Scissors Clippers - Get Coupons from Newspapers
scissorsclippers.png - width=1305 height=899
coupons.png - width=982 height=904
freebies.png - width=845 height=1306
collectemall.png - width=1661 height=984

- 2024-08-17: Updated the Hungarian translation - thanks, kaligi!
- 2024-04-12: Updated the French translation - thanks, Nostural!
- 2024-03-24: Several bugfixes. Please re-download!
(1) Doing the crossword will no longer prevent a coupon search. Thanks to kaligi for the report.
(2) Removed the apartment check that I accidentally added back into the Mac version.
(3) Fixed a rare bug where Frugal Sims did not get the correct advertisement to look for coupons. - 2024-03-23:
(1) Small fix for a bug that can happen for Frugal Sims if they're unable to find a coupon twice in a row. This applies to all versions.
(2) Updated the Russian translation to add the dialogue for expired coupons. Thanks, Tvickiesims! - 2024-03-16:
(1) Provided compatibility with Pick'N'Mix's Specific Clothing Racks. As with all conflicts, my mod should load last. Thanks to FieryFoxtail for letting me know.
(2) Plumbflix and Furniture coupons can no longer be obtained if they would already have expired. Instead, you will get a new dialogue saying the Sim was simply too late to find it.
(3) Reworked the Main routine of the Coupon Controller to optimise it, having to run less often than before.
(4) Updated the Polish translation. Thanks so much, Meduza!
(5) Fixed an oversight in the Mac version where a check for the unavailable Furniture coupon would still be run. It did not do any harm, it's just clean-up really. - 2024-03-15: HUGE update! New features and important bugfixes mean you should definitely get this new version.
(1) Added four new types of coupons for: Groceries, Video games, Vending machines, and Plumbflix!
(The last coupon is a tie-in with my Plumbflix Movie Player mod. If you do not have this mod, you can still find the coupons, but they will be useless.)
(2) Added functionality so then Food, VG or Snack coupons are checked for when buying the respective items - both on unowned community lots, and on owned businesses. This means a lot of new overrides - please check the Conflicts section to see if any mods in your Downloads folder conflict with the new version. I did include compatibility with simler90's popular Business Mod regarding the vending machine fixes, so you don't have to worry about this one.
(3) Upped the chances of getting a coupon, since there's more types of them now:
- for normal Sims: 10% -> 25%
- for Lucky Sims: 25% -> 50%
- for Unlucky Sims: 5% -> 10%
(4) Coupons now also have individual chances you can tune. The defaults are:
- Free Meal: 20%
- Groceries: 20%
- Video Games: 20%
- Free Snack: 20%
- Plumbflix: 15%
- Furniture: 5%
(5) I managed to find out why coupons couldn't be placed without erroring out. That means that now, you can place them on surfaces, and even gift them to other Sims if you desire! They are not bound to the Sim that clipped the coupon out. Wouldn't make sense anyway!
(6) Coupons no longer look like bills. They instead use the Money Tree Money mesh, meaning you can distinguish them easier.
(7) The adding and removal of the Furniture Discount should work much better now. Previously, there was a chance of rare errors, or discounts not being applied successfully.
(8) Fixed a bug that would lead to Frugal Sims only checking a second time if they have already found a coupon, which is the opposite of what I intended.
(9) Added a Hungarian translation. Nagyon szépen köszönöm, kaligi!
(10) Thanks to the quick work of Izenvy, the Russian translation is already up-to-date. Thank you so much! English and German were done by yours truly, as usual. - 2024-03-03: Changed all three versions to provide compatibility with Pick'N'Mix's new mod, Job Summary, in particular the newspaper portion of it. If you plan to use this mod together with mine, you have to update. Otherwise, you won't need to. The load order doesn't change - my mod still has to go last after everything else.
- 2024-01-15: Added a Russian translation. Большое спасибо, Izenvy!
- 2024-01-02: Lots of small changes, some more, some less important. The changes apply to all versions, unless noted.
(1) Children can now search for coupons, too.
(2) Searching for coupons is now autonomous. To Sims it will be about as attractive as reading their hobby section.
(3) Frugal Sims now have a highly increased desire to sift through the pages.
(4) Removed the dependency on Smarter EP Check for all versions.
(5) Removed some redundant apartment checks that would cause errors on the Mac version of this mod.
(6) Also for the Mac version, the TTAB somehow linked to the nonexistent Read Section interaction, instead of Search for Coupons. That is now fixed.
(7) All text boxes will now disappear as they should instead of staying on-screen and needing to be clicked away.
(8) Added a French translation. Merci beaucoup, Nostural ! - 2023-07-11:
- Updated the Polish translation to support the new features of my mod - thanks once again, Meduza!
- Fixed an exploit where you could simply claim an AL furniture discount from the newspaper after 11 PM and it would stay overnight. - 2023-07-09:
- As per the suggestion of CroconawSims, Sims can now find the furniture discounts from AL in the newspaper. Unlike the Networking reward, this is limited to 10 PM the same day, so use the lucky chance!
This feature is included in the standard and the TMO Compatibility versions, and it requires a second file which is included in the updated downloads. As Mac players do not have AL, this benefit would be useless to them, so the feature is not included in the Mac flavour of this mod.
- Fixed a bug where the dialogue for Frugal Sims would display twice even though only one additional loop was taken.
- Made it so the newspaper cannot be sold for §7 even after it goes mouldy. It should now be worth §0 the moment it is delivered. - 2023-07-05:
- Added a version that is compatible with the Teens Move Out Hack, updated to AL by Saricoya. This compatible version needs to load last.
- Added a version that is backwards-compatible with the Super Collection and game setups that don't have FT or AL.
- Added a Polish translation - Wielkie dzięki, Meduza!
The shining blue Umbreon is back with another feature that he thinks should've long been done by someone...
I have been playing Sims 3 again recently and realised that it's actually quite cool that Sims are able to grab some scissors and cut out coupons for savings on groceries, books... you name it.
Then I saw that someone made this possible for Sims 4 too, and I thought... why should Sims 2 players miss out on the fun?
I have always wanted a reasonable alternative to obtain coupons that wasn't as a date or networking reward. And thus I got to work.

