Tourist Tee Shirts (male) for Each World
Tourist Tee.png - width=824 height=1094
Henford w On-Bagley.png - width=1296 height=1266
"No, we have to face opposite directions or they won't get it."
Mt Komorebi and Oasis Springs.png - width=1002 height=1178
"Brrrr; Why didn't he make sweatshirts instead of just tee shirts?"
Willow Creek and Tartosa.png - width=984 height=1328
"I wish there were sand castle contests here."
Del Sol Valley and Granite Falls.png - width=1170 height=1256
"Do we really need to see Judith Ward's star, when she walks by the house every day?"
Strangerville and Selvadorado.png - width=1130 height=1236
"Well, I'm from Windenburg and he's from Tartosa, so, yes, we ARE aliens."
SanMyshuno and EvergreenHarbor.png - width=1338 height=1012
"City bars are always open but you can never find a bartender."
FHollow and Newcrest.png - width=968 height=1146
"I told you this was bad idea."
WIndenburg and Sulani.png - width=1104 height=1276
"It's not fancy, but the fizzies taste the same."
Brindelton Bay and Glimmerbrook.png - width=1268 height=1262
Britechester.png - width=1134 height=1136
"We should probably improve our Simlish before we think about applying to either school."
The Bureau of SimTourism (which brought you the Sim World Tourist Signs) has commissioned souvenir tee shirts for each world in the Sims(except Magnolia Promenade, where local ordinance prohibits civic pride). Each is emblazoned with the familiar and picturesque emblem of the world and its name, on both the back and front of the shirt, in a complementary color.
Though they have only one style (plain white), its uses are many!
- Tourists can wear them as souvenirs of their visits to exotic destinations like Sulani, Mt. Komorebi, or Selvadorado.
- The trendy can wear them as signs of their familiarity with fashionable locales like Tartosa, San Myshuno, and Del Sol Valley.
- Civic boosters can show their support for their home communities of Willow Brook, Oasis Springs, and Brindleton Bay.
- The edgy can sport their allegiance to outre spots like Forgotten Hollow, Glimmerbrook, and Strangerville.
- The educated can signal their erudition with the emblems of Britechester, Windenburg, and Evergreen Harbor.
- And iconoclasts can demonstrate their apathy for the opinions of others with tee shirts for Granite Falls, Newcrest, or Henford-on-Bagley.
If there are other products the public would enjoy using these emblems (e.g., banners, posters), contact the Bureau of SimTourism in the comments and we will consider budgeting for them!
| Tourist Tee-Shirt for Each World
Uploaded: 16th May 2022, 1.72 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Need more information?
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
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Updated: 16th May 2022 at 10:23 PM
#Willow Creek, #Oasis Springs, #Brindleton Bay, #Strangerville, #Forgotten Hollow, #Henford-on-Bagley, #Del Sol Valley, #Glimmerbrook, #Windenburg, #Tartosa, #Sulani, #Granite Falls, #Newcrest, #Evergreen Harbor, #Selvadorado, #Britechester, #Mt. Komorebi, #San Myshuno, #to
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