TS4_TS2 Lovestruck - Patio Set
01.2 Lovestruck - Patio Set with title.jpg - width=1100 height=640
02. Wooden Picnic Seat (front).jpg - width=800 height=600
02. Wooden Picnic Seat (side).jpg - width=800 height=700
02. Wooden Picnic Seat Recolors.jpg - width=1200 height=600
03. Webbing Colored Patio Chair (front).jpg - width=800 height=800
03. Webbing Colored Patio Chair (rear).jpg - width=800 height=800
03. Webbing Colored Patio Chair (side).jpg - width=800 height=800
03. Webbing Colored Patio Chair Recolors.jpg - width=1200 height=700
04.1 Couples Crest Bench (front).jpg - width=920 height=600
04.1 Couples Crest Bench (rear).jpg - width=920 height=600
04.1 Couples Crest Bench (side-top).jpg - width=860 height=700
04.2 Couples Crest Bench.jpg - width=920 height=600
04.3 Couples Crest Bench.jpg - width=920 height=600
04.4 Couples Crest Bench.jpg - width=920 height=600
04.5 Couples Crest Bench.jpg - width=920 height=600
04.6 Couples Crest Bench.jpg - width=920 height=600
04.7 Couples Crest Bench.jpg - width=920 height=600
04.8 Couples Crest Bench.jpg - width=920 height=600
04.9 Couples Crest Bench.jpg - width=920 height=600
04.10 Couples Crest Bench.jpg - width=920 height=600
04.11 Couples Crest Bench.jpg - width=920 height=600
05.1 Flexible Three-Seat Loveseat (front).jpg - width=920 height=600
05.1 Flexible Three-Seat Loveseat (rear).jpg - width=920 height=600
05.1 Flexible Three-Seat Loveseat (side-top).jpg - width=920 height=700
05.2 Flexible Three-Seat Loveseat.jpg - width=920 height=600
05.3 Flexible Three-Seat Loveseat.jpg - width=920 height=600
05.4 Flexible Three-Seat Loveseat.jpg - width=920 height=600
05.5 Flexible Three-Seat Loveseat.jpg - width=920 height=600
05.6 Flexible Three-Seat Loveseat.jpg - width=920 height=600
05.7 Flexible Three-Seat Loveseat.jpg - width=920 height=600
05.8 Flexible Three-Seat Loveseat.jpg - width=920 height=600
05.9 Flexible Three-Seat Loveseat.jpg - width=920 height=600
05.10 Flexible Three-Seat Loveseat.jpg - width=920 height=600
05.11 Flexible Three-Seat Loveseat.jpg - width=920 height=600
06.1 Mosaic Wooden Picnic Table Recolors (front).jpg - width=840 height=600
06.1 Mosaic Wooden Picnic Table Recolors (side-top).jpg - width=800 height=700
06.2 Mosaic Wooden Picnic Table Recolors.jpg - width=860 height=700
07.1 Hanging Wooden Box Garden.jpg - width=840 height=600
07.2 Hanging Wooden Box Garden.jpg - width=840 height=600
07.3 Hanging Wooden Box Garden.jpg - width=840 height=600
07.4 Hanging Wooden Box Garden.jpg - width=840 height=600
07.5 Hanging Wooden Box Garden.jpg - width=840 height=600
07.6 Hanging Wooden Box Garden.jpg - width=840 height=600
07.7 Hanging Wooden Box Garden.jpg - width=840 height=600
07.8 Hanging Wooden Box Garden.jpg - width=840 height=600
07.9 Hanging Wooden Box Garden.jpg - width=840 height=600
08.1 Botanical Garden Wall Planter.jpg - width=800 height=1240
08.2 Botanical Garden Wall Planter.jpg - width=800 height=1240
08.3 Botanical Garden Wall Planter.jpg - width=800 height=1240
08.4 Botanical Garden Wall Planter.jpg - width=800 height=1240
08.5 Botanical Garden Wall Planter.jpg - width=800 height=1240
09.1 Patterned Romantic Blanket.jpg - width=880 height=700
09.2 Patterned Romantic Blanket.jpg - width=880 height=700
09.3 Patterned Romantic Blanket.jpg - width=880 height=700
09.4 Patterned Romantic Blanket.jpg - width=880 height=706
09.5 Patterned Romantic Blanket.jpg - width=880 height=700
09.6 Patterned Romantic Blanket.jpg - width=880 height=700
09.7 Patterned Romantic Blanket.jpg - width=880 height=700
09.8 Patterned Romantic Blanket.jpg - width=880 height=700
09.9 Patterned Romantic Blanket.jpg - width=880 height=700
09.10 Patterned Romantic Blanket.jpg - width=880 height=700
10.1 Classic Romantic Blanket.jpg - width=880 height=700
10.2 Classic Romantic Blanket.jpg - width=880 height=700
10.3 Classic Romantic Blanket.jpg - width=880 height=700
10.4 Classic Romantic Blanket.jpg - width=880 height=700
10.5 Classic Romantic Blanket.jpg - width=880 height=700
10.6 Classic Romantic Blanket.jpg - width=880 height=700
10.7 Classic Romantic Blanket.jpg - width=880 height=700
10.8 Classic Romantic Blanket.jpg - width=880 height=700