- Your Sims can now Search for Coupons in the newspaper, both autonomously and user-driven, and will sometimes find one doing so.
- This coupon, should they find it, is immediately dropped into the Sim's inventory.
- As of now, you can find six different coupon types:
1. the "Coupon for a Free Meal", which is normally a date reward;
2. a "Furniture Coupon" that is the same as the Apartment Life "Cheap Catalogue" Networking event, except it's limited until 10 PM the same day;
3. a "Groceries Voucher" that grants you 20% off any food purchase from a supermarket, both on community lots and owned business, valid until the next morning;
4. a "Video Game Coupon" that grants you 50% off the next video game purchase from a game rack, both on community lots and owned businesses, valid until the next morning;
5. a "Vending Machine Card" that enables you to get a free snack or drink from any vending machine, no matter where that machine may be, and no matter when as it never expires;
6. a "Plumbflix Coupon" that can be detected by the Plumbflix Player and used to enjoy free movies for one Movie Night, if you use my Plumbflix Movie Player mod; otherwise these coupons will be useless. These are valid for the rest of the Sim week. - The search can only be done once per day. If a Sim fails, they will need to wait for the next morning, when a new newspaper arrives (so long as there aren't too many old papers on the lot.)
- I have tried to incorporate some traits from the Traits Project into this mod. Lucky Sims have an increased chance to find a coupon, while Unlucky Sims have a decreased chance. Frugal Sims, stubborn as they are, will skim through the paper a second time, should they fail at first. They are also a lot more likely to pick up the newspaper to look for coupons themselves.
The mod will still work just fine even without the traits installed in your game - it will simply default to the base chance.

Inside the BCON "Tuning - Coupon" (0x1007), you can freely change the odds to find coupons, for Lucky, Unlucky, and all other Sims, as well as make some coupons more or less likely to find.
Line | Label | Default (base or TMOComp) | Default (Mac) |
0x0 | Coupon Chance - standard | 25% | 25% |
0x1 | Coupon Chance - Lucky Sims | 50% | 50% |
0x2 | Coupon Chance - Unlucky Sims | 10% | 10% |
0x3 | Chance of Free Meal Coupon | 20% | 30% |
0x4 | Chance of Furniture Coupon | 5% | N/A |
0x5 | Chance of Groceries Coupon | 20% | 40% |
0x6 | Chance of Video Game Coupon | 20% | 30% |
0x7 | Chance of Plumbflix Coupon | 15% | N/A |
0x8 | Chance of Free Snack Card | 20% | N/A |

Language | Available? | Creator |
English (US/UK) | Me (Blueybre) | |
German | Me (Blueybre) | |
French | Nostural | |
Russian | Izenvy | |
Polish | Meduza | |
Hungarian | kaligi |
If you know your way around SimPE and would like to translate into your own language, feel free to contribute! You shall be given due credit.
The needed translations are:
- [Pie Menu Strings], line 0x0019 (25);
- [Text Lists], all lines;
- both "Dialog prim string set" resources - line 4 in the first, and lines 0x001A through 0x001C (26~28) in the second.
- and the CTSS (Catalogue Description) of each coupon.

