Criminal Minds :: Penelope Garcia
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No, my sim isn't an identical copy of that fantastic woman. More like an interpretation. Sims 2 has its limits with curvy people, and I don't mesh.

2020 is finally over. How do you feel? Isn't it awesome??
What a terrible year, lol.
Criminal Minds - Technical Analyst Penelope 'Baby Girl' Garcia as portrayed by Kirsten Vangsness
I made a sim after a spectacular woman today

Wiki says
Penelope Grace Garcia is a fictional character on the CBS crime dramas Criminal Minds and its short-lived spin-off Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior, portrayed by Kirsten Vangsness. She is the technical analyst of the Behavioral Analysis Unit that is the center of both shows. She has also made multiple guest appearances on Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders, making her the only character in the franchise to appear in all three of its series.
Criminal Minds is an American police procedural crime drama television series created and produced by Jeff Davis. It premiered on September 22, 2005 and has run for fifteen seasons on CBS. It tells the story of a group of behavioral profilers who work for the FBI as members of its Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU).
Links to Wiki and more
The Criminal Minds Wiki
Criminal Minds on IMDb
Criminal Minds on CBS
Penelope Garcia on the Criminal Minds Wiki
Actress Kirsten Vangsness on IMDb
Actress Kirsten Vangsness on Wiki
Actress Kirsten Vangsness on Twitter
Actress Kirsten Vangsness on Facebook
Actress Kirsten Vangsness on Instagram
Quotes by Garcia
He who seeks the Queen of All Knowledge, speak and be recognized.
If it walks like a duck and looks like a duck, then it's a duck, and frankly I think you're up to your knees in a duckpond.
That is a new deal and as fast as a caffeinated cheetah riding a lightning bolt, I am on it!
Forget flossing those pearlies, my babes! Because, thanks to two fillings, I've been able to identify your latest barbecuer.
Technical Analyst Penelope 'Baby Girl' Garcia, for your Sims game
She's the Heart and the Soul and the How and the Why.
She's the reason I started watching Criminal Minds.

Years ago, I was looking for a new series to watch, something with Nicholas Brendon in it (I had a little crush after the Buffy series, lol). The first episode I watched was the one where they have this hacker battle together. And then I was hooked and had to watch all the rest.

For me, with Penelope, it's never been about Morgan (and I am not simming Morgan! I was team Kevin! lol). A girl has to have more... perspective, than her universe revolving around some unavailable guy.
You can find the perfect place for her in your game. She deserves that. Criminal Minds is one of the darkest series of the family-friendly television. And for so many years, she made it all better with her own little brand of sunshine. For her team, yes, but also, for us.

2020 is over. Don't we all want a hug? I know I do. Even if it's just a sim hug. Until life goes back to normal again. I can't wait.

Links to YouTube videos of Penelope Garcia / Kirsten Vangsness
Video : Garcia is done being nice
Video : JJ, Garcia and Prentiss at a bar
Video : She's different. You have no idea.
Video : Hacker battle between Penelope Garcia and Kevin Lynch
Video : Penelope & Kevin, funny part of episode 14
Video : Criminal Minds Stars Do Character Impressions
Video : Kirsten Vangsness - Last Christmas
There is a lot more great videos of Garcia on YouTube, but I couldn't put them all. Seek them!

