Better Sleep Autonomy
Better Sleep Autonomy.jpg - width=1024 height=768
Currently 7 modules are available and can be mixed and matched as desired. (Main is always required!)
Main, Wake Up, Morning & Night, Toddlers, and Moods require the base game only. Life Skills requires the Parenthood gamepack and Vampires requires the Vampires gamepack.

Tested with game version 1.105
Tested to the best of my abilities, but there may be bugs. If you notice anything amiss, please let me know in the comments and I'll try to fix it.
2024/3/21 - Version 4.2
- Updated Main module to allow forced sleeping when off the active household's lot and allow non-active Sims to sleep autonomously (as long as there is a bed on the lot)
2024/2/22 - Version 4.1
- Updated Toddlers modules to fix "Tuck In" functionality, which appeared to be not working as intended
2023/12/28 - Version 4.0
- Updated all modules to work with game version 1.103
- The mod no longer uses script files for injecting traits. All modules now require the XML injector by Scumbumbo
- Added Vampires module
- Wake Up module now has two versions, one which supports Vampires and one which doesn't.
2022/3/24 - Version 3.0
- Changed package file names for all modules.
2022/3/01 – Version 2.0
– Created Toddlers module and Toddlers sub-modules
– Added support for Toddlers module to the Main and Morning&Night modules.
2022/1/20 – Version 1.5
Updated Main, WakeUp, and Morning&Night to add support for Preferences Plus by Helaene.
Installation : Unzip and drag the package files into your Sims 4 Mods directory.
Better Sleep Autonomy - Main [required!]
This is the main framework, which simply forces Sims who are *on a lot with a bed and not in bladder or hunger distress to go to bed around midnight, regardless of their energy motive. They'll continue to want to go to bed for about 7 hours**, but the call to bed doesn't cancel other actions and can be easily overwritten by the player, so it shouldn't be intrusive or bothersome. If a Sim gets up to use the toilet and is still in their "sleep window", they'll go back to bed afterwards.
Other modules expand upon this and create different sleeping behaviours depending on a Sim's traits, moods, and lifeskills. Now works with Preferences Plus, by Helaene.
- sims who like naps will nap more frequently.
(*There are now two versions of "main" : V1 is the old version which only allows forced sleeping on the active household's home lot. V2 is the new version which allows forced sleeping on any lot with a bed, which also forces Sims who aren't in the active household to sleep autonomously.)
(**Sims will try to go to bed during a window of about 7 hours, if they're able to. Sims become unable to autonomously go to bed after a certain hour in the morning, which depends on their career.)
Only affects non-vampires*** who are children or older. Sims with the "Never Weary" reward trait are unaffected and I've included a gameplay trait that can be manually added (with cheats) to any Sim, if desired, to prevent enforced sleeping on an individual level.
(***Vampires are included in the vampires module, or the "merged_all" module)
This module doesn't affect waking behaviour. If you'd like to change that, I suggest using it alongside my "wake up" module, or Sleep All Night by Little Ms Sam. Otherwise, Sims will still tend to wake up too early.
Known Issues / Limitations: The time that Sims will ultimately go to sleep is affected by their career schedule. This is mainly of interest if they're going to work at night because that more noticeably alters the default behaviour which defines when Sims will prefer sleeping to napping. Frustratingly, this completely blocks the ability to force to Sims sleep autonomously before or after a certain hour, rather than simply making naps more likely, which could have been worked around. This isn't something my mod can change, as it would require delving into the Python code. So, Sims with nocturnal careers will go to sleep in the early morning hours.
If used without Toddlers module:
– Toddlers will, of course, be unaffected.
– If, during their sleep window, a caregiver is woken by a toddler, the caregiver will go right back to sleep, sometimes repeatedly, rather than tending to the toddler.
If used with Preferences Plus by Helaene:
- There currently appears to be an issue in which sims who dislike naps will sometimes nap when they shouldn't.
- Sims who like naps seem to be unable to sleep instead of nap.
Compatibility: This module (main) requires no expansion packs or game packs, and should be compatible with all other mods.
Better Sleep Autonomy – Toddlers
This module and its optional sub-modules extend the functionality of Better Sleep Autonomy to toddlers in a slightly different and more complicated manner.