Please note:
When placing the Hanging Wooden Box Garden, it is ceiling height and requires 2 (vacant) wall spaces, or it will not allow you to place it.
My SimPE settings include having CEP enabled.
Botanical Garden Wall Planter is a wall plant with 4 plant/5 trellis options.

Polygon Count: 569
Buy Mode Location: Decorative/Plants
Recolorable Part(s): 2 subsets - plant and trellis
Classic Romantic Blanket (3x3) is a thick rug with 8 color options.

Polygon Count: 1354
Buy Mode Location: Decorative/Rugs
Recolorable Part(s): 1 subset for whole object
Couples Crest Bench (2x1) is an outdoor loveseat/bench with 11 design options.

Polygon Count: 548
Buy Mode Location: Comfort/Sofas and Loveseats
Recolorable Part(s): 1 subset for whole object
Flexible Three-Seat Loveseat (3x1) is an outdoor bench with color options.

Polygon Count: 420
Buy Mode Location: Comfort/Sofas and Loveseats
Recolorable Part(s): 1 subset for whole object
Hanging Wooden Box Garden (2x1) is a decorative plant with 2 flower/9 wood options.

Polygon Count: 828
Buy Mode Location: Decorative/Plants
Recolorable Part(s): 2 subsets - flowers and wood
Mosaic Wooden Picnic Table (2x1) is a dining table with 8 color design options.

Polygon Count: 90
Buy Mode Location: Surfaces/Dining Tables
Recolorable Part(s): 1 subset for the whole object
Patterned Romantic Blanket (3x3) is a thick rug with 10 design options.

Polygon Count: 1354
Buy Mode Location: Decorative/Rugs
Recolorable Part(s): 1 subset for whole object
Webbing Colored Patio Chair is a living chair with 3 cushion/10 frame color options.

Polygon Count: 816
Buy Mode Location: Comfort/Living Chairs
Recolorable Part(s): 2 subsets - cushion and frame
Wooden Picnic Seat is a seat with 10 color options for use with the Mosaic Wooden Picnic Table.

Polygon Count: 130
Buy Mode Location: Comfort/Dining Chairs
Recolorable Part(s): 1 subset for whole object
The Classic Romantic Blanket and the Patterned Romantic Blanket both require the Night Life Expansion Pack to be installed.
All other 7 items have been cloned from Sims2 Base Game objects.
The Lovestruck Patio Set zip.file contains all 9 items plus the collection file (separate folders for each item). I have also attached separate zip.files for each item.
Happy Simming!