Expansion Packs: Nightlife, Seasons+.
Nightlife is required no matter what because the Coupon for a Free Meal is not available in the game unless you have this EP installed.
Seasons or higher is required for compatibility with a mod that would otherwise conflict (see below).
If you have the Ultimate Collection which includes all EP's, or FreeTime and Apartment Life stand-alone, use the standard or TMOComp (see Conflicts) version of this mod. This would be the go-to version for most players.
If you play on the Super Collection on a Mac, or otherwise have a game setup that either only goes up to Seasons, Bon Voyage or FreeTime and does not have AL, you will need to download my Mac-compatible version instead. This is necessary because FT and AL introduced their own newspaper interactions (Read Section, Search for Roommates).
Also, keep in mind that, due to other limitations, the Mac version will only come with the Free Meal, Groceries and Video Game coupons. The other coupons require either FT or AL, so they are not included there. To account for that, the odds to find certain coupon types were tweaked (see the Tuning section for details).

Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance |
Newspaper | OBJD | 0x7F08E23C | Newspaper | 0x000041A7 |
Function - Init | BHAV | 0x7F08E23C | Newspaper | 0x00001005 |
attribute labels | STR# | 0x7F08E23C | Newspaper | 0x00000100 |
untitled tree table | TTAB | 0x7F08E23C | Newspaper | 0x00000081 |
Pie Menu Strings | TTAs | 0x7F08E23C | Newspaper | 0x00000081 |
Text Lists | STR# | 0x7F08E23C | Newspaper | 0x0000012D |
Interaction - Buy | BHAV | 0x7FDE81DC | CashRegisterGlobals | 0x00002000 |
Dialog prim string set | STR# | 0x7FDE81DC | CashRegisterGlobals | 0x0000012D |
EP3 - Purchase Object | BHAV | 0x7FE10572 | ShoppingRackGlobals | 0x00002053 |
EP3 - Food - Display - Handle Purchase | BHAV | 0x7FE10572 | ShoppingRackGlobals | 0x00002056 |
EP3 - Interaction - Buy - Vending Machine | BHAV | 0x7FE10572 | ShoppingRackGlobals | 0x00002092 |
Interaction - Buy - Vending Machine | BHAV | 0x7FE10572 | ShoppingRackGlobals | 0x00002094 |
Dialog prim string set | STR# | 0x7FE10572 | ShoppingRackGlobals | 0x0000012D |

The mod introduces a couple of new resources for the group 0x7F08E23C which is the resources associated with the Newspaper object.
Interaction - Clip Coupon is a BHAV with the instance 0x00001069.
Interaction - Clip Coupon - TEST is a BHAV with the instance 0x0000106A.
Read and Snip is a BHAV with the instance 0x0000106B.
Tuning - Coupon is a BCON with the instance 0x00001007.
In any configuration of the vanilla game up to M&G, these resources do not exist, thus don't override anything.
If any mod, however, contains a resource of the same group and instance, it will automatically conflict with my mod, so be careful!
There are also several new resources that carry textures etc. for all the coupons to work, and a bunch of resources for a Controller - Coupons under the group 0x7F8F1481 to make sure the coupons get deleted properly.
The GUID's used for the new objects are: 0xB7E41621 (Controller - Coupons), 0x00F1ED9A (Coupon - AL Furniture Discount), 0x00947A53 (Coupon - Groceries), 0x000F0A67 (Coupon - Video Games), 0x00C9CF7D (Coupon - Plumbflix), and 0x0047CF72 (Coupon - Vending Machine Card).

Anything that also modifies the above resources will conflict with my mods.
- Any resource of the following mods that would conflict with mine is included. As long as my mod loads after them, they can be used just fine alongside mine.
- Extended Newspaper Autonomy by simNopke
- Snowproof Accessories by guirnaldas
- Buyable Newspaper by Pick'N'Mix
- Job Summary by Pick'N'Mix
- BusinessMod-UPDATE39 by simler90
- Specific Clothing Racks by Pick'N'Mix - The Teens Move Out Hack by Saricoya conflicts with the standard version of my mod. If you use this mod, please get my alternative, compatible version. Keep in mind that with this alternative version, teens can Search for Roommates and Find Own Place, which they normally can't. This compatible version has to load after Saricoya's mod.
Do not use my mod with TheNinthWaveSims' More Options for Newspaper. Besides the fact that their mod is not updated for any expansion packs, the new options are all essentially just copies of 'Read". I will not make a compatibility patch for this mod.
Please let me know if there are any other conflicts with mods you use, and I will see if something can be done about them by load order or through plug-ins.

