New Scholarships - General, Skill Based, Legacy, Occult, & Talent (Update 12/16/24) - Computer Interaction Duplication Fix

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Mod Description

"Need some extra simoleons for university? Sims University now offers a variety of scholarships for prospective students!"

This is a script mod that can be placed in your Packages folder. It was built and tested on 1.69 but should work fine on 1.67.


  • Mod interactions should no longer appear on broken computers/laptops.
  • Added Russian translation by murkoose


To access all of the scholarships available with this mod, the following expansions and store content are required:

  • The Sims 3: World Adventures
  • The Sims 3: Ambitions
  • The Sims 3: Generations
  • The Sims 3: Showtime
  • The Sims 3: Supernatural
  • The Sims 3: Seasons
  • The Sims 3: University Life
  • The Sims 3: Island Paradise
  • The Sims 3: Into the Future

* If you're missing required expansions, but have the required store content, download the regular package.

* If you're missing required store content, download the package with (NO STORE).


  • Applying for Scholarships
  • Types of Scholarships
  • Maintaining Scholarships
  • New Moodlets
  • Online Aptitude Test
  • New Cheat

Applying for Scholarships

Teen sims and older have a new “Apply for Scholarships” interaction available at the school rabbithole or on the computer under “Sims University Online”. Though they’re less likely to win a scholarship if they apply online rather than in person.

If your sim wins a scholarship, they will not be able to reapply for that scholarship again. If they do not win, they will be given a Disappointed moodlet and have to wait a day before applying again.

Types of Scholarships

There are five (5) types of scholarships your sims can apply for: General, Legacy, Skill Based, Occult, and Talent. In total, there are 25 scholarships, each with their own custom moodlet.

Sims have a 45% chance of winning a scholarship in the General, Legacy, Occult, and Talent categories when applying in-person and a 40% chance when applying online.

Sims have a 6% chance of winning a Skill Based scholarship at Level 1 of the required skill. This chance multiplies with each skill level, with a maximum of a 60% chance at Level 10.

Talent scholarships are for sims who master a hidden skill that doesn't reach Level 10. However, in order to qualify for these scholarships, sims must master the required hidden skill before applying.

Certain traits can either increase or decrease your chance of winning a scholarship by 5% (note: this value stacks the more traits your sim has):

Increased Chance Traits - Lucky and Ambitious

Decreased Chance Traits - Unlucky and Loser

Some of the scholarship names are originally from The Sims 2 or The Sims 4, and the others I made up myself. They are listed below by category:

  • Young Entrepreneurs Award (§750) - Requires Level 3 part-time job, Teen only
  • Orphaned Sims Assistance Fund (§750) - Requires deceased or non-existing parents, Teen only
  • Golden Year Scholars Grant (§1000) - Elders only
  • Gemini Hidden Masters Prize (§1500) - Requires Level 10 in one hidden skill

  • Student Service Workers Fund (§1000) - For sims with a service worker hidden trait (Makes No Messes, Pyromaniac, Can Apprehend Burglar, Can Salute, Immune To Fire, or Pizza Appreciator)
  • Cultural Exchange Program (§1000) - For sims with one of the hidden culture traits from The Sims 3: World Adventures
  • Students of Tomorrow Scholarship (§1000) - For sims with the hidden Future Sim trait from The Sims 3: Into the Future

Skill Based
  • Dreamer Family Artisan Award (§750) - Requires at least Level 1 Artisan Skill
  • Tsang Footwork Award (§750) - Requires at least Level 1 Dance (Store) Skill
  • Violin Society of SimNation Scholarship (§750) - Requires at least Level 1 Violin Skill

  • Undead Education Scholarship (§1500) - For Vampires, Zombies, and Ghosts
  • Extraterrestrial Reparation Grant (§1500) - For Aliens and sims recently abducted by Aliens
  • Spellcasting Scholars Grant (§1500) - For Witches, Fairies, and Genies
  • Lycanthropy Philanthropy Fund (§1500) - For Werewolves
  • Bots Opportunity To Specialize (B.O.T.S.) (§1500) - For Simbosts and Plumbots
  • Forbidden Fruit Fellowship (§1500) - For PlantSims
  • Real World Acclimation Fund (§1500) - For Real Imaginary Friends
  • Aquatic Allies Award (§1500) - For Mermaids