o~~[[ CREDITS ]]~~ooo
oo~~[[ CREDITS ]]~~oo
ooo~~[[ CREDITS ]]~~o
CRIMINAL MINDS :: Technical Analyst Penelope 'Baby Girl' Garcia
Everything is included! Nothing else to download! :D
Face Sculpt by me
Facekit Marilyn Monroe Beauty Mark by me @MTS
Eyebrows Thick Eyebrows in Brown, by Adele
Facekit by Simple Life Chagasi
My link leads to a page with several items - here is the list of what was used for this sim:
- 'Double eyelids 4', third tone
- 'Faicial Shadow and Highlight', nose-root, under-eye3, cheek2, under-lip and jaw, all 5 in the lightest tone
Facekit Forehead anti-shine and Nosolabial1 in light by mb4 @MTS
Eyeshadow Intense color Brown by helaene (down)
Eyeliner Kajal in Riita black by Bruno @MTS
Blush Unidentified* Blush by unknown* creator
Face kit Layerable Mouth Corners by D.Eclipse @MTS
Eyes Serenity Eye set by dm @MTS
Facekit Nose Bulb 2 by Rensim
Skintone Oepu edit in Light by Corvidophile
* If anyone identifies this blush and its creator, so I could credit it properly, please speak up! ^^
BLONDE - Apartment Life EP is required for this one's outfit
Lips Lotsa Lip in Pocket Rocket Red by Bruno
Glasses Forest Glasses with apples by Quieffla @GoS
Earrings Stylish Great Hoops, Safari texture, by icedmango @MTS, mesh by Nouk
Hair Deco Teacup by Lidiqnata @MTS, turned into a Hair deco by Daislia @GoS
Choker and accessory Madame X Innocence and Madame X Boudoir by Nthdv @ GoS
Hair color SlowDance in Volatile by G-Ecstasy (Unicorn), orig mesh by NewSea included
Clothes and mesh by Maxis
RED - Apartment Life EP is required for this one's outfit
Lips Lotsa Lip in Pocket Rocket Red by Bruno
Glasses Shanninigan Blue by Pooklet @GoS
Lips Model K Color Orchid by AlfredAskew @MTS
Hair Deco Headband with Bow in Lime Dots by ZeroDark[/u] @GoS, orig mesh by CuriousB
Necklace Kawaii Charm by Amandaskeefer @MTS
Hair color It's the Humidity in molotov color, by Almighty Hat, orig mesh by Peggy (down)
Clothes and mesh by Maxis
PEACHY - No EP required for this one!
Lips CandyLips in GrapeGlaze color by Bruno @MTS
Glasses Ed Hardy Glasses in turquoise by Selzi @GoS
Hair Deco Paula Plastic Ears in Neon Green by me @MTS, orig mesh by Atreya @MTS
Necklace Moustache necklace on triple choker by Jules Kiki @GoS, orig mesh by Aikea Guinea included
Earrings Embrace of Crystals, the purple ones, by icedmango @MTS, mesh by LianaSims included
Lips Model K Color Orchid by AlfredAskew @MTS
Hair Color Butterfly Sims 014 in Blossom by MatchaLatte @GoS
Clothes and mesh by Liana Sims
DECO on the pictures
OMSP for Beds and Counters by JohnBrehaut1
Rubber Duckie by Purplepaws
Sim 70's Animated Lava Lamp by Astaroth600
IKEA Hedgehog toy by olisek
Hacker Project Remake by hudy777DeSign
Small Crystal Bunch by Retail Sims
Fourth Wall Options by MSD
Radiance Light System by Gunmod
Enhanced Gameplay Cameras by Tom Duhamel
Sim Shadow Fix by Nopke
Fantastic new sliders for sim faces by Nopke here and here, Crisp Kerosene Sims and Memento Sims.
Note : This Garcia's body shape is not as splendidly plump as the real amazing woman. Sorry! I wish I could make her 'just as she is', but eh, this is Sims 2. There's a few bigger fat morphs out there, but the selection of clothing and accessories for them is rather limited, and this girl makes her fashion choices like a pro. I went with what had the best potential. I hope you like, despite the slimming. ^^
Additional Credits:
A big thank you to the kind people of MTS on the Creators Feedback forum, and to my friends on Facebook, for their help. You are awesome. :lovestruc
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
PenelopeGarcia_Blonde.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 8996416 |
Garcia_Blonde2.jpg | jpg | 494152 |
Mesh_Cup_Acc_byL_Daislia.package | package | 73273 |
Mesh_LianaSims2_com_Liana_Jewelry_Set.package | package | 55707 |
MESH_Nouk_Accessorie_BigFatHoops_TFAF.package | package | 168556 |
newsea sims2 hair j037f_slowdance_mesh.package | package | 2141537 |
peggynecklace0025-free-061020-female-mesh.package | package | 48396 |
skf_cateyeglasses_MESH.package | package | 150429 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
PenelopeGarcia_Red.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 9328761 |
Garcia_Red1.jpg | jpg | 413402 |
FAB_AF_LemonleafBowHeadband_TS2Conversion_Mesh.package | package | 79129 |
MESH_DPXLalphaEaringsNecklace080405.package | package | 68261 |
Peggy_Fh091123_1_mesh.package | package | 2127080 |
skf_cateyeglasses_MESH.package | package | 150429 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
PenelopeGarcia_Peachy.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 11249040 |
Garcia_Peachy.jpg | jpg | 477687 |
MESH_aikea_guinea-Accessory_AF_TripleChoker-082208.package | package | 19930 |
MESH_Atreya_bearears131005.package | package | 185156 |
Mesh_LianaSims2_com_Liana_Earrings03Adult.package | package | 93398 |
Prida-eyeglasses02-MESH_Fixed_by_selzi.package | package | 53731 |
Uploaded: 1st Jan 2021, 7.58 MB.
Uploaded: 1st Jan 2021, 9.92 MB.
Uploaded: 1st Jan 2021, 9.78 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
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Updated: 8th Mar 2022 at 3:03 AM
#garcia, #penelope, #penelope garcia, #criminal minds, #Garcia, #Penelope, #Baby Girl, #Penelope Garcia, #Technical Analist, #FBI, #Quantico, #Criminal Minds, #thriller, #TV Show, #beautiful, #fashionista, #geek, #Kirsten, #Vangsness, #Kirsten Vangsness
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Apartment Life |
About Me
Exception : Sepia (my first upload), no credit or link necessary
If you wish to repost my sims, ask first.
If the sim is a sim of you, or a character owned by you, you can repost it at will, with credit + link.
If you want to use my content for unrelated projects, ask first.
In any doubt, ask me.