Additional Credits
Thanks to TSR Workshop, SimPE, Milkshape 3D and EA Games as without these programs creating objects would not be possible.
Also Numenor for CEP.
Filename | Type | Size |
Lovestruck Patio Set.zip | zip | |
LSP8BotanicalGardenWallPlanterMesh.package | package | 5675494 |
LSP8ClassicRomanticBlanketMesh.package | package | 1461873 |
LSP8ClassicRomanticBlanketTexture02 - blue.package | package | 1400835 |
LSP8ClassicRomanticBlanketTexture03 - green.package | package | 1400835 |
LSP8ClassicRomanticBlanketTexture04 - red-beige trim.package | package | 1400835 |
LSP8ClassicRomanticBlanketTexture05 - red.package | package | 1400835 |
LSP8ClassicRomanticBlanketTexture06 - navy.package | package | 1400835 |
LSP8ClassicRomanticBlanketTexture07 - black -beige trim.package | package | 1400835 |
LSP8ClassicRomanticBlanketTexture08 - black.package | package | 1400835 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchMesh.package | package | 285338 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture02 - grey & red.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture03 - grey.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture04 - dark grey.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture05 - light brown.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture06 - blue.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture07 - green.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture08 - grey-green.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture09 - brown.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture10 - black & multi.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture11 - black.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatMesh.package | package | 450867 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture02 - yellow.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture03 - green.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture04 - turquoise.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture05 - orange.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture06 - pink.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture07 - red.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture08 - blue.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture09 - violet.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture10 - grey.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture11 - black.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8HangingWoodenBoxGardenMesh.package | package | 1535479 |
LSP8HangingWoodenBoxGardenTexture02 - pink.package | package | 701921 |
LSP8HangingWoodenBoxGardenTexture03 - gold.package | package | 701921 |
LSP8HangingWoodenBoxGardenTexture04 - beige.package | package | 701921 |
LSP8HangingWoodenBoxGardenTexture05 - dark gold.package | package | 701921 |
LSP8HangingWoodenBoxGardenTexture06 - mustard.package | package | 701921 |
LSP8HangingWoodenBoxGardenTexture07 - grey.package | package | 701921 |
LSP8HangingWoodenBoxGardenTexture08 - dark brown.package | package | 701921 |
LSP8HangingWoodenBoxGardenTexture09 - black.package | package | 701921 |
Lovestruck Patio Set Collection.package | package | 4788 |
LSP8MosaicWoodenPicnicTableMesh.package | package | 516684 |
LSP8MosaicWoodenPicnicTableTexture02 - green.package | package | 352250 |
LSP8MosaicWoodenPicnicTableTexture03 - orange.package | package | 352250 |
LSP8MosaicWoodenPicnicTableTexture04 - black.package | package | 352250 |
LSP8MosaicWoodenPicnicTableTexture05 - yellow.package | package | 352250 |
LSP8MosaicWoodenPicnicTableTexture06 - pink.package | package | 352250 |
LSP8MosaicWoodenPicnicTableTexture07 - mid brown.package | package | 352250 |
LSP8MosaicWoodenPicnicTableTexture08 - dark brown.package | package | 352250 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketMesh.package | package | 1461780 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketTexture02 - grey.package | package | 1400849 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketTexture03 - pink-lips.package | package | 1400849 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketTexture04 - red check.package | package | 1400849 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketTexture05 - red-lips.package | package | 1400849 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketTexture06 - cerise.package | package | 1400849 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketTexture07 - blue stripe.package | package | 1400849 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketTexture08 - green stripe.package | package | 1400849 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketTexture09 - brown stripe.package | package | 1400849 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketTexture10 - multi-stripe.package | package | 1400849 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairMesh.package | package | 724679 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairTexture02 - white.package | package | 177506 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairTexture03 - yellow.package | package | 177728 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairTexture04 - orange.package | package | 177728 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairTexture05 - pink.package | package | 177728 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairTexture06 - torquoise.package | package | 177728 