A Brush with Destiny: The Colorful Life of Amélie
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Smile 1
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Smile 2
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Everyday Wear
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Formal wear
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autumn Hair
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Fall outwear cool
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Outwear Full Body
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Swimwear wet hair
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swimwear in the shade sunset
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swim wear
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Swim wear
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Athletic wear stretch
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Athletic wear
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small mouth expressions
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various expressions
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Side profile
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Create A Sim Headshots from different Angles

Amélie's free-spirited childhood in the idyllic French countryside fostered a vibrant imagination and passion for adventure. She lost her parents tragically young, becoming the sole caretaker for her grandfather and dog. Her parent's spirited encouragement to follow her dreams regardless of expectations has always stuck with her. Amélie now splits her time between working at a bookstore, painting commissions, writing her first romance novel, and volunteering at the children's hospital - finding great meaning and joy in helping others. Though she grapples with grief, Emily embraces life's quirks and possibilities with an irrepressible optimism and quest for laughter – even when it bewilders those around her initially. She's determined to live fully, honour her parent’s memory, and nurture her talents - whether or not her curmudgeonly grandfather approves.
Suggested traits: childish, good sense of humour, friendly, neat, flirty, over-emotional, daredevil, lucky, workaholic, bookworm, genius, loves the outdoors, insane, animal lover[Pets], rebellious [Generations], Avant-Garde [University]
Lifetime Wish & Career: Illustrious author Lifetime wish| Part-time bookstore clerk | artist
Suggested Career: Elementary School Teacher in education career [Ambitions], Professional Author [Ambitions]
Favourites & Sign: Indie music | red | pancake and crepes (suggested World Adventures) | Pisces

Note about Sliders: She is face slider heavy. You might need a mod to increase the number of sliders the game can use, such as MasterController
Any Sliders in the CC list tab with a" *" is completely optional because it was slightly used and the difference is not that noticeable. These sliders are Johna’s head size slider, Wojek 's chin-to-neck slider, and AWT's jaw rotate slider.

- When downloading ‘Buckley AWT eye mesh and sliders for all ages’, make sure to also download ' aWT's Default Replacement Eye Meshes for Children and Toddlers SimSkin Shader Version Slider Compatible’ on the same page. Additionally, it is crucial to download ’ aWT_EYEBALL_Lod0_buhudainUVFix2_SimSkin by buhudain’. The reason for this is that the ‘SimSkin’ versions are the only ones compatible with aWT eye sliders, (preventing any glowing eyes when transforming into a vampire, werewolf, or ghost) but the SimEyes verion is not. Since I used aWt’s eye sliders, use only the SimSkin version, not SimEyes.
- I only used aWt's ' iris size’ and ‘Pupil Dilate’ eye sliders.
- Please also note that if you have the S-club UV Eye fix, it is incompatible with aWT's eye mesh and should not be used with this sim.
I created realistic 3D details in the sculpt without using textures, such as lip corners, cheek grooves, upper eyelids and eyebags, tear throughs, and a slight dorsum hump (only visible from 3/4ths). The right-side eye has more prominent asymmetry. Other features include a middle lip tubercule, chin mentolabial crease, rounded forehead and a thin nose septum, heart-shaped face with an actual jaw, nose dimples, and realistic facial proportions.I reduced sim mesh sharpness as much as possible while maintaining facial structure. The 3D sculpt details are genetic. She suits all ages and genders. Keeping wrinkles ages her realistically, creating a cool effect and she looks adorable at younger age groups.
When she is gender switched to man, you can reduce his nostril scale using the base game slider. Separately, One Euromutt has created sliders found here that address this issue, but I never used these on this sim.
One of my favourite things about her is that heart shapes can be found all over her face, such as the apples of her cheeks, and mouth, her face shape, and the base of her nose tip is an upside down heart.
Shadows under her nose: due to her nose anatomy and the game's lighting engine. Using different lighting in photos can make the shadows less noticeable. Shadows are also less prominent with normal outdoor and indoor lighting. By not using Nectar Cellar's default normal map replacement can reduce the prominence of the shadows. Aging as a teen and elder adds a highlight under the nose, which can't be avoided but is subtle.
Animations: I used facial expression animations suite from the base game for her head shots photos, ensuring that her features animate and fit within the game's animations. The low, mid, and most high animations and idles are flattering to her, except for extreme ones like the baseball conversation, which I think don't suit any sim.
Clothing & Accessories
- For Swim, I did not use thesebut similar look to rukisim's glasses, JSSims 3 heart glasses, link found here, JS Sims info & photos here. A just-in-case alternative, if you prefer the JSSims version or the rukisims link, is down.
- For Everyday, the ' CFS Scalloped Knee Socks' can be replaced by the base game over-the-knee socks. It's the same, but I just could not resist the slight, cute scallop detail.
- Sleepwear: Requires Seasons for the AF Female Long Johns outfit. If you don’t have it it will be replaced by the base game or whatever expansion pack you have.

