Flower Arrangements

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Uploaded: 8th Oct 2006 at 2:24 AM
Updated: 13th Jun 2007 at 5:27 PM
I think I have developed an obsession with flowers and vibrants colours.
The 7 flower arrangements are kind of indoor versions of my October plant set. I tried to give them names descriptive of the main colour of the arrangement, but then I made some changes, added recolours and things got a bit comfused.
Here are the details:
Irises - 973 polys
Yellow Autumn Vase - 1026 polys
Pink Flower Centrepiece - 957 polys
Bluebells - 915 polys
Petunias - 1074 polys
Purple and Blue Flowers (which actually have a red-and-yellow recolour) - 1078 polys
Magnolias/Azaleas - 1016 polys

You are welcome to recolour the flower arrangements. Please, do not upload to pay sites.