World Loading Screen Overhaul (UPDATED: 23 February 2018)
SV.png - width=1920 height=1080
Riverview.png - width=1920 height=1080
BB.png - width=1920 height=1080
HS.png - width=1920 height=1080
LL.png - width=1920 height=1080
LP.png - width=1920 height=1080
ST.png - width=1920 height=1080
MV.png - width=1920 height=1080
AS.png - width=1920 height=1080
DV.png - width=1920 height=1080
MH.png - width=1920 height=1080
RH.png - width=1920 height=1080
tutorial.PNG - width=1280 height=948
tutorial1.PNG - width=1280 height=948
tutorial2.PNG - width=1186 height=713
tutorial3.PNG - width=510 height=270
tutorial4.PNG - width=510 height=270
tutorial5.PNG - width=792 height=351
tutorial6.PNG - width=792 height=344
tutorial7.PNG - width=1920 height=1080
tutorialNote.PNG - width=793 height=421

The pure scripting re-release can be found here.
23 February 2018: Uploaded XCAS-compatible mod versions (See "Compatibility and Uninstallation" for more info)
19 February 2018: Day one patch, anyone? Uploaded 1.67 compatible mod versions; use the right one for your current game version.

Let's get something out of the way right now: the base game world loading screen is boring. REALLY boring. Despite this, EA created no official loading screens for use with their store worlds and no way for users to create their own loading screens for custom worlds.
I decided to fix that.

What Is This Mod?
This is a core mod that rewrites the world loading screen controller to use custom loading screens for Sunset Valley and all EA store worlds instead of the default world loading screen. It also provides a framework for creating loading screens for custom worlds and overriding EA's default world loading screens.
No store worlds or expansion packs are required for this mod to run. If you do not have a particular world installed, you simply won't ever see that particular loading screen in-game.
IMAG File Name | World Name |
World_Loading_SV | Sunset Valley (Base Game) |
World_Loading_Riverview | Riverview |
World_Loading_BB | Barnacle Bay |
World_Loading_HS | Hidden Springs |
World_Loading_LL | Lunar Lakes |
World_Loading_LP | Lucky Palms |
World_Loading_ST | Sunlit Tides |
World_Loading_MV | Monte Vista |
World_Loading_AS | Aurora Skies |
World_Loading_DV | Dragon Valley |
World_Loading_MH | Midnight Hollow |
World_Loading_RH | Roaring Heights |
Overriding Existing Loading Screens
Copies of all EA default loading screens (as well as the default main menu background image) are included in the mod. To replace these images or the provided loading screens for EA store worlds with you own, do the following (instructions are lovingly taken from mikey's Base Game & EP World Loading Screens mod):
The DefaultLoadGameScreen, DefaultNewGameLoadScreen, DefaultTravelLoadScreen, and GameEntryMainMenu resources have additional graphic information included in them, and require a slightly different procedure:
Adding Loading Screens For Custom Worlds
Before beginning, ensure that the image you wish to use as a loading screen is a 1024x768 PNG file. If it is not, it must be converted or cropped through your preferred image editing program.
The following uses Pyronium3's amazing Setra as an example:
1. Open the package file in S3PE
2. Click on Resource > Import > From File... (or press Ctrl-Shift-M)
3. Select the image file you wish to use (in this case, "World_Loading_Setra.PNG")
4. In the Resource Details screen, select IMAG (0x2F7D0004) as the type and enter 0 as the group
5. Enter a unique name for your image (in this case, "World_Loading_Setra") and click "FNV64" to generate an instance ID
6. Click "OK" to save the image into the package
7. Right click the "CustomLoadingScreens" _XML resource and open it in Notepad or your preferred text editor
8. Within the "WorldName" tags, enter the full name of the world as it would appear in the new game world selection screen (in this case, "Setra")
9. Within the "PicFileName" tags, enter the full name of the IMAG file you wish to use as it appears in S3PE (in this case, "World_Loading_Setra")
10. Close the text editor and save the package
Success! Your custom loading screen should now be in-game!
Note: if you wish to create more than one custom world loading screen, you must create a new set of "World," "WorldName," and "PicFileName" tags for EACH WORLD!
Compatibility and Uninstallation
Be sure to use the mod version that is compatible with your current game version. This mod will most likely not work with game versions earlier than 1.67; do so at your own risk.
As stated earlier, NO expansions or store worlds are required for this mod to run.
As this is a core mod, some special considerations must be taken regarding compatibility. This mod overrides the following resources, and will conflict with any mod that does the same:
- 0x54CBD784C0156B99: World_Loading_Beijing
- 0xD11D50C07C51175F: World_Loading_Cairo
- 0xF631DC614E3DC882: World_Loading_Paris
- 0xAEF226B6BA4D25E3: World_Loading_Bridgeport
- 0x54FDF7DF984D17D0: World_Loading_EP6World
- 0x694975B94DD51F97: World_Loading_EP7World
- 0xF7D2868047E7E1C1: World_Loading_University
- 0x474187408059E4FC: EP10_World_Loading_Screen
- 0xA547D5DE27F26E72: EP5_World_Loading_Screen
- 0xD052A3408FDF82C8: World_Loading_Future
- 0xCA60B97D8A8D6070: World_Loading_Twinbrook
- 0xE228A0CDF82243C0: ATLAS_NewGameLoadingScreen_00
- 0x78B0A51665D3FCB0: ATLAS_GameLoadingScreen_00
- 0x69A9BD04B622EED2: ATLAS_TravelLoadingScreen_00
- 0xD4C492FE84FF892E: ATLAS_GameEntryMainMenu_00
- AwesomeMod: Conflict
- CMarNYC's XCAS: No Conflict (See Below)
- NRaas ErrorTrap: No Conflict
- Consort's 2x Weight & Fitness Integration: No Conflict
- NRaas UntranslatedKey: No Conflict
Uninstallation should not cause any problems -- simply remove the mod from the packages folder. All world loading screens will revert to EA default.

