Pokémon GO Major!
pogomajor.png - width=1049 height=1049
Cool guy with a cap catching the 'mons while girl in background is upset that she's not hip anymore.
alticon.png - width=250 height=300
There is an alternative icon version for the Starship UI!
majortitles.png - width=1010 height=640
All the major titles, class hours and skill requirements.
Pokémon GO (or PoGO as I often abbreviate it) is a 2016 mobile game developed by Niantic Inc. and published by The Pokémon Company / Nintendo. As a player since release date, I have been quite passionate about this little time passer on the go - more so during my years as a University student; as I was in my fourth semester when it came out, I have fond memories of playing this game between or after my classes.
I thought: If students like me would spend so much time playing PoGO, ditching cars and buses in favour of walking to places instead, why shouldn't Sims University offer some classes to hone one's PoGO skills - and use those skills to gain benefits in future careers?
I am aware of the existence of a Pokémon GO major outside of MTS, but it's from 2016 and the game received many new features (and changed its main focus) since; also I simply did not like the class titles (I like 'em with some humour in between), class hours, associated careers, and most importantly, the major's icon that is shown on the Sim's major overview does not suit the game's artwork style at all.
Thus, I went to work on my first ever major of my own, and after testing that all works as intended, I am proud to show it off!

Pokémon GO: the study of the game that demands to eat up your free time and sell your soul to Niantic, Inc. Hone your phone-tapping skills, make lots of friends and reach for the top (of the GO Battle League leaderboards). Required class materials: a Pokémon GO Plus +, comfortable trainers, and the newest phone on the market because nothing else will suffice.
During this major, you will learn all it takes to become a Pokémon GO Master (and not one of the Team GO Rocket baddies!), from catching, battling, raiding to styling your in-game avatar. Your final year will even take you to a Pokémon GO Fest! I bet you can't wait to spend eight hours in the scorching sun of a city you never visited before.
The major has a unique GUID of 0x00D42E4C, and thus will not overwrite any other major, including the one is is cloned from.
The major icon is the stylised "O" from the "GO" in "Pokémon GO" converted by me into a Sims 2 style. Unlike most majors on here, I made a second, separate version for usage with the Starship UI, as all of the game's own majors got their icons recoloured to fit the Starship UI palette.

The major is cloned from Mathematics. Thus, after getting a Pokémon GO degree, you will get a headstart in following careers:
- Gamer, if you just want to keep playing for a living;
- Science, if you decide you'd like to get behind why a Pokéball is much larger on the inside;
- Natural Science, if you're fascinated by the natural living ways of the little monsters;
- Criminal, if you DO fall for Team GO Rocket's evil schemes and choose to join Giovanni, Arlo, Cliff and Sierra; and
- Architecture, if you want to help construct Pokémon Centers and Item Stores. ...ok, admittedly this one is the weakest fit.

To get a Pokémon GO degree, Sims will need to work on their Body, Logic, Charisma and Creativity skills. Why did I choose these?
- Body is an obvious one. You will walk a lot to catch Pokémon and reach the various Places of Interest within the game's map, which is based on the real map. It's less about the raw strength and more about endurance, though.
- Logic and Creativity are needed to assemble the correct Pokémon battle team for the given situation, whether it is a Raid Battle or a Trainer Battle, and assign resources wisely to make your Pokémon team stronger. Especially in Trainer Battles, thinking outside the box can win those battles, but in Raid Battles it's usually best to stick to the best Pokémon according to various rankings found online.
- Charisma is needed to make good friends at events such as the monthly Community Day, Pokémon GO Fests, or just to walk together with to enjoy the game a little more.

