Loading Screen Randomizer (v2.0)
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- I personally tested it on my machine and it works properly. Your mileage may vary, so please don't hesitate to tell me when anything happens.
- If you're content using the v1 / console version and used this program before when it's below version 1.3, please update any older versions with the newest version (1.3 and above). Newest version is backward compatible and will fix any issues found on earlier versions. Just paste and overwrite the old program.
- Windows Security / Windows Defender might detect your downloaded version as "potentially harmful software". I have confirmed that this is a problem on Windows Defender Machine Learning algorithm, due to how the program works on detecting multiple loading screens. I'm still in the process of testing with Microsoft, but in the meantime, you can ignore the message, or download the 1.1 version instead.
- This program need .NET 6.0 to run. It ensures the program became lightweight. I tried to make it standalone, but the size is ginormous and impractical.
I initially put my email on a comment if anyone wants this functionality, and I'm quite surprised when I actually got several emails over the years. After years of procrastinating, I (finally) uploaded the program here. This is a simple program that I slapped together in my spare time, and it was only tested on my game, which was on ITF EP and patch 1.69, but it should work on any version. You also need to download some loading screens .package files. One such example is the latest Simm@'s Variable Loading Screen mod.

- Extract this attachment to your Mods folder, but NOT inside the Package folder. You should now have 3 folders (Packages, Overrides, and a new Loading folder) with 5 files (RandomLoadingScreen.exe, options.txt, RLSOption.exe, rls.ico, and check_requirements.cmd). Do not delete any of them, for now. Take a look at the screenshot above if you're confused where the files were supposed to be.
- Run the check_requirements.cmd to check if .NET 6.0 has been installed on your system. The program cannot run without this. If you have it installed, feel free to delete this file.
- Put any loading screens you want the program to randomize inside the Loading folder. The files should be in (.package) extension. Check the Thank you section below for the files examples.
- Open the RLSOption.exe. This should be a one time process, unless problem arises. Set the action and the program location using GUI, and save the option. You can also make shortcut in this program.
Now, every time you want to play the game, open the program file RandomLoadingScreen.exe or run it through the shortcut generated by RLSOption. This program will pick a loading screen package at random and put it into the Packages folder each time you open it. Have fun!
Usage Steps for v1 (for archiving purposes):
- Extract this attachment to your Mods folder, but NOT inside the Package folder. You should now have 3 folders (Packages, Overrides, and a new Loading folder) with 2 files (RandomLoadingScreen.exe and options.txt). Do not delete any of them.
- Put any loading screens you want the program to randomize inside the Loading folder. The files should be in (.package) extension. Check the Thank you section below for the files examples.
- Open the options.txt file and copy your game directory inside.
- (Optional) Make a shortcut to the .exe file and you can put it on your Desktop
Now, every time you want to play the game, open the program file RandomLoadingScreen.exe or the shortcut you made. This program will pick a loading screen package at random and put it into the Packages folder each time you open it. Have fun!
WARNING : While this program is supposedly pretty much harmless (as explained below), in some very rare edge cases, it might do something unexpected in your Packages folder. While I will help any problem arise, I simply cannot take responsibility for any loss or damages caused directly or indirectly by this program. Do a quick backup on your Packages folder in the first run, and if the first run is safe, the subsequent runs will also be safe. This program is provided "AS IS," with no warranties or guarantees. I am not liable for any issues, damages, or consequences arising from its use. Use at your own risk. Enjoy the randomizer and have fun!
How this program works :
- The program will pick one of the loading screens inside the Loading folder
- The program will also check if a loading screen .package file inside your Packages folder. If the program found one, it will delete it
- The program will copy and paste the selected random loading screen to the Package folder, adding "MTS_Randomizer_" prefix to the file name
- The program will start the game
Thank you :
Thanks to Sammy Gabriel (Mastersan244) for the help on testing this program and spot (m)any peculiarities when testing
Thanks to Simm@ for the loading screens! : https://modthesims.info/d/465870/va...the-future.html
OhRudi and LimeyYoshi have provided loading screens with flavor text (the running text at the bottom) included as well. You can download them here:
Thanks to thesammy58 for the file location screenshot
And leave a comment if there's any problem, or if you need help with the program.
