'PlaceAnywhere' Vanity Mirror

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Hi Guys,

I have always wondered why there were no table mirrors in the game so I decided it was time to make one...

Made with Milkshape, SimPE v0.54 this has its own unique GUID (so it wont conflict or replace any existing object in your game), is colour eneabled and will work with all, any or no expansion packs.

Polygon Count: 496 (= Good = )

This is the 'PlaceAnywhere' Vanity Mirror. Perfect for small apartments (or to just clutter up your existing surfaces ).

(Big thanks to Numenor for showing me how to change the placement BHAV's. )

It is placeable on ANY surface - counters, tables, side tables, coffee tables, desks etc., (except the ground...too dangereous for the toddlers!) - including the fireplace mantle!

It is fully usable for all the usual mirror interactions (change appearance, gussy up etc).

The zip file includes a selection of 6 recolours (see pic) Chrome (default), Black, Pink, Brass, Green and Blue.

Note: As with all Maxis mirrors, you MUST be able to stand on an empty square in front of the mirror to use it (or your Sims will complain).
This means that if you place it on the fireplace mantle it will NOT work in the CENTRE position (because there is no 'square' in front of the middle of the fireplace).
It WILL, however, work on the sides of the mantle!

Likewise, if you place it on a table or desk, and then sit in front of it, the chair will be 'blocking' you from using the mirror, so I'm afraid you can't using it sitting down... ...

It can be found in both residential and commercial catalogues under Decorative/Mirrors

Price: (a 'snip' at) 15 Simoleons!

(As with other Maxis mirrors,) using it will gain you 2 environment points + charisma

So far I have not found any 'issues' (other than those 'normal' Maxis restrictions mentioned above), but please report any 'unusual' findings when using it...

Enjoy! ...


(Thanks and stars always encourage me to make more!)

Recolours: Feel free to post here at MTS2. Do not include the original mesh file in your recolours, .... please put a link back to here.

Lots: DO NOT include this item in any Lot uploads. You may include it in your screenshots, but please REMOVE this item before packaging and uploading your lot.
Put a link in your lot upload for people to come to this thread to download it. (This way, they will be getting the most recent version, which may include any updates since you downloadload it.)

Please .... DO NOT CLONE .... or put on pay/donation sites.



It has come to my attention that certain of my objects/accessories are being uploaded to The Exchange and then being 'claimed' as the creation of the uploader. This is both immoral and unfair and totally against my wishes. My objects/accessories take many hours of work, and I upload them here (for free) for you guys to enjoy.
I think that the least I deserve for this is 'recognition' as the creator.

I would appreciate your co-operation in reporting this to me (and even better, telling the uploader that they are breaching my legal copyright) if you see it happening.
Thank you
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