I put all information into a spoiler just in case you want to surprise yourself and not kill the suspense. I also provided explanations on why I chose specific class titles, class hours, skills or motive changes for a specific year.
Freshman Year 1:
Your First Catch: It's Not Really That Special Later On.
Class Hours: 11:00-13:00 (11 AM - 1 PM)
Skill Requirements: Body 1, Logic 1, Cooking 1
Motive Changes: Increase for Social & Fun, Normal Loss for others
Freshman Year 2:
AR Mode: What Is It, And Why Does Nobody Use It?
Class Hours: 14:00-18:00 (2 PM - 6 PM)
Skill Requirements: Charisma 1, Creativity 1, Mechanical 1
Motive Changes: Increase for Social, Normal Loss for others
Sophomore Year 1:
Picking A Team: There Is No Harmony
Class Hours: 11:00-13:00 (11 AM - 1 PM)
Skill Requirements: Charisma 2, Logic 2, Cleaning 1
Motive Changes: Normal Loss for All (including Social!)
Sophomore Year 2:
Choosing The Correct Sticker For A Gift
Class Hours: 22:00-00:00 (10 PM - 12 AM)
Skill Requirements: Charisma 3, Body 2, Creativity 2
Motive Changes: Increase for Social, Normal Loss for others
Junior Year 1:
Raid Strategies: Tapping And Swiping 101
Class Hours: 18:00-20:00 (6 PM - 8 PM)
Skill Requirements: Body 3, Logic 3
Motive Changes: Increase for Social & Fun, Strong Loss for Comfort, Normal Loss for others
Junior Year 2:
GO Battle League: Professional Tapping And Swiping
Class Hours: 22:00-00:00 (10 PM - 12 AM)
Skill Requirements: Logic 4, Creativity 3
Motive Changes: Increase for Fun, Strong Loss for Comfort, Normal Loss for others
Senior Year 1:
Shopping, Styling, And Mom's Credit Card
Class Hours: 11:00-13:00 (11 AM - 1 PM)
Skill Requirements: Body 4, Creativity 4
Motive Changes: Increase for Social & Fun, Normal Loss for others
Senior Year 2:
Excursion To Pokémon GO Fest: No Pay, No Play!
Class Hours: 10:00-18:00 (10 AM - 6 PM)
Skill Requirements: Body 5, Charisma 4
Motive Changes: Increase for Social, Strong Loss for Comfort, Energy, Hunger and Hygiene, Normal Loss for Fun & Bladder
Note: This is a very long class! Make sure to prepare in advance, as you would for a day trip in real life.
Freshman 1: Your First Catch: It's Not Really That Special Later On.
The first catch, during the tutorial, is very hyped up. You get to pick between the three Kanto starters: Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. There is a hidden Easter Egg that lets you catch Pikachu instead, too. However, usability-wise, your so-called Starter Pokémon is quite useless.
Why is that? Just like the mainline Pokémon games, each monster in PoGO has certain stats that make each Pokémon's strength vary a little. These stats are called Individual Values (IVs for short), and they are Attack, Defence, and Health Points (HP), with their value varying between 0 and 15 and mostly random.
There are exceptions to the randomness, such as the Starter Pokémon which are fixed at IVs of 10/10/10, making for slightly above average Pokémon. This is why, later down the line, most PoGO players are likely to transfer their starter to the Professor, or leave it unused inside their box. Thus, this hyped-up first catch is not really that special later on - hence the class title.
Freshman 2: AR Mode: What Is It, And Why Does Nobody Use It?
Pokémon GO is, at its base, an AR (Augmented Reality) game, and Niantic wants you to always treat it as such. There is an AR mode and even an enchanced AR+ mode present in the game - but usually, the first thing players do is to turn the feature off, and never use it again unless absolutely needed (such as for certain Field Research tasks). That's why the class is quite long, and that's why I chose this title for the class - it's the foundation of the game, yet it's so unnecessary to most.
Sophomore 1: Picking A Team: There Is No Harmony.
Once you reach Trainer Level 5, the first time you tap on one of the large tower structures on the game's map - they are called Gyms - you are prompted to pick from one of the three game's factions or teams which rival one another.
There is Team Mystic (blue) and their leader Blanche, who focus on analysing and evolving Pokémon; Team Valor (red) and their leader Candela, who are longing for battles and being the most fierce and ambitious; and Team Instinct (yellow) and their leader Spark, who believe in the Pokémon's natural strength. Each team likes poking fun at one another, especially Team Instinct gets joked about a lot. As a Team Instinct member myself, I couldn't help but have this class decrease the Social need during class hours. Gym takeovers and raid benefits always cause heated debates between the factions.
Once you pick a team, there is no going back... for a while. Later down in the game's history, an item called the Team Medallion was made purchasable, letting you change your team once per year.
