Interaction on sloped terrain enabler
Often, I command my Sim to chat with someone at a beautiful park. The park has uneven terrain and the Sim is over there on the slope. So my Sim proceeds to approach, adjusts their position, steps backward, steps sideways, steps forward, steps backward, and drops the queue because apparently they're not smart enough to talk on a slightest slope. I always hate this behavior, and I'm sure you all do.
This mod enables Sims to perform most interactions on sloped terrains.
The possible interaction examples are socializing, playing catch, using laptop on ground, and flying around with jetpack (no, you can't fly around on uneven terrain without this mod). I haven't tried ALL interactions on a slope, such as kissing, flirting, giving gifts, and so on. They might or might not be enabled in this mod, but you may just try it yourselves. If it works, then good! If it doesn't, then oh well. Try hitting them on at a different place.
Technical information
When Sims socialize with other Sims or interact alone (like playing guitar), the game will try to create a "jig". A jig is an invisible pad where Sims have to stand in order to animate correctly, e.g. a Sim will not be too far or too close to the target Sim when they're flirting, etc. This is why Sims always try to "position" themselves whenever they're ordered to socialize. The problem with this is that like most objects, a jig cannot be placed on a sloped terrain, which causes Sims unable to interact.
I modified most of the jig OBJD files so that they can be placed on slope. I didn't change all of the jigs, because they're either not used outdoors (sweeping jig), somewhat special (skating and pool lounger jigs), or I didn't know what they're actually for and better left alone (kraken and boat jigs). I didn't change most jigs used underwater, like playing in the ocean and lifeguard water routing jigs, because I assume they can be placed on slope anyway. Honestly I rarely do water activities so I'm not 100% sure about this.
Minor issues
- Even though jigs can now be placed on slope, it won't slant. This means that for large jigs (like playing catch) on an extreme terrain, Sims might either float or sink underground. This is just a minor visual issue and harmless.
- Sometimes, interaction between two Sims might not match really well if they're at different heights. Probably, if two Sims kiss on a slope, their lips won't meet.
- Okay, this one is not an issue, but... it's pretty dangerous for a horse to do this here.
This mod will conflict with any mods that modifies OBJD files of the following resources. I never knew any mods that modify jig OBJDs before, but this is just so that you're aware of it:
Reminder: this is a long list!
BG - BassGuitarJig
BG - GuitarJig
BG - HelpWithHomeworkJig
BG - HomeworkSoloJig
BG - performer_jig
BG - playInSand_jig
BG - SimSittingOnFloorJig
BG - SocialJigBabyToddler
BG - SocialJigOnePerson
BG - SocialJigTwoPerson
BG - SocialJigTwoPerson_0_35Unit
BG - SocialJigTwoPerson_1_25Unit
BG - SocialJigTwoPerson_1_68Unit
BG - SocialJigTwoPerson_1Unit
BG - SocialJigTwoPerson_3Unit
BG - SocialJigTwoPerson_3UnitFight
BG - TeachToWalkJig
BG - ThrowingGameJigPaired
BG - throwPotionAt_jig
BG - ToyJig
BG - ToyJigToddler
BG - WorkOutJig
G - daycareProblems_1pt25_r2_c0_jig
G - flamingBag_jig
G - pillowFightA2a_jig
G - pillowFightA2cC2a_jig
G - pillowFightC2c_jig
G - tellTale_jig
G - watchingStars_jig
IP - adultSandcastle_jig
IP - lifeguardFakeInjury_jig
IP - lifeguardFakeInjuryRouting_jig
IP - mermDehydrate_jig
IP - UnderwaterSocial_Jig
ITF - computerHologram_jig
ITF - dewFightLarge_jig
ITF - dewFightSmall_jig
ITF - harpLaser_jig
ITF - jetpackFlyAround_jig
ITF - jetpackLandFail_jig
ITF - jetpackTakeOff_jig
ITF - performComedyShow_jig
LN - barBrawlJig
LN - cameraVideoMediumJig
LN - CelebPhotoSocialJigTwoPerson
LN - socialClubDanceJig
LN - SocialJigTwoPersonElboWest
LN - soloClubDanceJig
S - alienConsumeMeteor_jig
S - ballFightLarge_jig
S - ballFightSmall_jig
S - cloudRay_jig
S - simFreezingJig
S - skatingPondSpinCouple_jig
S - skatingPondSpinSingle_jig
S - skatingSpinCouple_jig
S - skatingSpinSingle_jig
S - SlowdanceJig
S - SparklerJig
S - umbrellaUpgrade_jig
P - catHuntJig
P - dogBallLargeDogJig
P - dogBallSmallDogJig
P - dogGenericIdleJig
P - dogPlatformEnterJig
P - dogPlatformExitJig
P - dogRouteDestinationJig
P - dogTurnInPlaceJig
P - foalPlatformEnterJig
P - foalPlatformExitJig
P - foalPlay_jig
P - foalRouteDestinationJig
P - foalTurnInPlaceJig
P - horse_ageTransitionJig
P - horse_kickJig
P - horse_nurseFoalJig
P - horse_trainingPosts_jig
P - horseBallJig
P - horseGrazeJig
P - horseMountDismountJig
P - horseNapJig
P - horsePassOutJig
P - horsePlatformEnterJig
P - horsePlatformExitJig
P - horsePlay_jig
P - horseRouteDestinationJig
P - horsesJumpHelperJig
P - horseThrowRiderJig
P - horseTurnInPlaceJig
P - horseTwoStoryAnimJig
P - petChewToyJig
P - petToyKittenPlayJig
P - petToyPlayJig
P - playFetchJig
P - smallDogPregnantJig
P - smallPetGenericIdleJig
P - smallPetsPlatformEnterJig
P - smallPetsPlatformExitJig
P - smallPetsTurnInPlaceJig
P - smallPetTackleJig
P - socializeDog_jig
P - socializeDogFoal_jig
P - socializeFoal_jig
P - socializeHorse_jig
P - SocialJigTwoPerson_Dog_GrowlJig
P - SocialJigTwoPerson_Dog2Dog
P - SocialJigTwoPerson_foal
P - SocialJigTwoPerson_Horse2Horse
P - SocialJigTwoPerson_puppyKitten
P - SocialJigTwoPerson_SmallPet2SmallPet
SN - castSpell_jig
SN - castSpellDuel_jig
SN - playFetchWerewolf_jig
SN - playTagWerewolfFairy_jig
SN - practiceSpell_jig
ST - kitFrontStage_Sing_Jig
ST - kitPerformer_solicit_jig
ST - KitPerformerForTipsJig
ST - KitPerformerJig
ST - LevitateMagicianSoloForTipsJig
ST - LevitateMagicianSolojig
ST - MeditateSoloJig
ST - singAGramFxPack_perform_jig
ST - singer_playForTips_jig
UL - computerLaptop_floor_jig
UL - flyingDisc_jig
UL - improvedProtesting_jig
UL - kickyBag_dual_jig
UL - kickyBag_solo_jig
WA - SparJig
This mod is made with patch 1.67. To use it, just put it in your Mods folder.
You might notice on the list that the mod also includes jigs from various EPs. It's okay if you don't have any of these EPs installed. The mod will still work.
Additional Credits:
Peter & Inge Jones for S3PE World used in the screenshots is Rendalen Builders and Vacation world DIY by Volvenom
Nikel23 - Interact on sloped terrain.rar
Uploaded: 29th Jul 2014, 9.2 KB.
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Updated: 10th Jun 2020 at 8:07 PM
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