Beer Bottles (Budwieser & Coors)
beer final1.jpg - width=512 height=512
beer3.JPG - width=577 height=469
beer4.JPG - width=623 height=531
Bud.JPG - width=101 height=181
Coors.JPG - width=113 height=179
A while ago i made the mesh and worked on how they looked while drinking the beer but had problems
later i decided to give up on them and let carrigon work on them
she later moved to inge's website and now she has dissapeared (i do not know where she is or if she is even around anymore?) just making that clear.
i now present the original bottles i once worked on
Note: the bottles dont align perfectly with the sim while drinking they are a bit high on the face which cannot be helped because of how tall they are
Sorry i cannot make them smaller or they are even worse out of place or look funny while holding them.
Note: Children cannot drink from the bottles but can clean them up!
Originaly i only made a Bud Bottle but now there are two for your sims
Coors and Bud

The coors has a blue bottle sorry but i could not get the right texture for the bottle so this is what you get :P
Have fun and enjoy!
Additional Credits:
Quaxi, Delphy, Inge and Peter, EA/Maxis,
exor674 (without her no foods would be possible)
Me of course for the beers!
Uploaded: 29th Sep 2007, 220.0 KB.
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