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairTexture07 - green.package | package | 177728 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairTexture08 - red.package | package | 177728 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairTexture09 - black-gold.package | package | 179786 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairTexture10 - black.package | package | 179786 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatMesh.package | package | 1202066 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatTexture02-green.package | package | 701857 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatTexture03 - mid brown wood.package | package | 701857 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatTexture04 - royal blue.package | package | 701857 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatTexture05 - purple.package | package | 701857 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatTexture06 - blue.package | package | 701857 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatTexture07 - turqoise.package | package | 701857 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatTexture08 - yellow.package | package | 701857 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatTexture09 - red.package | package | 701857 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatTexture10 - lime green.package | package | 701857 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Botanical Garden Wall Planter.zip | zip | |
LSP8BotanicalGardenWallPlanterMesh.package | package | 5675494 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Classic Romantic Blanket (Night Life EP).zip | zip | |
LSP8ClassicRomanticBlanketMesh.package | package | 1461873 |
LSP8ClassicRomanticBlanketTexture02 - blue.package | package | 1400835 |
LSP8ClassicRomanticBlanketTexture03 - green.package | package | 1400835 |
LSP8ClassicRomanticBlanketTexture04 - red-beige trim.package | package | 1400835 |
LSP8ClassicRomanticBlanketTexture05 - red.package | package | 1400835 |
LSP8ClassicRomanticBlanketTexture06 - navy.package | package | 1400835 |
LSP8ClassicRomanticBlanketTexture07 - black -beige trim.package | package | 1400835 |
LSP8ClassicRomanticBlanketTexture08 - black.package | package | 1400835 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Couples Crest Bench.zip | zip | |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchMesh.package | package | 285338 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture02 - grey & red.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture03 - grey.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture04 - dark grey.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture05 - light brown.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture06 - blue.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture07 - green.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture08 - grey-green.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture09 - brown.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture10 - black & multi.package | package | 177387 |
LSP8CouplesCrestBenchTexture11 - black.package | package | 177387 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Flexible Three-Seater Loveseat.zip | zip | |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatMesh.package | package | 450867 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture02 - yellow.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture03 - green.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture04 - turquoise.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture05 - orange.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture06 - pink.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture07 - red.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture08 - blue.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture09 - violet.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture10 - grey.package | package | 352257 |
LSP8FlexibleThreeSeatLoveseatTexture11 - black.package | package | 352257 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Hanging Wooden Box Garden.zip | zip | |
LSP8HangingWoodenBoxGardenMesh.package | package | 1535479 |
LSP8HangingWoodenBoxGardenTexture02 - pink.package | package | 701921 |
LSP8HangingWoodenBoxGardenTexture03 - gold.package | package | 701921 |
LSP8HangingWoodenBoxGardenTexture04 - beige.package | package | 701921 |
LSP8HangingWoodenBoxGardenTexture05 - dark gold.package | package | 701921 |
LSP8HangingWoodenBoxGardenTexture06 - mustard.package | package | 701921 |
LSP8HangingWoodenBoxGardenTexture07 - grey.package | package | 701921 |
LSP8HangingWoodenBoxGardenTexture08 - dark brown.package | package | 701921 |
LSP8HangingWoodenBoxGardenTexture09 - black.package | package | 701921 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Mosaic Wooden Picnic Table.zip | zip | |
LSP8MosaicWoodenPicnicTableMesh.package | package | 516684 |
LSP8MosaicWoodenPicnicTableTexture02 - green.package | package | 352250 |
LSP8MosaicWoodenPicnicTableTexture03 - orange.package | package | 352250 |
LSP8MosaicWoodenPicnicTableTexture04 - black.package | package | 352250 |
LSP8MosaicWoodenPicnicTableTexture05 - yellow.package | package | 352250 |
LSP8MosaicWoodenPicnicTableTexture06 - pink.package | package | 352250 |
LSP8MosaicWoodenPicnicTableTexture07 - mid brown.package | package | 352250 |