Highly suggested to use with my Toddlers Can Claim Beds
Toddlers Main (REQUIRED for toddler support)
Important! If you use with Toddlers Wake Up, make sure you download and use the "plain" version of Toddlers. (Default Wake Up Behaviour version is only for if you do not use the Toddlers Wake Up module.)
With Toddlers_Main installed, caregivers will have two new interactions available on toddlers—“It’s Bed Time” and “Time For A Nap”.
Starting at 9PM, toddlers will be told to go to bed by a valid caregiver. They will route to their preferred bed and sleep, regardless of their energy motive, and will be tucked in afterwards if a caregiver is available.
Any time before about 7PM, if a toddler has yellow energy or lower, a caregiver will tell them to take a nap. They’ll go to their preferred bed and use a new nap interaction which lasts between 60 to 80 sim minutes and raises their energy faster than a default nap.
Depending on traits and skill levels, toddlers will nap or go to bed on their own. Sometimes this is the result of default game autonomy (which remains unaltered), but the new functionality also takes their traits and skills into account when deciding which toddlers need to be instructed to sleep by caregivers. Unless their energy is very low, toddlers who are considered independent won’t be instructed by caregivers.
1. These interactions are a workaround for the fact that the default “Put To Bed” interaction doesn’t allow for selection of a toddler’s preferred bed (if one exists) and instead takes a toddler to a random bed, sometimes even resulting in bugs where a caregiver tries to put a toddler in a bed that’s already in use, causing the interaction to fail—often repeatedly. This is noticeable when playing multi-toddler households.
2. Valid caregivers are sims with Hunger or Bladder above orange and Energy above red who are...
– Parents (step or biological) or assigned caregivers who lack the following traits: Hates Children, Self-Absorbed, Irresponsible
– Any sim teen or older who possesses the following traits: Family-Oriented, Good, Responsible.
Notes: A minor’s “responsibility” is determined based on their current responsibility statistic. Children with Family-Oriented, Good, and/or high responsibility are also valid to tell toddlers to go to bed, but aren’t valid to tuck them in.
3. Caregivers are considered available to tuck in a toddler if their Hunger, Bladder, and Energy are above yellow.
4. Independent toddlers are:
– toddlers with the Independent trait with a thinking skill of at least 2
– Inquisitive toddlers with thinking, communication, and movement of 3 or higher
– all non-Fussy/non-Clingy/non-Wild toddlers with thinking, communication, and movement of 5
Fussy, Clingy, and (non-Inquisitive or non-Independent) Wild toddlers will always need to be told to go to bed.
buff_toddlerBed_HasBeen_TuckedIn - duration changed from 120 to 600 sim minutes
bed_Toddler_TuckIn - new static commodity added to commodities list
bed_Sleep_Toddler_Autonomous - new static commodities added to commodities list / (modded wake up version) energy motive gain increased from 0.25 to 0.40 & wake up conditions changed
sim_Toddler_WakeUp - added better support for Better Sleep Autonomy behaviour so valid caregivers won't immediately go back to sleep after being woken by a toddler.
Will be incompatible with any mods which also use the above resources!
Toddlers – Wake Up
Toddlers_WakeUp overrides default toddler wake up behaviour with a new and more detailed system.
Depending on traits and skills, toddlers will either wake up randomly at some point after their energy is filled, or they’ll sleep soundly until at least 7AM. Toddlers are defined as well-behaved, average, or unruly depending on their traits and skill levels., which affects how likely they are to wake up before morning. Well-behaved toddlers will sleep through the night unless woken by motive distress or a nightmare.
1. Default game wake up behaviour does reflect a toddler’s skill levels and traits to some degree, but, like older sims, without a mod, toddlers will always wake up around two hours after their energy is full and won’t sleep in any longer than that. With this mod, a well-behaved toddler will always sleep in until at least 7AM, regardless of energy.
2. Definition of toddler personality types…
Well-behaved toddlers are:
– Angelic toddlers
– Charmer toddlers with thinking and communication of 2 or higher
– Any non-Fussy, non-Wild toddler with a thinking and communication of 5.