  • Starlight Performing Arts Scholarship (§300) - Requires Level 3 Dancing, Club Dancing, or Ballet Skill
  • Future Stars Award (§400) - Requires Level 5 DJ Turntable or Level 3 Karaoke Skill
  • Roller & Blades Skating Scholarship (§600) - Requires Level 6 Skating Skill
  • Xtreme Sports Scholarship (§200) - Requires Level 2 Snowboarding Skill
  • Daring Divers Donation (§200) - Requires Level 2 Diving Skill
  • Ping Pong Participation Prize (§500) - Requires Level 5 Ping Pong Skill
  • Alley Cats Coalition Grant (§500) - Requires Level 5 Bowling Skill

Maintaining Scholarships

After winning a scholarship, your sim will get the new custom Won Scholarship moodlet. They have a week to either enroll in online university with my Attend University Online mod, or in-person university to remain eligible for their scholarship.

If they fail to enroll in time, their scholarship will be rescinded and they will have to pay back the money they were awarded. If they can’t afford to pay back the scholarship amount in full, it will be added to their next household bill. (No free money here!)

Once a sim has a scholarship rescinded, they will get the new custom Lost Scholarship moodlet and be barred from applying for scholarships for 3 days.

New Moodlets

Won Scholarship: Given when a sim wins a scholarship, lasts 1 day, +20 mood, each scholarship has its own custom moodlet icon

Lost Scholarship: Given when a sim has a scholarship rescinded, lasts 3 days, -20 mood, makes sims stressed

Online Aptitude Test

Teen sims and older can now take the university aptitude test on the computer under “Sims University Online”. It works the same as the default interaction.


All of the following values are tunable in the mod’s XML files.

(In percentage; 1 = 100%)
kBaseScholarshipWinChance = 0.50
kBaseScholarshipWinChanceOnline = 0.40
kMultiplierChanceOfWinningSkillBasedScholarship = 0.06
kLuckyModifier = 0.05
KAmbitiousModifier = 0.05
kUnluckyModifier = 0.05
kLoserModifier = 0.05

(In simoleons)
kPartTimeJobScholarshipValue = 750
kHiddenSkillScholarshipValue = 1500
kOrphanScholarshipValue = 1500
kElderScholarshipValue = 1000
kServiceWorkerScholarshipValue = 1000
kCultureTraitScholarshipValue = 1000
kFutureSimScholarshipValue = 1000
kArtisanScholarshipValue = 750
kDanceScholarshipValue = 750
kViolinScholarshipValue = 750
kSpellcasterScholarshipValue = 1500
kUndeadScholarshipValue = 1500
kAlienScholarshipValue = 1500
kWerewolfScholarshipValue = 1500
kBotScholarshipValue = 1500
kPlantSimScholarshipValue = 1500
kImaginaryFriendScholarshipValue = 1500
kMermaidScholarshipValue = 1500
kPerformingScholarshipValue = 300
kMusicScholarshipValue = 400
kSkatingScholarshipValue = 600
kSnowboardingScholarshipValue = 200
kDivingScholarshipValue = 200
kPingPongScholarshipValue = 500
kBowlingScholarshipValue = 500

(In minutes)
kScholarshipApplicationCooldownTime = 1440

New Cheat

If you want to clear all scholarship winners in your world (on a per save basis), enter the cheat menu and type “ClearScholarshipWinnerData” without the quotation marks.

Conflicts & Known Issues

This is a new script mod so there shouldn’t be any conflicts.


EA/Maxis for The Sims 3 and The Sims 4, Visual Studio 2019, ILSpy, s3pe, Notepad++, and Script Mod Template Creator.

Thank You

Thank you to Gamefreak130, Battery, Lyralei, zoe22, and MonocoDoll!
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