Maxis and EA for creating Sims 2 in the first place
The Creators of SimPE and especially the BHAV, BCON, TTAB and STR# plugins
My fiancée for the idea to this mod
Meduza for the Polish translation
Nostural for the French translation
Izenvy for the Russian translation
kaligi for the Hungarian translation
Have fun and happy Simming!
~ Blueybre
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_ALDiscountVoucher.package | package | 71966 |
LimeyYoshi_GroceryVoucher.package | package | 73809 |
LimeyYoshi_PlumbflixVoucher.package | package | 72629 |
LimeyYoshi_VendingMachineCard.package | package | 90723 |
LimeyYoshi_VideoGameCoupon.package | package | 74480 |
ZZLimeyYoshi_CouponClipfromNewspapers.package | package | 178907 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_ALDiscountVoucher.package | package | 71966 |
LimeyYoshi_GroceryVoucher.package | package | 73809 |
LimeyYoshi_PlumbflixVoucher.package | package | 72629 |
LimeyYoshi_VendingMachineCard.package | package | 90723 |
LimeyYoshi_VideoGameCoupon.package | package | 74480 |
ZZLimeyYoshi_CouponClipfromNewspapers-TMOComp.package | package | 179009 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_GroceryVoucher.package | package | 73809 |
LimeyYoshi_VideoGameCoupon.package | package | 74480 |
ZZLimeyYoshi_CouponClipfromNewspapers-mac.package | package | 169976 |
The following custom content is included in the downloadable files:
- Furniture Discount Coupon by Blueybre
- Groceries Coupon by Blueybre
- Video Game Coupon by Blueybre
- Plumbflix Coupon by Blueybre
- Vending Machine Card by Blueybre
Note from the Creator:
If you have the Teens Move Out hack, please get the compatible version. Do not use the standard version together with it!
If you don't have FreeTime and Apartment Life, please get the Mac version.
| Standard version
Uploaded: 17th Aug 2024, 360.7 KB.
| Get this version if you use the Teens Move Out Hack - with this, teens can Find Own Place and Search for Roommates in newspapers
Uploaded: 17th Aug 2024, 360.8 KB.
| Compatible with the Super Collection, and if you otherwise don't have FT AND AL.
Uploaded: 17th Aug 2024, 159.3 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 6th Oct 2024 at 2:19 PM by LimeyYoshi
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Nightlife |
![]() | Seasons |
About Me
I'm Blueybre, that chaos-loving 'bre. Call me Koko or Bluey. I make mods for Sims 2, my favourite Sims game.
As my title suggests, I like wreaking havoc... but I also like providing useful bug fixes, features or new mechanics.
I make sure my mods can be enjoyed by as many players as possible, so I strive to make my mods as compatible with different game setups as I can. Mac players want to enjoy mods, too!
I love the language diversity we have in the world and so am always looking for human translators to provide translations to languages other than English.
I have been a childhood Sims 1 player but did not get to enjoy the newer games until my fiancée sparked my interest again. Starting with Sims 3, followed by 4, then 2. Nowadays, I choose to only play Sims 2 (and also Sims 3), because they're the zenith of the series in my Humble opinion. (...Get it? Humble? Rod? Haha...)
I prefer building houses over actually playing, and I have made my own custom world on Sims 3. Maybe I'll publish some of my Sims 3 works at some point...
My Sims 3 traits would be: Clumsy, Eco-Friendly, Frugal, Loner, Night Owl. (And a hidden Pyromaniac. Hehe.)
My pronouns are he/him, but to be fair I don't mind what you use to address me.
I am a little obsessed with the British way of spelling words.
I am an Aspie, diagnosed at the age of five, so I may show strange behaviour at times, and used to often jump at people with like-minded interests (such as a certain profile picture) to try and socialise with. I have this under better control now, but it is how I met my fiancée, back in 2012 on YouTube. Engaged since 26/07/2019. :luff:
Besides Sims, I also like Pokémon (duh), Palworld, Yoshi, and Genshin Impact! (Nilou best girl~ :3)