Yoga Mod - Do Yoga, Meditate, Host Classes, & Train Sims

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Mod Description

This mod brings the yoga activity from The Sims 4: Spa Day to The Sims 3. Originally created by Alunn, I recently took over the mod to add additional features and bring it to release!

This is a script mod that can be placed in your Packages folder. It was built and tested on 1.69 but should work fine on 1.67.

Version 3.0 (a.k.a. The Big One)
  • Athletic sims can “Teach Yoga Classes” and “Host Guided Meditation” sessions for money
  • Added two "Ask to Join" interactions for when sims are Practicing Yoga or Meditating on the yoga mats and they want another sim to join them.
  • Added “Do Yoga With…” interaction for synchronized pair yoga
  • New Bend It Like Bella custom moodlet
  • Sims in the self-employed in the Trainer career (from NRAAS Careers Self Employed module) will earn x1.25 more from teaching yoga or meditation classes. [Thank you to olomaya for the idea!]
  • Sims able to Meditate with the Martial Arts skill can raise their skill using the Meditate interaction on the yoga mat
  • Updated translation files for all languages in the STBL files (existing translations will need to be updated too!)


  • Added Hungarian translation by aragorn


  • New Object: Yoga Mat
  • 10 New Interactions
  • 49 TS4 to TS3 Converted Animations
  • 10 Yoga Poses
  • New Moodlets


Zen Again Yoga Mat
-Price: §125
-Category: Hobbies and Skills
-Includes all 12 original swatches + 6 additional swatches from TS4 instructor's yoga mat
-4 different CASt options (three with designs, one plain)
-Poly Count: 2 poly

The Perfect Yoga Mat
-Price: §130
-Category: Hobbies and Skills
-Includes all 16 original swatches
-3 different CASt options (two with designs, one plain)
-Poly Count: 2 poly

The yoga mat is draggable in Live Mode and can be placed in a sim’s personal or family inventory.

Yoga Mat

Using any of the yoga related mat interactions will build the Athletic skill (except for Children), though some more slowly than others. As your sim’s skill increases, they will learn new yoga poses and improve on their execution of previous ones.

A sim’s Athletic skill determines how long they can do yoga on the mat before becoming Fatigued, but children will always get Fatigued after 3 hours. Sims cannot get Fatigued from meditating on the mat.

Your sim won’t gain muscle, lose weight, or become more fit from using the mat, but they will fulfill any generic workout related wishes. And sims won’t lose Hygiene as fast as they would using other athletic equipment.

Sims aged Teen and up will switch into their athletic outfit, take off their shoes before using the mat, and put them back on when finished. Children will switch into their athletic outfit, but leave their shoes on.

Pregnant sims can use the mat in any trimester!


Practice Yoga (Child and Up): Raises Athletic skill, gives sims the Tranquil moodlet after 2 hours, small boost to Fun need, can be done until sim is Fatigued or Athletic skill improves

Do Yoga Routine… (Teen and Up):Can be done for 2 hours, 4 hours, or until sim is Fatigued
  • Stress Relieving (Level 3 Athletic Skill): Boosts Fun need, gives Tranquil moodlet, slowly raises Athletic skill, can be used even when sims have the Stressed moodlet
  • Mind Balancing (Level 5 Athletic Skill): Boosts Social need, gives Tranquil moodlet, small boost to Fun need, slowly raises Athletic skill
  • Energy Centering (Level 7 Athletic Skill): Boosts Energy need, gives Tranquil moodlet, small boost to Fun need, slowly raises Athletic skill

By default, yoga routines will only boost their specific needs up to half way, so don't think your sims can forgo a good night's rest or talking to a friend in favor of a tree pose or two!

Meditate (Teen and Up): Boosts Fun and a bit of Energy, can be done for 2 hours or 4 hours, gives the custom Meditative Zen moodlet. If certain expansions are installed:

  • World Adventures: Raises Martial Arts skill if a sim’s skill is high enough to meditate
  • Showtime: Genies will have 100% of their powers restored if the interaction is completed successfully
  • Supernatural: Witches and Fairies will have 100% of their powers restored if the interaction is completed successfully
  • Seasons: Aliens gain some brain power

Ask to Join (Child and Up): Sims practicing yoga or meditating on the yoga mats can call over other sims to join them by clicking on an open yoga mat.

Do Yoga With (Teen and Up): Sims can do synchronized yoga with another sim. If the initiating sim has a high enough Athletic skill to train other sims, this interaction will fulfill the ‘Train Sim’ wish. The two sims will also receive a relationship boost.

Teach Yoga Class

Sims with at least level 4 Athletic skill can teach a yoga class. Once your sim has started a class, other sims on the same lot will find an empty yoga mat in the same room and join the class.

Sims using the yoga mats for other interactions will stop when the yoga class starts.

Yoga class instructors will wait 1 hour to allow other sims to join before starting the class. During this time, instructors can ask other sims on the same lot to join the class if there are empty yoga mats in the same room as the leader by clicking on the empty mat and using the “Ask to Join Yoga Class” interaction.

The yoga classes last 2 hours and your sim earns §40 for each sim who participates. Sims in the active household can join the class, but they do not count as participants.

If your sim ends a yoga class early, they will not be paid.

If your sim is a self-employed Trainer (NRAAS Careers Self Employed module) they will earn x1.25 more from teaching yoga classes.

After the yoga class is complete, all participants will get the Tranquil moodlet, as well as the Bend It Like Bella custom moodlet, and will not be able to join another yoga class until the moodlet has expired (default: 240 minutes).