None yet, surprisingly.
Additional Credits
Mikey for his loading screen replacement mod, which served as an inspiration for this mod
Arsil and anagy00000 for their insights on custom world loading screens
Various modders and their scripting tutorials scattered throughout the Interwebs
Delphy for keeping this site up and running
My many test sims for putting up with my nonsense
And you, for checking out this mod!
| Use this if your game version is 1.67 (with Steam) and you have XCAS Full (but not Awesome) installed
Uploaded: 23rd Feb 2018, 20.84 MB.
| Use this if your game version is 1.67 (without Steam) and you have XCAS Full (but not Awesome) installed
Uploaded: 23rd Feb 2018, 20.84 MB.
| Use this if your game version is 1.69.43 and you have XCAS Full (but not Awesome) installed
Uploaded: 23rd Feb 2018, 20.84 MB.
| Use this if your game version is 1.67 (with Steam) and you have XCAS Basic (but not Awesome) installed
Uploaded: 23rd Feb 2018, 20.84 MB.
| Use this if your game is version 1.67 (without Steam) and you have XCAS Basic (but not Awesome) installed
Uploaded: 23rd Feb 2018, 20.84 MB.
| Use this if your game version is 1.69.43 and you have XCAS Basic (but not Awesome) installed
Uploaded: 23rd Feb 2018, 20.84 MB.
| Use this if your game version is 1.67 (with Steam) and you do not have Awesome or XCAS installed
Uploaded: 19th Feb 2018, 20.85 MB.
| Use this if your game version is 1.67 (without Steam) and you do not have Awesome or XCAS installed
Uploaded: 19th Feb 2018, 20.85 MB.
| Use this if your game version is 1.69.43 and you do not have Awesome or XCAS installed
Uploaded: 19th Feb 2018, 20.85 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 24th Feb 2020 at 12:26 AM - Obsoleted
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About Me
I typically keep my Github repos private, but I'm happy to share my source code if you ask nicely.