Decor with a Purpose: Functional Tissue Box

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Basegame tissue box: Cry it Out interaction

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Basegame tissue box: Blow Nose interaction

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New custom buff

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New custom negative buff
Now when sims are sad they can "Cry it Out" with tissues instead of crawling into bed. Plus, when your sims have a cold or allergies, they can now blow their nose to get a 4 hour "Temporary Relief" buff in an attempt to offset the symptoms they're experiencing (just don't do it too often or you'll make things worse). This will not make them stop being sick, but it will make them feel better for a little while.
This is an override of a Basegame item, but the "Blow Nose" interaction requires either Get to Work or a supported sickness mod to function. It shouldn't conflict with anything unless you have something else that happens to modify this object specifically. In any case, please let me know if you have any problems with it.
Update 6/28/22:
- Added integration with adeepindigo's GTW Health Overhaul
- Added missing buff from adeepindigo's Healthcare Redux
Past Updates:
Update 6/9/22:
- Added integration with Kuttoe's Lifetime Quirks allergy traits
- Renamed the files to better reflect the mod name
- Please delete your existing files and redownload one of the new zips because the renamed files won’t overwrite the old ones.
- Added Polish translation from Mircul
- Added new French translations from Vanessa Sims. If cilsophie gets back to me with the missing strings I'll add an alternate French translation for anyone who wants to compare them and choose.
- Added a new moodlet so that if a sim blows their nose again before the "Temporary Relief" buff runs out they get a sore nose (because who hasn't experienced this really?)
- Added support for shiningmoonmods's Health System Overhaul
- Added the missing hidden tags for Chinese Simplified.
- Brand new search functionality! I'm slowly adding hidden tags to my objects so you can find them by searching for "Ilex" (that's an uppercase i at the beginning if you can't tell).
- Added Russian translation from Jane_Moriarty
- Added Chinese and Chinese Simplified translations from Awcha
- Behind the scenes fix for my strings. You won't actually see a change in game, but the old way risked conflicting with my own mods as well as others.
- Added Czech translation from Mikaela_Lovett
- Made some modifications that I hope will fix the reported bug with maids moving the object around. It's just a guess though so let me know if you still experience the issue.
- Added another buff from adeepindigo's Healthcare Redux that I guess I missed before. Hopefully this fixes the other reported bug.
- Added "Cry it Out" interaction. It doesn't last as long as crawling into bed, but it will lower sadness a bit and means that you no longer need GTW or a sickness mod to use this object.
- Added the ability to use the object from a sim's inventory. I thought this would be super complicated and then I saw that it's literally one line of XML. I procrastinated it for nothing!
- Added more Slice of Life buffs to the list. It's now checking for allergies and the flu instead of just the "Stuffiness" buff
- Added custom thumbnails for the object so you can tell at a glace where the CC is from.
- Increased the buff duration. I didn't want it to last super long, but in practice 1hr added nothing to my gameplay. So I upped it to 4hrs and that seems better.
- Added the Private Practice hidden cold and flu buffs to the list of buffs detected. It's more intuitive and I think it works better alongside Private Practice medications.
- Discontinued the GTW animation addon. I didn't like the animation and the only feedback I got on it was that it was "weird" so I'm ditching it. It's a pain to update stuff twice anyway so until I find something better it's just the grab animation.
- Okay, I was wrong. I actually did need to update the addon.
- I also didn't update the addon last time even though I should have. So those buffs are in there too now.
- Added a Private Practice buff that I previously missed. If you're not using that mod you can skip this update.
- Added support for IlkaVelle's Allergic to Fur Traits
- Added French translation from cilsophie
- The addon isn't actually changed so you don't need to redownload it. I just wanted to keep the version numbers the same.
Compatibility & Integration:
- This is set to detect sickness and/or allergies from Get to Work, SimRealist's Private Practice, adeepindigo's Healthcare Redux and GTW Health Overhaul, KawaiiStacie's Slice of Life, NateTheL0ser's Misery Traits, Maïa Game's Medications, IlkaVelle's Allergic to Fur, shiningmoonmods's Health System Overhaul, and Kuttoe's Lifetime Quirks. If you don't have GTW but have one of those mods this should work for you.
- Nies's Cooler Sicknesses appears to use the default GTW buffs so that should also work
- I make no promises about other sickness mods since if they don't use GTW buffs this won't do anything. If there's another sickness or allergy mod you'd like to see this work with just send me a request and I'll see what I can do.
- The mod is Basegame compatible but the "Blow Nose" interaction will never appear without GTW or a compatible sickness/allergy mod
- andiberlin has added this item as an addon to their Purchase Medicine Overhaul Mod and Purchasing System Overhaul Mod. The latest versions are available on their Patreon.
Bonus Item: My Functional Bathroom Cabinets includes a cabinet with tissue box functionality if you have this mod.
Despite being my most translated mod, the new strings are still only in:
- English
- Chinese (missing some newer strings)
- Chinese Simplified (missing some newer strings)
- Czech (missing some newer strings)
- French
- Polish
- Russian
Future plans:
- Adding support for additional sickness/allergy mods as I learn about them. Please let me know if you know of one.
Thank you!
- michela1390 - Beta testing
- cilsophie - Original French translation
- Mikaela_Lovett - Czech translation
- Awcha - Chinese and Chinese Simplified translations and sharing with the Chinese community
- Jane_Moriarty - Russian translation
- Vanessa Sims - Updated French translation
- Mircul - Polish translation
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Ilex_ALL_FunctionalTissues.package | package | 252643 |
Uploaded: 29th Jun 2022, 238.8 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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Updated: 29th Jun 2022 at 5:47 AM
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About Me
- If you're an object creator and want to use any of my tuning you totally can. Just link people to my stuff to download it (rather than including it in your download) and send me a link to your work if you want me to share it.
- Don't upload my content anywhere without asking me. I may give permission to my translators to share my mods where they'll be more accessible to non-English speaking players.
I have a Patreon if you want to donate and support me, but none of my functionality mods are locked behind a paywall.
If you want to test my mods in early access, become a translator, or just join my little community you can join my Discord server. The server is also typically the best way to get in touch with me if you have a question or problem.