If the instuctor sim has a high enough Athletic skill to train other sims, this interaction will fulfill the ‘Train Sim’ wish.

Instructors and participants will also get a relationship boost once the class is over.

If kChargeParticipants is set to true, sims outside of the active household who participate in yoga classes will be charged (default: false).

As your sim's Athletic skill improves, they will charge participants more per session. If your sim is a self employed Trainer, they will earn x1.25 more each session.

Sims who teach 10 yoga classes qualify as a Yoga Guru and can charge slightly more for a class than those who aren’t.

Host Guided Meditation

Sims with at least level 5 Athletic or level 5 Martial Arts skill can host a guided meditation session. Once your sim has started a class, other sims on the same lot will find an empty yoga mat in the same room and join the class.

Sims using the yoga mats for other interactions will stop when the yoga class starts.

If you have some empty mats after starting the class, click on the open mat and use the "Ask to Join Guided Meditation" interaction to summon a sim on the lot to join.

The guided meditation sessions last 2 hours and your sim earns §40 for each sim who participates. Sims in the active household can join the class, but they do not count as participants.

If your sim ends a guided meditation session early, they will not be paid.

If your sim is a self-employed Trainer (NRAAS Careers Self Employed module) they will earn x1.25 more from hosting a guided meditation session.

After the guided meditation session is complete, all participants will get the Meditative Zen custom moodlet and will not be able to join another guided meditation session until the moodlet has expired (default: 240 minutes).

Instructors and participants will also get a relationship boost once the session is over.

If kChargeParticipants is set to true, sims outside of the active household who participate in guided meditation will be charged (default: false).

As your sim's Athletic or Martial Arts skill improves, they will charge participants more per session. If your sim is a self employed Trainer, they will earn x1.25 more each session.

Sims who host 10 meditation sessions qualify as a Meditation Master and can charge slightly more for a session than those who aren’t.

New Moodlets

Meditative Zen: Given after 2 hours of meditating on the yoga mat (tunable), Witches gain the Spellcasting skill at a slightly faster rate when the moodlet is active, lasts 4 hours, +10 mood

Bend It Like Bella: Given to sims who participate in yoga classes, cannot join another yoga class until moodlet has expired, lasts 4 hours, +/-0 mood


  • Boat Pose
  • Bridge Pose
  • Downward Facing Dog
  • Half Moon Pose
  • Handstand
  • Lord of the Dance Pose
  • Side Plank Pose
  • Tree Pose
  • Triangle Pose
  • Warrior Pose


Sims with the Athletic skill, Martial Arts skill, Athletic trait, or the Disciplined trait will be drawn to use the mat autonomously. Sims will also be drawn to the mat when it is placed on a Gym, Dojo, or Chinese Garden lot type.


All of the following values are tunable in the mod’s XML file:

kMinsToAddTranquil = 120 (minutes)
kMinsToAddFatiguedChild = 180 (minutes)
kMinsToAddMeditate = 120 (minutes)
kChanceToRemoveRandomNegativeMentalMoodlet = 10 (percent)
kMeditateMediumStage = 2 (hours)
kMeditateLargeStage = 4 (hours)
kCostOfMeditationClass = 40 (simoleons)
kMeditationClassLength = 2 (hours)
kAthleticLevelForMeditationClass = 5 (skill level)
kMeditationMasterMinimumClassesLed = 10
kMeditationMasterBonus = 5 (simoleons)
kMeditationClassCooldown = 240 (minutes)
kDoYogaMediumStage = 2 (hours)
kDoYogaLargeStage = 4 (hours)
kCostOfYogaClass = 40 (simoleons)
kAthleticLevelForYogaClass = 4 (skill level)
kYogaGuruMinimumClassesLed = 10
kYogaGuruBonus = 5 (simoleon)
kYogaClassCooldown = 240 (minutes)
kInstructorWaitForYogaClassLength = 60 (minutes)
kRelationshipIncreaseFromClass = 15 (points)
kRelationshipIncreaseForDoYoga = 15 (points)
kChargeParticipants = False
kTrainerPriceMultiplier = 1.25 (multiplier)

Conflicts & Known Issues

-As this is a brand new scripted object there shouldn’t be any conflicts.

-Teen sims sink a bit into the mat on certain animations because The Sims 4 doesn’t have shorter teens to convert animations from.

-If a laundry basket/washer/dryer has been placed on the lot, when sims take off their shoes to use the yoga mat a pile of clothing will spawn.

- If you play with NRAAS Relativity installed and have slowed down time passage, your sims will finish the animations for the yoga class before the class ends. They will remain idle until the interaction bar is full. Don’t cancel the interaction before it finishes filling because your sim will not be paid if you do.

Supported Languages


EA/Maxis for The Sims 3 and The Sims 4, Visual Studio 2019, ILSpy, SmoothJazz, Blender, s3pe, TSRW, Sims4Studio, Milkshape, and Gimp.

Thank You

First and foremost, I want to thank Alunn for kick-starting this mod and allowing me to continue improving it!

Thank you Lyralei and zoe22 for helping with the early programming. Thank you mbottle, Jathom95 and enable_llamas for being early testers in the beta thread and providing valuable feedback and suggestions.

Thank you to all of the folks in the Sims 3 Creator Discord who helped me with coding, animations, ideas, and testing: thank you Battery, FloTheory, TheSweetSimmer, MissPat, and desiree101!

And thank you to NonaMena for her mod and open TOU, and to its-time-o-clock on Tumblr for additional testing and feedback!
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