Power Plant Career for your Adult Sims
Edit: Credit goes to Bidou's Career Editor tool for SimPE and the almighty GIMP program.
Career Level Description and Details
1. Coal Shoveler $85 (5PM – 1AM) Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sun
Congratulations! You have embarked upon an exciting career at the local power plant. Unfortunately, all the entry level jobs are on the graveyard shift. Almost anyone can do this job, which means that the pay is dismal, the hours are brutal, and you'll spend all your time shoveling coal and unloading it off of trucks from the local coal mine. Better go out of your way to prove you're not just another coal monkey so you can land a cushier position.
2. Conveyer Belt Operator $96 (4AM – 12PM) Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sun
Mechanical – 1; Body – 2; Logic – 1; Friends – 1
Your working life has become a soul-crushing routine of miserable faces, paltry pay, deafening noise, and endless coal. But your hard work and knowledge has got your promoted to a slightly better position. You no longer have to shovel coal off of incoming trucks. You now load coal on the conveyer belt to send it down to the lab for sampling and testing, which feels a bit too much like your previous job. Maybe something a little less menial would be a step in the right direction. Impress one of the higher ups and prove that you can learn how to do a less backbreaking job.
3. Apprentice Lineman $125 (9AM – 5PM) Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs
Mechanical – 2; Body – 1
You've been accepted into the union that handles coal miners and grunt level power company employees. Your job is now to ride around in a company van, block to block, to repair downed power lines and deal with new installations. You won't even be handling any of the big jobs that include hazard pay. You have to watch a REAL Lineman do that. But if you learn quickly, you might impress someone and land the title of Lineman, yourself. The hours are long and the pay is still low, but at least it's better than shoveling coal all night long.
4. Lineman $300 (10AM – 3PM) Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sat
Mechanical – 3; Charisma – 1; Logic – 2
Congratulations, you've finally completed your apprenticeship. Now you actually have to fix power lines! You'll be in a vehicle, all day, almost every day. To make things worse, you'll be on call, especially during and after thunderstorms and tornadoes. However, you'll be receiving some sweet hazard pay. Downed power lines are incredibly dangerous after all. Unfortunately, you'll also be tasked with installations. Which means you'll be putting in new power poles and power meters at people's houses. Better work on those muscles to keep up with the job. If you can prove that you actually have a brain, you might get a job that doesn't require a blue collar.
5. Meter Reader $557 (11AM – 2PM) Mon, Tues, Wed
Mechanical – 4; Logic – 3; Cleaning – 1; Friends – 2
You are no longer driving around to fix and install power lines, all day. Now, you're driving around reading power meters all day. It's your job to go to people's houses and record how much electricity they've used during a billing period. This is literally the easiest job in the industry. You get paid a tidy sum for next no work. A high school student could do your job. You could stay at this position for the rest of your life and be satisfied, but that isn't very exciting is it? This job is the most boring one you've had. Would you rather drive around all day, writing down numbers or move on and find something that is actually fulfilling. Maybe you should take some work-sponsored courses to improve your position?
6. Coal Sampler $657 (9AM – 2PM) Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sun
Mechanical – 4; Charisma – 1; Logic – 3; Cleaning – 1; Friends – 2
After a long time of being dispatched to strange locations and peoples' houses, you're actually back in the plant, itself. Your new job is to receive the coal that comes in on the conveyer belt and sample it. This job required you to take some specific science and chemistry classes to prepare, so now you should really know your stuff. Really, this job isn't that difficult, just incredibly tedious. You'll be sitting in the lab all day, sampling new coal, and running tests with one other employee. Let's hope you two get along, as you'll be working together all of the time.
7. Night Supervisor $725 (7PM – 4AM) Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sun
Mechanical – 4; Charisma – 2; Cleaning – 4; Friends – 3
You're back on the nightshift! But this time, you get to watch OTHER people shovel coal. Well, it's a bit more than that, but that is the bar minimum you have to do. You're job also calls for you to dispatch any emergency night crews in case a line goes down. You'll technically be supervising a couple of other departments, as well. The coal sampling guys can usually watch after themselves. Their job isn't too demanding anyway. But you need to be certain that the right amount of coal arrives on the night trucks and that all of it gets shoveled in time for the trucks to go get another load. You've got a lot more responsibility, so the pay is a lot better; however the stress isn't worth the pay. Maybe you should try to get back to a more intellectual position.
8. Day Supervisor $950 (8AM – 5PM) Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sun
Mechanical – 1; Charisma – 3; Logic – 5; Friends – 4
Congratulations, you've managed to get promoted to a job exactly like your previous one. Except the hours are better and the pay is higher. Unfortunately, so is the stress. Many more trucks arrive during the day and there are more people to supervise during the daylight hours. Keep it up. At the rate you're going, you'll leave this monotonous position behind in the coal dust.
9. Finance Manager $1300 (9AM – 2PM) Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri
Charisma – 6; Creativity – 4; Logic – 7; Friends – 6
Alright, you've finally made it. You are no longer on the plant floor, getting your hands dirty. You may have traded your blue jumpsuit in for a lab coat long ago, but you couldn't truly say that you were no longer a blue collar worker. Now you can. You wear a suit to work and sit in a cushy office chair. Your job is plan marketing campaigns for the company and process filing for customers. You monitor consumer accounts, making sure everyone is paying their bill on time and cut off power to customers who aren't paying. You're in good with the boss, now, too. Stay loyal to him and you might take his place the next time there is a chain of promotions.
10. CEO of SimCity Power $3000 (10AM- 3PM) Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs
Charisma – 9; Logic – 8; Friends – 7
That's it. You've arrived. Your boss has been promoted to Director of Tri-State Power and you've been bumped up to his former position. You run the local power company. Well, you sort of run it. You still have to please the shareholders as this is a utility company, after all. You don't have total control over the funds or the company, so there'll be no wheeling and dealing for you. But if you run the business well and play politics, the politicians and corporate moguls will line your pockets with even more cash. Keep the customers happy and hungry for your necessary product and you'll be sitting in the big chair until you retire.
Uploaded: 16th Sep 2014, 37.8 KB.
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