyways for the Possession Disables Teleport, it stops Possessed Sims from teleporting, forcing them to walk weirdly. Also vampires can Cast Hallucination, Irresistible Slumber and Mesmerise onto Possessed Sims.
Version 1.11
This small update fixes an issue with Mist Teleport Preference, apparently I used the wrong loot action which does not remove the preference trait.
Version 1.10
This update clears some useless interactions that were modified that did not do anything.
This update also adds a new addon: Older & Newer Vampire Teleport System Toggle
What this mod does is to allow a Vampire Sim to use either the old system (Patch 1.67 and below) or to use the new system (Patch 1.68 and above).
Also, I have fixed the Vampire Teleport (TeleportStyleSuperInteraction) to test for distance. This should fix the cauldron routing issue if your Sim uses the cauldron.
Reversal: Vampire Teleport System (Optional, I'd recommend using Older & Newer Vampire Teleport System Toggle)
Since Patch 1.68, Bat and Mist Teleport were updated and this causes certain issues with the cauldron. This addon reverts the Vampire Teleport System to use the older system which will work with the cauldron.
Mod Description
Make sure you read everything in the mod description! Especially the First Time Usage section
Have you ever have an issue where your Sim would skate or hike or jog but they would instead teleport or just quit the interaction completely due to them having a teleportation always enabled? This mod aims to fix these issues that Maxis have never thought of implementing.
The Teleport Memory System [TMS] is designed to implement and fix things:
- It remembers your Sims current enabled teleportation through the form of a secondary trait (or memory trait). That memory trait will be used when the primary trait is removed or equipped when interactions like skating or hiking would run and stop.
- It stops Sims from teleporting when doing certain walkstyle type component is involved (i.e. Skating, Hiking, Jogging, etc)
- It allows for Sims to toggle the type of teleport system they wish to use (Choose from GoHereSuperInteraction and TeleportStyleSuperInjection)
- It also fixes issues with the New Vampire Teleport System (Blame Maxis for not putting a testset distance in)
For example, when your Sim go to jog, the jog interaction run a loot action tuning to remove the teleport routing when that interaction starts and the teleport routing will return to the Sim when the interaction is completed or stopped.
Now you can enjoy hiking or skating or jogging without having to disable and enable teleportation.
Updated versions now stop Sims from teleporting with Delierate, when Possessed.
Another feature of this mod allows the Sim to enable or disable their current teleportation without touching the memory trait.
Next, as mentioned, Bat and Mist Teleport was modified by Maxis in Patch 1.68 to use the TeleportStyleSuperInteraction (or New Teleport Type). I'm sure many may have mixed feelings, but with this implementation, the teleport was slower.
[1.10 +] The Teleport Memory System is designed to allow preferences for the Teleport System for EACH type of teleport. With this feature, each teleport can use a different teleport system which can be useful in a bug with routing with platforms on different floors.
Should be mentioned that with the introductions of platforms, any form of routing to a floor/room with a platform will lead to Routing Failure. The workaround for this is to use any teleport with TeleportStyleSuperInteraction. Also, Vampire Run is affected by this as walkstyles uses GoHereSuperInteraction.
[1.10 +] As mentioned earlier, this mod fixes an issue regarding the Vampire Bat and Mist's TeleportStyleSuperInteractions for not having a testset distance to stop breaking interactions with certain objects such as the cauldron.
The TestSet distance to block teleportation is set to 1. If you wish to increase the distance, the tuning can be found in Teleport Memory System under TD1:testSet_Vampire_Teleport_Distance. If you want to use the distance used in the Transportalate, its 7 (I'd recommend not going into double digits, it will make it long range).
This mod supports the following teleports:
- Bat Teleportation
- Mist Teleportation
- Vampire Run (Not a teleportation but is inside for interaction fixes)
- Transportalate
- Dark Apparation (Part of Sage of Mastery Magic - Mastery Spells)
- Mist Teleportation (Part of Vampiric Teleport Spells)
- Bat Teleportation (Part of Vampiric Teleport Spells)
First Time Usage
The following mods must be updated for the TMS feature to work for the following teleport systems (if you use those mods):
- Sage of Mastery Magic + Mastery Spells + Ghost Butler + Alchemy [Version 1.63]
- Allow Occult Interactions In Batuu
- Vampiric Teleport Spells [Version 3]
To enable the TMS system for each Sim, they MUST disable and re-enable their current teleport system (i.e. Mist Teleportation), otherwise the Sim will not use the TMS and will not show the desired outcome introduced in this mod.
- S4S
Filename | Type | Size |
[TwelfthDoctor1] Teleport Memory System [Version 2.19.6].zip | zip | |
[TwelfthDoctor1] [TMS-BG] Go Jogging.package | package | 675 |
[TwelfthDoctor1] [TMS-EP01] Mind Control Disables Teleport.package | package | 545 |
[TwelfthDoctor1] [TMS-EP05] Go Skating.package | package | 672 |
[TwelfthDoctor1] [TMS-EP10] Go Hiking.package | package | 956 |
[TwelfthDoctor1] [TMS-GP04] Command Disables Teleport.package | package | 560 |
[TwelfthDoctor1] [TMS-GP04] Older & Newer Vampire Teleport System Toggle.package | package | 44559 |
[TwelfthDoctor1] [TMS-GP07] March Without Teleporting.package | package | 570 |
[TwelfthDoctor1] [TMS-GP07] Possession Disables Teleport.package | package | 1042 |
[TwelfthDoctor1] [TMS-GP08] Delierate & Minionize Disables Teleport.package | package | 556 |
[TwelfthDoctor1] [TMS-GP08] Older & Newer Witch Teleport System Toggle.package | package | 51586 |
[TwelfthDoctor1] [TMS-GP08] Pet Teleport.package | package | 11185 |
[TwelfthDoctor1] [TMS-GP08] Portal NoTeleport.package | package | 713 |
[TwelfthDoctor1] [TMS-GP12] Werewolf Portal NoTeleport.package | package | 751 |
[TwelfthDoctor1] [TMS-GP12] Werewolf Rampage Disables Teleport.package | package | 534 |
[TwelfthDoctor1] Teleport Memory System.package | package | 397389 |
TwelfthDoctor1_TeleportMemorySystem.ts4script | ts4script | 134998 |
Note from the Creator:
[TwelfthDoctor1] Teleport Memory System [Version 2.19.6].zip
Uploaded: 24th Oct 2024, 492.5 KB.
[TwelfthDoctor1] [TMS-ModDoc] TMS Loot BuffInt Injectors
| Example Snippet Tunings for Implementation of No Teleport to other Buffs/Interactions or Mods
Uploaded: 7th Jan 2021, 1.1 KB.
[TwelfthDoctor1] Vampire Teleportation
| Bugfix Only. Does not have TMS features. Only use this if you need the Routing Issues on Objects that was found in Patch 1.68.
Uploaded: 25th Dec 2020, 3.5 KB.
[TwelfthDoctor1] Bat & Mist Teleport System
| Reversion Fix. Does not have TMS features. Only use this if you want to use the old system permanently.
Uploaded: 21st Nov 2020, 4.6 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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Updated: 24th Oct 2024 at 11:57 AM - Version 2.19.6
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About Me
No reuploads
Mod modifications are fine, so as long you do not reupload.
For more information on Mod Policies:
Mods posted on Tumblr will be earlier than MTS.
If you are looking for a specific version of my mod, please DM me if you cannot find it in the GitHub Page.
Other Download Sources:
GitHub (Archivals):