Unruly toddlers are:
– Fussy toddlers
– Wild toddlers
– Independent toddlers with a communication skill of 2 or lower
Average toddlers are:
– All toddlers who don’t fit in the other two categories.
Toddlers – Extras
An optional sub-module for Toddlers, which overrides a few more base game resources.
– Overrides the default nap interaction to change the energy gain from 0.25 to 0.50 and add my new static commodity to the commodity list (just in case my new “nap” isn’t valid in a particular situation for whatever reason and this interaction is needed) [resource: bed_Nap_Toddler ]
– Overrides the default “Check Toddler” interactions in order to replace the default “Put To Bed” autonomy with my new interactions for better integration and compatibility. (Without this override, sims will use the default put to bed interaction whenever they check a toddler and discover the toddler’s energy is in the yellow. The default interaction won’t respect a toddler’s preferred bed.)
[resources: sim_Toddler_CheckToddler & sim_Toddler_CheckToddler_Emergency]
-Overrides the default "Carry Toddler to Bed" interaction in order to call my custom interaction, instead, with the hope of avoiding the frustrating situation of a caregiver carrying a toddler to an incorrect bed and/or getting stuck in an endless loop due to not respecting the preferred bed of the toddler.
[resources: socialSuperInteraction_CarryPickUp_ToBed_Energy_Motive_Solve ]
Better Sleep Autonomy - Wake Up
Expansion module for Better Sleep Autonomy. This mod changes when Sims autonomously get out of bed.
Without mods, Sims will wake up two hours after their energy is full or an hour or two before work or school, whichever occurs earlier.
With this mod, they'll instead sleep at least 7 hours* from the time they go to bed. (*Unless work or school comes sooner.) A Sim's wake up time is influenced by their job or school. Average Sims will always wake up at least one hour before they need to go to work or school. If their energy is filled, they'll wake up two hours before work or school. Unemployed Sims will wake up at 8AM. Lazy Sims will sleep an additional 4 hours after their energy motive is full.
This behaviour is further expanded upon if used in combination with the Morning & Night module. Morning Sims will wake up around 5AM and Night Owls will wake up no earlier than 12PM (unless forced by work or school). Now works with Preferences Plus by Helaene.
[infobutton=if used with Preferences Plus]
- sims who dislike morning will prefer to sleep later.
If used with the Life Skills module, a Sim's responsibility will affect their wake up time in relation to when they need to be at work or school. Unemployed Sims are free to sleep as long as their sleep cycle dictates.
Only changes the wake up behaviour of *non-vampire Sims who are children or older.
(*In Version 4.0 I've added support for Vampires. If you don't wish to alter vampires, or don't have the vampires gamepack, make sure to download one of the "no vampires" versions.)
Known Issues / Limitations : I'd intended for Lazy Sims (and Irresponsible Sims, if used with the Life Skills module) to sleep in and risk missing work or school, but sleep is always cleared from a Sim's action queue for the "go to work/school" interaction. The only exception to this in my testing is if a Sim's energy motive is sufficiently low, the call to work or school will remain higher in the queue without forcing out "sleep".
This appears to be hard-coded in the career super interaction and would likely require delving into the Python code to alter the behaviour. So, unfortunately, unless their energy is extremely low, Sims will always wake up to go to work or school.
Compatibility: !IMPORTANT! Uses XML interaction tuning "bed_sleep" and will be incompatible with any other mod which also uses this resource. Should be compatible with all other mods. Compatible with Little Ms Sam's Sleep All Night, which will still affect vampires and toddlers, if you don't have my vampires or toddlers modules installed. In the case that you've installed all modules of my mod, no errors will happen, but Little Ms Sam's Sleep All Night will become redundant.
Better Sleep Autonomy - Morning & Night
This mod causes Sims with "Morning Sim" or "Night Owl" to go to bed at different times. Morning Sims will go to bed after 9PM and Night Owls will go to bed after 3AM. A Sim's career will affect the timing. A Night Owl on a night-shift job will stay up until about 6AM, whereas a Night Owl with a typical daytime job (or unemployed) will go to bed around 3AM.
If used with Preferences Plus by Helaene:
Sims who like both morning and night will conform to the default sleep schedule unless they are also assigned the Morning Sim or Night Owl reward traits, which will control their schedule.
