Mermaid loved castle, 2 sizes available
1.jpg - width=1408 height=880
50x50, overview
2.jpg - width=1520 height=950
50x50, front side (south side)
3.jpg - width=1392 height=870
50x50, west side
4.jpg - width=1424 height=890
50x50, north side
5.jpg - width=774 height=1050
50x50, mermaid stone in moon light
6.jpg - width=1584 height=990
50x50, east side
7.jpg - width=1680 height=1050
50x50, fishes and turtles in the sea
8.jpg - width=1232 height=770
50x50, front entry
9.jpg - width=1278 height=799
50x50, bird view
10.jpg - width=1680 height=1050
50x50, night light
11.jpg - width=1440 height=900
50x50, patio
12.jpg - width=1680 height=1050
50x50, mount-shaped castle
13.jpg - width=1584 height=990
50x50, kitchen
14.jpg - width=1520 height=950
50x50, living room
15.jpg - width=1438 height=899
50x50, windows with sea-sight
16.jpg - width=1261 height=788
50x50, floorplan overview
17.jpg - width=1139 height=970
50x50, floor 1
18.jpg - width=1103 height=940
50x50, floor 2
19.jpg - width=1115 height=950
50x50, floor 3
20.jpg - width=1186 height=930
50x50, increased items
21.jpg - width=1504 height=940
40x30, overview
22.jpg - width=1520 height=950
40x30, south side
23.jpg - width=1312 height=820
40x30 north side
24.jpg - width=1680 height=1050
40x30, bathroom
25.jpg - width=1680 height=1050
40x30, a corner with mini waterfall, fishes in sea and shells on the sea ground
26.jpg - width=886 height=1032
40x30, floor 1
27.jpg - width=886 height=1032
40x30, floor 2
28.jpg - width=886 height=1032
40x30, floor 3
29.jpg - width=1127 height=920
40x30, increased items
30.jpg - width=1632 height=1020
50x50, as stage for mermaid story
31.jpg - width=1536 height=960
50x50, as stage for mermaid story
32.jpg - width=1648 height=1030
50x50, as stage for mermaid story
33.jpg - width=1680 height=1050
50x50, as stage for mermaid story
34.jpg - width=1672 height=1045
50x50, as stage for mermaid story
"Once upon a time, there is a little mermaid. One day, she encouraged herself to explore the human(sims) world..." This is that story, you know, that famous one. I should save my words to the story here.

To the architecture:
Here is the first look - a scene of mermaid's arrival in the world of her prince:

(lot size: 50x50)
You find a mini mermaid-stone-island middle in a sea. One can swim in the sea, climb on the mermaid-stone-island and sit down there. At the coast of the sea is there a castle. The main part of this castle is mount-shaped. There is a water way to the castle and a country way to it through a gate with watchtowers. The castle is not very large, but it reached the requirement as a residence lot. There are a sea-sight living room, a start furnished master bedroom, a guest bedroom, a big kitchen, a great hall and some small rooms. If you look around the sea, it is landscaped with cliff, meadow, beach and so on.

(lot size: 40x30)
More screenshots at the top of this entry will give you the further impression. All the shots are numbered. Each one has a short discription.
2 Sizes:
As the title mentioned, 2 sizes lots in this theme are available: it is the 50x50 one and the 40x30 one. I made these two variants to let we have more choices of it's location in the Sims 4 worlds. The two lots are basically similar, but different in several points:
- the 50x50 one has a bigger sea, a ship at harbor, beaches and a peninsula more; the sea in the 40x30 one is smaller, but has other sea floors and walls - with shells and corals; the cliffs and rocks around the sea and castle in the two lots are also different;
- in the 50x50 one is there a visible fish spot as well as fountain on the beach near the castle; in the 40x30 one is the fish spot and fountain hidden in the rocks. But the fishes in the sea are visible, and, there is a mini waterfall in a corner near it;
- the castle in the 50x50 one has more towers and walls in it's south-west corner;
- the furniture in the castle are little different positioned.
- Price: 50x50 - 269.132; 40x30 - 172.533
Resized items:

Some decorations could return to its small size, when you first time open this lot. You may use hot keys “Shift” + “ ] ” (English keyboard) or “Shift” + “ ´ “ (German keyboard) to increase the size of objects. Following, I list these items with short description, it's official name in German (because my game is in German), how many times are they enlarged (cf. two pictures above):
lot size 50x50:
- two dark stones on the mermaid-stone-island: Stein "Stiller Wächter", x 1; Stein der Vielseitigkeit, x 1;
- a middle big cliff near castle: Mittelgroßer Fels, x 3;
- the ship: Kapitän Chaz MacFreelings Galeone, x 20.
lot size 40x30
- a dark stone on the mermaid-stone-island: Wunderstein, x 4;
- a middle big cliff near castle: Mittelgroßer Fels, x 3;
- a stone near the wall: Stein "Stiller Wächter", x 3.
- These are basic game lots. There is no deluxe upgrade content in both sizes;
- CC in the 50x50 one are Liberated rocks by plasticbox HERE , Buyable fishing spots by Snaif HERE , Moveobjects on cheat by TwistedMexi HERE , Table Lamps Anywhere by Plasticbox HERE , Doll house decor ladder by Simcredible HERE , JadeSelfButterfly2 by Pilar HERE;
- CC in the 40x30 one are Liberated rocks by plasticbox HERE , Buyable fishing spots by Snaif HERE , Moveobjects on cheat by TwistedMexi HERE , Table Lamps Anywhere by Plasticbox HERE , JadeSelfButterfly2 by Pilar HERE , FindingNemoSand floor and FindingNemoCoral wall by Bakie HERE.
I hope you like it, too.

Lot Size: 50x50
Lot Price (furnished): 161.653
Lot Price (unfurnished): 269,132
Additional Credits:
No-fade Columns by plasticbox; Sims 4 Moon by simsl3gacies
Artrui_Mermais loved Castle_40x30.rar
| size: 40x30
Uploaded: 11th Dec 2014, 220.8 KB.
Artrui_Mermaid loved castle_50x50.rar
| size: 50x50
Uploaded: 11th Dec 2014, 233.8 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .bpi .trayitem and .blueprint file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Place in Tray Folder: Cut and paste all files into your Tray folder:
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray\
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About Me
All my creations have the general creator policies: don't claim them as your own creations or reupload; You may recolor my mesh items without inculding the mesh. You may not use my recolor-textures. All my lots were created with a lot of effort. Just enjoy them as a private user. If you have changed them, I hope that is for you clear --don't claim as your own to the public and reupload in any form. In a special case, please ask me for the permission.