Or you can go down the path of a few people wanting to challenge themselves, and never ever tap on a Gym. This lets you stay in a hidden fourth, "unaligned", cyan-coloured team. While it has no official name, fans have dubbed it "Team Harmony". They are very restricted in gameplay, for they can't battle gyms, fight in raids, or gain in-game currency, but they exist. Of course, to Niantic, they are a thorn in the eye, and that's why I picked this class title in particular.
Sophomore 2: Choosing The Correct Sticker For A Gift.
In 2018, the game introduced the Friends List. Up to 400 friends can be yours, and you can do a plethora of activities with them: group photos, battles, trades, raids... and most importantly for this class, you can send them one little gift box every day, containing random items, Stardust (which is used to make Pokémon stronger in this game), and sometimes even Pokémon eggs!
Since 2020, the game allows you to attach little stickers to those gift boxes. Most trainers disregard stickers as they bring no benefits whatsoever. Nonetheless, stickers seem like one of Niantic's favourite game features, later introducing sticker shops and sticker albums. As such, it is a must for a Pokémon GO trainer to learn all about picking the right sticker for the right gift... or so Sims University thinks, anyway!
The late starting time (10 PM) for this class is chosen because most trainers I know send their gifts out after they return from a tour, usually very late in the day.
Junior 1: Raid Strategies: Tapping And Swiping 101.
Raids are a great way to play with friends to take down a strong Pokémon boss, for generous rewards and a chance at catching said Pokémon. However, all you really do is to tap to attack, and swipe to dodge opposing attacks. They are the key mechanics to raid battles, and that's why everyone must learn the correct tapping and swiping techniques in this class!
Of course, all this tapping and swiping causes great finger and hand discomfort, hence the large comfort loss during this class.
The starting time of 6 PM is inspired by the usual starting hour of special Raid Hour events in the game.
Junior 2: GO Battle League: Professional Tapping And Swiping.
The GO Battle League works kinda like a Raid Battle, except instead of battling one strong Pokémon, you battle three Pokémon at the same power level as you; they are led not by the game's AI, but by another trainer; and instead of swiping to dodge, you now swipe to power up strong charge attacks, and tap for shields to dodge opposing attacks. Not just that, but many attacks also work differently, or gain side effects such as lowering or raising stats for a while! It is thus warranted that this side of the game deserves its own separate class.
Again, since there is so much tapping and swiping involved, a large comfort loss is once again present. And since nobody likes to lose (there are large rewards waiting on the way, after all!), Social is also decreased by a sizable amount.
The starting time of 10 PM is inspired by the usual starting hour of special GO Battle Night events in the game.
Senior 1: Shopping, Styling, And Mom's Credit Card.
If you didn't already spend money to obtain Remote Raid Passes, extra Stickers, or other useful items, then now is the time to grab that convoluted credit card, as now we get to styling and changing your trainer persona's appearance! Of course, you will always be forced onto a ruffled hairstyle for male trainers and a long ponytail for female trainers, but everything else is changeable! Especially clothes have a huge assortment, and most of them cost in-game currency and can't be unlocked during gameplay. Don't get me started on avatar poses - these cost even more. With the fact you can only obtain 50 coins per day by doing in-game activities - that is, keeping a gym held for at least 8 hours and 20 minutes, and then being kicked out by a trainer of an opposing faction, which is VERY unreliable in my experience - you will find yourself using real money if you want to make your trainer persona real pretty - or magnificent.
Senior 2: Excursion To Pokémon GO Fest: No Pay, No Play!
Pokémon GO Fest is the peak experience for many PoGO players. They are events hosted in real life by Niantic, usually in large parks within large cities. Tens of thousands of visitors across multiple days come together to trade, catch special Pokémon such as regional Pokémon that can normally only be caught in some specific place around the world, and just have fun together. Of course, if you want to become a professional Pokémon GO player, you can't miss out on an event like this! But hey, all fun comes at a price, right? If you don't pay, you won't gain access to the exclusive benefits, and sometimes, even the whole park is closed down for those who don't hold an elusive ticket.
Since a GO Fest is a day-long experience (10 AM to 6 PM being the normal opening times), it is advised that any Sim who has made it this far prepares well ahead of their departure, as they will walk, tap and swipe quite a lot on this day before they return to their dormitory.