Sims who dislike both morning and night will not conform to any particular sleep schedule unless they're also assigned the Morning Sim or Night Owl reward traits, which will control their schedule.
Known Issues / Limitations : Waking behaviour is unaffected without the Wake Up module, so Morning Sims won't wake up as early as they should.
Compatibility / Requirements : This module (Morning & Night) requires no expansions or game packs and should be compatible with all other mods.
Better Sleep Autonomy - Moods
Expansion module for Better Sleep Autonomy . This mod causes a Sim's moods to affect their sleeping behaviour in the following ways:
⦁ Children and Childish Sims won't autonomously sleep when playful, energized, or scared.
⦁ Teens, Perfectionists, and Outgoing Sims won't autonomously sleep when embarrassed.
⦁ Children, Teens, and Hot-Headed Sims won't autonomously sleep when angry.
⦁ Adults, Perfectionists, and Ambitious Sims won't autonomously sleep when stressed.
⦁ Genius Sims won't autonomously sleep when focused.
⦁ Creative Sims won't autonomously sleep when inspired.
⦁ Romantic Sims won't autonomously sleep when flirty.
⦁ Gloomy Sims won't autonomously sleep when sad.
⦁ Active Sims won't autonomously sleep when energized.
If used in combination with Life Skills, a Sim's responsibility and emotional control will further influence how much effect moods have on individual Sims.
Compatibility / Requirements : This module (Moods) requires only the basegame. Should be compatible with all other mods.
Better Sleep Autonomy - Life Skills
Expansion module for Better Sleep Autonomy. This mod causes a Sim's responsibility and emotional control to affect their sleeping behaviour. Doesn't do much on its own, but when used in combination with Wake Up and/or Moods, will have the following effects :
⦁ Irresponsible Sims won't conform to a schedule. They'll go to bed whenever they like and wake up whenever their energy is full. They'll only wake up for work/school at the very last minute. (Basically, irresponsible Sims have the default Sims 4 sleeping behaviour, except that they won't sleep for an additional 2 hours after their energy is full.)
⦁ Responsible Sims will always wake up at least 2 hours before work/school, regardless of their energy motive.
⦁ (with Moods module) Emotionally Controlled Sims will be able to autonomously sleep regardless of their mood.
⦁ (with Moods module) Sims with Uncontrolled Emotions will find it more difficult to fall asleep and won't autonomously sleep if they're angry, sad, stressed, embarrassed, energized, or focused. (They can still be commanded to sleep.) Teens and Young Adults with poor emotional control will also not want to sleep when feeling flirty. Goofballs with poor emotional control won't want to sleep when feeling playful.
Young Adults, Adults, and Elders are affected based on their traits, while Children and Teens are affected based on their current character values.
Known Issues / Limitations : Due to the default code related to schedules, which controls when a Sim is allowed to autonomously sleep rather than nap, irresponsible Sims will not behave the way I intended. I wanted them to just go to sleep (no naps) whenever they're tired, which is, sadly, not possible without digging into the Python code. On a typical daytime career schedule, an irresponsible Sim will tend to go to bed very early and/or just nap rather than sleep, which is quite annoying. I intended irresponsible Sims to be erratic, but more likely to stay up late and sleep most of the day.
Compatibility / Requirements : This module (Life Skills) requires the Parenthood game pack. Should be compatible with all other mods.
Better Sleep Autonomy – Vampires
Expansion module for Better Sleep Autonomy. This mod causes Vampire sims to go to sleep around 8AM. Whether they’re employed or attending school may affect this, however.
When used alongside the Wake Up (Vampire Support) module, Vampires should wake up around 4PM. They may wake up earlier to go to work or school.
Known Issues / Limitations : I’ve admittedly not had the time to thoroughly test this module and am not sure if there are any bugs or unintended behaviour. The module is basically a “beta” version.
Compatibility / Requirements : This module requires the Vampires game pack. Should be compatible with all other mods.
Future Plans:
⦁Try adding a new sleep super interaction which will override the limits imposed on the default interaction and allow Irresponsible Sims to sleep whenever they please :D
⦁Add better support for baby & infant care to that ensure caregivers will not simply go to bed and ignore their babies, which is very likely the current situation!
