SimPly Vision Glimpse

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Uploaded: 4th Mar 2024 at 3:49 PM
This is a set of very plain eyes. They aren't bedazzled much, just some very, very plain eyes. All a Sim needs eyes for is sight, so that is exactly what I made.

They come in 5 EAxis colours. These are the colours and their filenames:

They are perfect for people that don't want really realistic eyes and instead want something that doesn't distract you from the whole design of a Sim. They're not geneticized, nor townified, just simple custom eyes. If someone wants to make them geneticized or townified, they're free to do so. Just notify me so I can see your creation! :D

Not Animation Friendly
I'm currently planning on creating animation-friendly versions of these. For now, the "Glimpse" version isn't animation friendly, meaning that when a Sim opens their eyes widely or looks down, a dark shadow corresponding to the colour of the eye can be seen. This is shown on one of the pictures.