Changelogs :
- Option are now in GUI. The GUI can help you choose actions and detect mod(s) that might interfere with the randomizer.
- Options to launch either TS3W.exe, Steam version, or other programs altogether after randomization process.
- No changes related to TS3. This version change is exclusively for TS4 mod handling.
- Added exception for Gamefreak130's Loading Screen Overhaul mod
- Add handling for multiple loading screen .packages detected on Package folder (beta, please comment if you find any irregularities in this feature)
- Remove debug text
- No need to download or install any other program to make this work.
- Easier usage steps and much clearer error messages
- Added support to all loading screen packages
Filename | Type | Size |
RandomLoadingScreen-1.4.rar | rar | |
options.txt | txt | 184 |
RandomLoadingScreen.exe | exe | 61393458 |
Filename | Type | Size |
RandomLoadingScreen-1.1.rar | rar | |
options.txt | txt | 136 |
RandomLoadingScreen.exe | exe | 61388338 |
Filename | Type | Size |
RandomLoadingScreen.zip | zip | |
rls.ico | ico | 10004 |
RLSOption.exe | exe | 189991 |
check_requirements.cmd | cmd | 1365 |
RandomLoadingScreen.exe | exe | 153068 |
options.txt | txt | 229 |
Custom installation instructions! READ ME!
In addition to the normal installation instructions, this download also has a custom instruction, as follows:
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. - Extract this attachment to your Mods folder, but NOT inside the Package folder. You should now have 3 folders (Packages, Overrides, and a new Loading folder) with 5 files (RandomLoadingScreen.exe, options.txt, RLSOption.exe, rls.ico, and check_requirements.cmd). Do not delete any of them, for now.
- Run the check_requirements.cmd to check if .NET 6.0 has been installed on your system. The program cannot run without this. If you have it installed, feel free to delete this file.
- Put any loading screens you want the program to randomize inside the Loading folder. The files should be in (.package) extension. Check the Thank you section below for the files examples.
- Open the RLSOption.exe. This should be a one time process, unless problem arises. Set the action and the program location using GUI, and save the option. You can also make shortcut in this program.
Need more information?
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
Uploaded: 10th Jan 2024, 186.4 KB.
Uploaded: 23rd Jul 2023, 19.88 MB.
Uploaded: 23rd Jul 2023, 19.91 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. - Extract this attachment to your Mods folder, but NOT inside the Package folder. You should now have 3 folders (Packages, Overrides, and a new Loading folder) with 5 files (RandomLoadingScreen.exe, options.txt, RLSOption.exe, rls.ico, and check_requirements.cmd). Do not delete any of them, for now.
- Run the check_requirements.cmd to check if .NET 6.0 has been installed on your system. The program cannot run without this. If you have it installed, feel free to delete this file.
- Put any loading screens you want the program to randomize inside the Loading folder. The files should be in (.package) extension. Check the Thank you section below for the files examples.
- Open the RLSOption.exe. This should be a one time process, unless problem arises. Set the action and the program location using GUI, and save the option. You can also make shortcut in this program.
Need more information?
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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Updated: 19th Apr 2024 at 4:54 AM
#Loading, #Screen, #LoadingScreen, #Random, #Randomizer, #Random Loading Screen, #Variable
OhRudi and LimeyYoshi have provided loading screens with flavor text (the running text at the bottom) included as well. You can download them here:
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About Me
Tesuto here. I'm mostly lurking and enjoying many contents on MTS, but in one way or another, some people love the silly program I made a long time ago, and I'm maintaining that silly program now. Nice to meet ya!