Expansion Packs: University.
Mods: Majors Made Easier by FrikaC.
Both are self-explanatory.

Language | Available? | Creator |
English (US/UK) | Me (Blueybre) | |
German | Me (Blueybre) |
If you'd like to translate this major into your own language, feel free to do so! You shall be given due credit.
All the text resources can be found in the two STR# resources 0x00000093 "Class Titles" and 0x000007D0 "Catalogue Description".

Maxis and EA for creating Sims 2 in the first place
The Creators of SimPE and especially the BHAV, BCON and STR# plugins
The Pokémon Company for creating the franchise the game is based on, and Niantic Inc. for creating the game
FrikaC for making it possible to change Sims into custom majors on a whim
EarlyPleasantview for unlocking the Browse Internet interaction which is showcased in the cover picture
Jacob A. Connor for their ingenious phone default replacement.
Have fun and happy Simming!
~ Blueybre
Filename | Type | Size |
PokemonGoMajor_starshipUI.zip | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_PokemonGoMajor-starshipUI.package | package | 14134 |
Filename | Type | Size |
PokemonGoMajor.zip | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_PokemonGoMajor.package | package | 14134 |
The following custom content is included in the downloadable files:
- Major - Pokemon Go by Blueybre
The following custom content is required for this download to function properly! Please make sure you download it before downloading the files!
- Majors Made Easier by FrikaC
Note from the Creator:
| Dark blue major icon for usage with either no UI replacement, or the Clean UI.
Uploaded: 18th Sep 2023, 2.9 KB.
| Light grey major icon for usage with the Starship UI.
Uploaded: 18th Sep 2023, 2.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 5th Feb 2025 at 6:26 PM
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Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | University |
About Me
I'm Blueybre, that chaos-loving 'bre. Call me Koko or Bluey. I make mods for Sims 2, my favourite Sims game.
As my title suggests, I like wreaking havoc... but I also like providing useful bug fixes, features or new mechanics.
I make sure my mods can be enjoyed by as many players as possible, so I strive to make my mods as compatible with different game setups as I can. Mac players want to enjoy mods, too!
I love the language diversity we have in the world and so am always looking for human translators to provide translations to languages other than English.
I have been a childhood Sims 1 player but did not get to enjoy the newer games until my fiancée sparked my interest again. Starting with Sims 3, followed by 4, then 2. Nowadays, I choose to only play Sims 2 (and also Sims 3), because they're the zenith of the series in my Humble opinion. (...Get it? Humble? Rod? Haha...)
I prefer building houses over actually playing, and I have made my own custom world on Sims 3. Maybe I'll publish some of my Sims 3 works at some point...
My Sims 3 traits would be: Clumsy, Eco-Friendly, Frugal, Loner, Night Owl. (And a hidden Pyromaniac. Hehe.)
My pronouns are he/him, but to be fair I don't mind what you use to address me.
I am a little obsessed with the British way of spelling words.
I am an Aspie, diagnosed at the age of five, so I may show strange behaviour at times, and used to often jump at people with like-minded interests (such as a certain profile picture) to try and socialise with. I have this under better control now, but it is how I met my fiancée, back in 2012 on YouTube. Engaged since 26/07/2019. :luff:
Besides Sims, I also like Pokémon (duh), Palworld, Yoshi, and Genshin Impact! (Nilou best girl~ :3)