- Her face was sculpted with the slider range set to 2x with MasterController. If you don’t intend to change her face, it’s not necessary to change the slider range.
- She is face slider heavy. You might need a mod to increase the number of sliders the game can use, such as MasterController
- Used in photos and useful in generalCAS lighting Edit by Simbouquet
- I used HP's Increased Shine Its very subtle.
- Suggested if you need more expanded skin tone panel for non-default skins: Cmar’s Skin tone Panel 1.38
- Fanasher More Beauty Marks. Freckles. & wrinkle slots 1.67 if you need more expanded slots in Topical Detail section in CAS
- Can only be seen super up hyper zoomed up close. Compatible with HP’s Idola Non-Default Skin. The combination of using this normal map and the non-default skin is that you don’t need to use separate custom fingernails. For the body, I only used Default Replacement Normal Map: Buhudain You Are Real 1.5 female body_N+V here and Alternative link here and another alternate link
- In the same links above you can use ‘Buhudain_DR_YouAreRealV1.4_Female_KertinFace’ together with ‘Budhudain's body original normal map because it's softer and ideal for gameplay. I used Buhudain_DR_YouAreRealV1.4_Female_KertinFace_NC_EDIT_HasAdultWrinkles. You are hyperreal by Nectar Cellar in combination with Buhudain's original body map.
- Completely not needed at all because her outfits use shoes and thus they are not photographed. But I find Blooms 3D feet an absolute must-have default replacement, to keep realism consistency for when you take off her shoes. Bloomsbase’s sexy feet for the sims 3 can be found here. Alternative link here
- I would recommend using SLAMYY Default replacement Eyelash Mesh Terminator than S-club’s ‘ts3 mod ea eyelash removal fm’ if you have that already. It’s not needed, but it’s better overall.

These in-game photos were only cropped, collaged, and watermarked. No graphic or shader mods(G-shade, Reshade, etc) were used. The sunflower and beach photos were taken at sunset and sunrise using the Blue Skies & Sunshine Lighting Mod by BrntWaffles, which doesn't affect game performance. The Sim and Texture details were set to very high. Apologies for any jagged outlines, blurry textures, and clipping due to using an old low-end laptop with an Intel graphics card.
For Additional photo credits, like If you need to know how I achieved an effect in-game or any other props, just ask me in the comments or dm me.

