AL Multi-Mailbox for Non-Apartment Use, with Universal Buyable Mailbox
sdCommunityMailbox.jpg - width=1279 height=541
Mailbox at Community Lot: Before & After
sdDormMailbox.jpg - width=1279 height=541
Mailbox at University Dorm: Before & After
sdGreekMailbox.jpg - width=1279 height=541
Mailbox at University Greek House: Before & After
sdLandgrabbHouseDormPayBill.JPG - width=800 height=767
Paying a Bill at a Dormitory with the Multi-Mailbox
1) To patch the Apartment Life mailbox so that the multiple-mailbox will be displayed on Community, University Dorms, Greek Houses and other non-single family lots. The patch has no effect if Apartment Life is unavailable, and it may be removed without adverse affects, provided the mailbox is not in use at the time.
2) To provide a small and efficient buyable mailbox patch which is compatible with all game configurations.
Note that non-residential lots do not typically have a mailbox at all, unless they have been converted from residential, or a buyable mailbox is used. Mailboxes on non-residential lots are not functional, only decorative.
Please install only one of the following seven multiple-mailbox patches in a Downloads folder:
1) sdMailboxALpatchComm.package - only Apartments and Community Lots will display the mulitiple-mailbox.
2) sdMailboxALpatchCommDorm.package - Apartments, Community Lots and University Dorms will display the mulitiple-mailbox.
3) sdMailboxALpatchCommDormGreek.package - Apartments, Community Lots, University Dorms and Greek Houses will all display the mulitiple-mailbox.
4) sdMailboxALpatchCommDormGreekHotel.package - Apartments, Community Lots, University Dorms, Greek Houses and Hotels will display the mulitiple-mailbox.
5) sdMailboxALpatchDorm.package - only Apartments and University Dorms will display the mulitiple-mailbox.
6) sdMailboxALpatchDormGreek.package - Apartments, University Dorms and Greek Houses will display the mulitiple-mailbox.
7) sdMailboxALpatchNonSingleRes.package - all lots that are not single family residential will display the multiple-mailbox. This means that Apartments, Community Lots, University Dorms, Greek Houses, Hotels, and Secret Lots will all have the multiple-mailbox, if a mailbox is present on the lot.

The buyable mailbox is located in the Misc/Misc and Outdoor/Misc sections of the Community and Residential catalogues, and in the Street/Misc section of the Community catalogue. It costs zero Simoleans.
The mailbox may be placed on any lot - or moved about within the lot - without using moveobjects on. However, the patch was designed so that the mailbox may not be deleted without using moveobjects on, to reduce the chance of accidental deletion. A residential or apartment lot will not function properly without a mailbox!
The mailbox is best placed somewhere on the grass strip betwen the sidewalk and the road. It may be placed elsewhere, but animations such as the taxi dropoff when a Sim first moves into a lot will not work properly if the mailbox is not by the road.

The multiple-mailbox patches are compatible with my buyable mailbox, but these patches will also function properly without a buyable mailbox. Please note that object version of the The Sim a Little Dream a Lot buyable mailbox is not compatible with the multi-mailbox patches, unless you remove the Dream a Lot mailbox from your Downloads folder once you have placed the mailbox.

You may include the multiple-mailbox patch in any uploaded lots, whether for free or pay. Please include a credit and link to this page. It would be nice if you sent me a PM with a link to your uploaded creation, but this is not required. It is advisable however to make it clear to the downloader that this patch may affect the appearance of other non-residential mailboxes within the game.
Because the buyable mailbox is best installed in the Bins folder, I do not recommend including it with uploaded lots. It would be better to simply use the buyable mailbox during the lot creation process, but package the lot without the patch file itself.
SimPE, and PJSE for patch creation
Microsoft Photo Editor and Microsoft Paint, for processing the screen shots
Numenor's AnyGameStarter, for development and testing. The community lot screenshots show a lot from Numenor's Mini-Game.
Pescado's Lot Debugger for an error free Apartment Life detection algorithm
| Universal Buyable Mailbox: please install in Bins folder!
Uploaded: 27th Jul 2010, 806 Bytes.
| All lots that are not single family residential will display the multi-mailbox
Uploaded: 27th Jul 2010, 667 Bytes.
| Apartments, Dorms and Greek Houses will display the mulitiple-mailbox
Uploaded: 27th Jul 2010, 675 Bytes.
| Only Apartments and University Dorms will display the mulitiple-mailbox
Uploaded: 27th Jul 2010, 663 Bytes.
| Apartments, Community, Dorm, Greek & Hotel will display the multi-mailbox
Uploaded: 27th Jul 2010, 701 Bytes.
| Apartments, Community, Dorm and Greek Houses will display the multi-mailbox
Uploaded: 27th Jul 2010, 685 Bytes.
| Apartments, Community Lots and Dorms will display the multi-mailbox
Uploaded: 27th Jul 2010, 668 Bytes.
| Only Apartments and Community Lots will display the mulitiple-mailbox
Uploaded: 27th Jul 2010, 361 Bytes.
| All Multi-Mailbox Patches, with Universal Buyable Mailbox
Uploaded: 27th Jul 2010, 5.0 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 30th Jul 2010 at 6:26 PM - Updated with Windows 7 information
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