LSP8MosaicWoodenPicnicTableTexture08 - dark brown.package | package | 352250 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Patterned Romantic Blanket (Night Life EP).zip | zip | |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketMesh.package | package | 1461780 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketTexture02 - grey.package | package | 1400849 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketTexture03 - pink-lips.package | package | 1400849 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketTexture04 - red check.package | package | 1400849 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketTexture05 - red-lips.package | package | 1400849 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketTexture06 - cerise.package | package | 1400849 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketTexture07 - blue stripe.package | package | 1400849 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketTexture08 - green stripe.package | package | 1400849 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketTexture09 - brown stripe.package | package | 1400849 |
LSP8PatternedRomanticBlanketTexture10 - multi-stripe.package | package | 1400849 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Webbing Colored Patio Chair.zip | zip | |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairMesh.package | package | 724679 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairTexture02 - white.package | package | 177506 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairTexture03 - yellow.package | package | 177728 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairTexture04 - orange.package | package | 177728 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairTexture05 - pink.package | package | 177728 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairTexture06 - torquoise.package | package | 177728 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairTexture07 - green.package | package | 177728 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairTexture08 - red.package | package | 177728 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairTexture09 - black-gold.package | package | 179786 |
LSP8WebbingColoredPatioChairTexture10 - black.package | package | 179786 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Wooden Picnic Seat (for Mosaic Wooden Picnic Table.zip | zip | |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatMesh.package | package | 1202066 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatTexture02-green.package | package | 701857 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatTexture03 - mid brown wood.package | package | 701857 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatTexture04 - royal blue.package | package | 701857 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatTexture05 - purple.package | package | 701857 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatTexture06 - blue.package | package | 701857 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatTexture07 - turqoise.package | package | 701857 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatTexture08 - yellow.package | package | 701857 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatTexture09 - red.package | package | 701857 |
LSP8WoodenPicnicSeatTexture10 - lime green.package | package | 701857 |
This is a new mesh, and means that it's a brand new self contained object that usually does not require a specific Pack (although this is possible depending on the type). It may have Recolours hosted on MTS - check below for more information.
The following custom content is included in the downloadable files:
- Botanical Garden Wall Planter by Ladysimplayer8
- Classic Romantic Blanket by Ladysimplayer8
- Couples Crest Bench by Ladysimplayer8
- Flexible Three-Seat Loveeat by Ladysimplayer8
- Hanging Wooden Box Garden by Ladysimplayer8
- Mosaic Wooden Picnic Table by Ladysimplayer8
- Patterned Romantic Blanket by Ladysimplayer8
- Webbing Colored Patio Chair by Ladysimplayer8
- Wooden Picnic Seat by Ladysimplayer8
Wooden Picnic Seat (for Mosaic Wooden Picnic Table.zip
Uploaded: 20th Nov 2024, 1.54 MB.
Webbing Colored Patio Chair.zip
Uploaded: 20th Nov 2024, 758.1 KB.
Patterned Romantic Blanket (Night Life EP).zip
Uploaded: 20th Nov 2024, 3.52 MB.
Mosaic Wooden Picnic Table.zip
Uploaded: 20th Nov 2024, 967.6 KB.
Hanging Wooden Box Garden.zip
Uploaded: 20th Nov 2024, 1.69 MB.
Flexible Three-Seater Loveseat.zip
Uploaded: 20th Nov 2024, 662.3 KB.
Couples Crest Bench.zip
Uploaded: 20th Nov 2024, 977.2 KB.
Classic Romantic Blanket (Night Life EP).zip
Uploaded: 20th Nov 2024, 3.02 MB.
Botanical Garden Wall Planter.zip
Uploaded: 20th Nov 2024, 1.45 MB.
Lovestruck Patio Set.zip
Uploaded: 20th Nov 2024, 14.51 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 21st Nov 2024 at 5:09 PM
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Nightlife |
About Me
My conversions uploads are intended for the exclusive use of members and guests of Mod the Sims.
My conversions are not permitted on any other site; nor for use in any mod.
Sims 4 conversions should not require any recolors as there are many textures supplied with the object and I do all the textures supplied.
Sims 3 conversions have a more limited number of recolors (generally 3), so if you wish for more recolors, please contact me to do the recolors, or for my permission if you wish to do them yourself and upload them to any non payment site.
Thank you for observing my policies.