- Don’t re-upload without permission.
- If edited, used as a base,or any children produced from this sim, just simply give credit and link back here.
- Please, do not claim as your own.
Additional Credits:
A special thanks to my boyfriend Jullian, SimmyRN in CFF,BoomItsLoki,Stratford8,nuita_,c0_nduit, fuzzylogicdishwasher, TheNickleCity, KalistaVeneGeance, Curious_Cat_22, chemical_am3ba, After_Pie8326, _keniz, Mean-Put-9097, SecretLow2733, boilyourdentist, and the many others who took the time to contributed to her name, bio, traits, and backstory.
There is a movie called Amélie 2001 where the main character is called Amélie, I have not seen it yet so any resemblance to her appearance or character is a coincidence. I've been told Billy Ellish, Scarlet Johanson, and some people's self-sims. can you see any more resemblances or similarities?
Filename | Type | Size |
Amélie.rar | rar | |
Amélie_Beausoleil.sim | sim | 486525 |
chamomilewine_nosemaskN1.package | package | 474262 |
E-140106-eyemask-S.package | package | 164038 |
E-eyebrow130916-B.package | package | 94239 |
The following custom content is included in the downloadable files:
The following custom content is required for this download to function properly! Please make sure you download it before downloading the files!
- Pi Nose Width, Pi Eyebags01, Pi Outer Eye Corner sliders in Facial slider Pack II by Pi Pitheinfinite
- Pi Upper Lip Tip, Pi Upper Lip Width sliders in Facial Slider Pack I by Pi Pitheinfinite
- Sucreomi Forehead shape Fix, Inner Nostril Definition, Nostril drop, smaller Nostrils, Nostril Widen, Nose Tip Scale X, Eyelid height Inner, (ear) Tragus Depth sliders by Simtanico
- Nostril depth, Nose Tip Y scale, Nostril curve sliders by One Euro Mutt [OEM]
- Brow Rotate Slider by One Euro Mutt [OEM]
- Face Width Slider by One Euro Mutt [OEM]
- Chin Bone Height Slider by One Euro Mutt [OEM]
- Upper Lip Curve Slider by One Euro Mutt [OEM]
- Ear Height Thickness and Ear Width sliders by One Euro Mutt [OEM]
- Lower Jaw Height, jawline Width, Chin Width sliders by Ahmad/Bella3leka
- Nose Depth slider by Nik sim
- midEAR point Slider by Lewing
- earlobe slider by Littlecat
- ears point slider by Cmar
- head size slider * by Johna
- chin to neck slider * by Wojek
- jaw rotate* by aWT
- EA sclera teeth version of Pearly whites Default Replacement teeth * by HellFrozeOver
- genetics set Eyemask3(eyeshadow) & Lips3 (lip mask/lipstick)* by Smallsimmer
- download BOTH Buckley AWT eye mesh & sliders for all ages (scroll down third download link) AND ‘#aWT’s Default Replacement Eye Meshes for Children & Toddlers SimSkin Shader Version Slider Compatible’ (The first download) by Buckley
- aWT_EYEBALL_Lod0_buhudainUVFix2_SimSkin by Buhudain
- aWT eyeball pupil height scale Slider and ‘aWT_MSH_LOD0-Eyeball’ default replacement mesh by aWT
- S-Club Eyelashes Design 3A CASP Fix (filename: “S-Club [ts3-eyelash-f] design-n3-a [casp-eyeliner] FIX" by Buckley
- S-club Eyelash Set N3A by S-club
- S-club Eyelash Mesh F by S-club
- S-club Eyelash Sliders by S-club
- Default replacement Eyelash Mesh Terminator by SLAMYY
- Hp’s Idol 3 Non-Default Skin * by HystericalParoxysm
- Gosik Subtle Freckles (Default Replacement Topical Details Freckles) by Gosik
- FORMAL HAIR Ade- Riri hair (simss 3) by Ade_Darma
- OUTWEAR HAIR MashupAntAllyNightcrawlerStella hair by FirefoxSims
- EVERYDAY/SLEEP/SWIM HAIR: Moood Hush Cut Sims 4 TO 3 conversion reduced and retextrued , scroll down last link by Agnelid
- EVERYDAY: Dawn Allure Dress Suspender by Anubis 360
- EVERYDAY: CFS Scalloped Knee Socks* by creature fear sims CFS
- FORMAL: Champion Glory Glee Dress by Anubis 360
- FORMAL: AF Dancing Shoes by The Sims 3 EA store
- ATHLETIC: SHUNGA LF Cropped Hoodie by simsoficeandfire
- ATHLETIC: SIMS 4 TO 3 conversion of Darte77 af VansOldSkool shoes by RolloRolls
- SWIM: Mooskini swimsuit version with flower BOTTOM by Elexis
- SWIM: 'afTopFruityBikini' TOP by The Sims 3 EA Store
- SWIM: YAF Improved Basic Flip Flops by Monoco Doll
- SWIM: Heart Shaped Glasses * by Rukisims
- OUTERWEAR: Winter Glaze Coat Plain version by Anubis 360
- OUTERWEAR: AF sims 4 to Sims 3 conversion MMsims Dr.Martens Molly Boots by yesod /Thorns of Peace
Note from the Creator:
If you want her to look exactly like in the photos, you must download everything in the required custom content list.
The .sim package goes to 'SavedSims' and the rest of the custom content goes into your Mods folder.
| Comes with nose mask, eye contacts, and eyebrows.
Uploaded: 29th Mar 2024, 985.6 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Click the file listed on the Files tab to download the sim to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
2. Select the .sim file you got from extracting.
3. Cut and paste it into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\SavedSims folder. If you do not have this folder yet, it is recommended that you open the game, enter Create-a-Sim, and save a sim to the sim bin to create this folder, rather than doing so manually. After that you can close the game and put the .sim file in SavedSims
4. Once the .sim file is in SavedSims, you can load the game, and look for your sim in the premade sims bin in Create-a-Sim.
Extracting from RAR, ZIP, or 7z: You will need a special program for this. For Windows, we recommend 7-Zip and for Mac OSX, we recommend Keka. Both are free and safe to use.
Need more help?
If you need more info, see Game Help:Installing TS3 Simswiki for a full, detailed step-by-step guide! Special Installation Instructions
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
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Updated: 1st Apr 2024 at 3:51 PM
#Amélie, #Amelie, #Emily, #Amelia, #Emilie, #artist, #french, #Sims 3, #teacher, #author, #adventure, #manic pixie dream girl, #realistic, #FREEDOM_55, #realism, #country, #sunflowers, #beach, #Margot, #flowers, #France, #countryside, #jane, #mary, #books, #writer, #ambitious, #good, #artistic, #whimsy, #hopeless r
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