⦁Add a new module for manually specifying the sleep / wake time of individual sims.
Feel free to leave feedback and suggestions! If you enjoy this mod please click "thanks"!

Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy-Main.package | package | 35497 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy_Merged_All.package | package | 286165 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy_Merged_All_NoVampires.package | package | 272833 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy_Merged_Toddlers.package | package | 124967 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy-Main.package | package | 35495 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy_WakeUp (Vampire Support).zip | zip | |
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy-WakeUp.package | package | 33336 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy_WakeUp (No Vampire Support).zip | zip | |
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy-WakeUp.package | package | 32266 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy_Morning& | zip | |
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy-Morning&Night.package | package | 31054 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy-Moods.package | package | 27497 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy-LifeSkills.package | package | 19735 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy-Vampires.package | package | 12131 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy-Toddlers.package | package | 93570 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy-ToddlersWakeUp.package | package | 11344 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy-ToddlersExtras.package | package | 20835 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy-Toddlers.package | package | 93683 |
Note from the Creator:
Optionally, you can instead download a Merged version to reduce the amount of individual package files in your mods folder.
Merged-All includes all modules of Better Sleep Autonomy in a single package.
Toddlers specific instructions: select one version of Toddlers -> "Toddlers" or "Toddlers_DefaultWakeUp" and the sub-modules you desire.
ModdedWakeUp version (simply called "Toddlers") is required if you want to use Toddlers_WakeUp. If you don't want to use Toddlers_WakeUp, you should select Toddlers_DefaultWakeUp. Select Toddlers_Extras, if desired. Explanation of functionality is included in the detailed information of the main page.
There is additionally the option of using Merged-Toddlers instead, if you'd like to reduce the amount of individual package files in your mods folder.
| Choose one version of "Main" unless using a "merged_all". This is V2 of the Main module, which allows sleeping on any lot with a bed, as opposed to the old behaviour, which only functioned on the active household's home lot.
Uploaded: 21st Mar 2024, 24.9 KB.
| all individual modules merged into a single package (includes V2 of "main" which allows sleeping on any lot with a bed)
Uploaded: 21st Mar 2024, 212.2 KB.
| all individual modules merged into a single package without any functionality related to Vampires (includes V2 of Main, which allows sleeping on any lot with a bed)
Uploaded: 21st Mar 2024, 202.8 KB.
| includes all Toddlers modules in a single package file - still requires Main module (either V1 or V2) and other desired modules for older sims!
Uploaded: 22nd Feb 2024, 93.8 KB.
| main module (V1 which is the old version which only allows forced sleeping on active household's home lot) - always required unless using "Merged-All" or "Merged-All-NoVampires"
Uploaded: 28th Dec 2023, 24.9 KB.
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy_WakeUp (Vampire Support).zip
| Choose this version if you want to use the Vampires module
Uploaded: 28th Dec 2023, 24.5 KB.
Mokunoid_BetterSleepAutonomy_WakeUp (No Vampire Support).zip
| Choose this version if you don't want to use the Vampires module
Uploaded: 28th Dec 2023, 23.5 KB.
Uploaded: 28th Dec 2023, 25.3 KB.
Uploaded: 28th Dec 2023, 22.6 KB.
| requires Parenthood Gamepack
Uploaded: 28th Dec 2023, 14.4 KB.
Uploaded: 22nd Feb 2024, 9.8 KB.
| This version is required if you want to use ToddlersWakeUp
Uploaded: 28th Dec 2023, 68.0 KB.
| This version is required if you use the "plain" Toddlers module (which is the modded wakeup version)
Uploaded: 28th Dec 2023, 8.3 KB.
| Optional module with more default overrides
Uploaded: 28th Dec 2023, 19.1 KB.
| Choose this version if you don't want to use "ToddlersWakeUp" module and prefer to keep the default wake up behaviour
Uploaded: 28th Dec 2023, 68.1 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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Updated: 21st Mar 2024 at 7:56 PM
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About Me
He prefers focusing on trait mods, gameplay mods, and tuning mods which make Sim behaviour more interesting, realistic, and enjoyable. He's open to suggestions and mod requests! Especially if you're kind enough to follow him on Ko-Fi. ;)