[UPD: 2016-05-19] NCI - The Disk Of Karma (W.O.F. '81 Puzzle Board)
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Wheel Of Fortune 1981 (Puzzle Board). Logo for the download.
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Wheel Of Fortune 1981 (Puzzle Board). Has 48 trilons for letters to show, 4 for each corner to mimick the later version of the puzzle board.
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Wheel Of Fortune 1981 (Puzzle Board). Another angle of the puzzle board.
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Wheel Of Fortune 1981 (Puzzle Board). A low and close angle of this set prop.
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Wheel Of Fortune 1981 (Puzzle Board). An overhead shot of the board.
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Wheel Of Fortune 1981 (Puzzle Board). Time to stun you with the poly count. Had lots of unnecessary faces and vertices removed, during testing.
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Wheel Of Fortune 1981 (Puzzle Board). Yes, 8,656 faces for all 52 trilons, lights, and frame COMBINED.
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Wheel Of Fortune 1981 (Puzzle Board). And 14,008 vertices for all the pieces COMBINED.
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Wheel Of Fortune 1981 (Puzzle Board). You have to make the puzzles.
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Wheel Of Fortune 1981 (Puzzle Board). Try planning it out in your head first, or plan it on paper instead.
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Wheel Of Fortune 1981 (Puzzle Board). During live mode, click the lights for the pie-menu options.
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Wheel Of Fortune 1981 (Puzzle Board). These trilons do not have a revolving animation. Don't know how to make animations.
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Wheel Of Fortune 1981 (Puzzle Board). Should be all lumped together....but not in order. Something about how they're placed in folders make a difference.
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Wheel Of Fortune 1981 (Puzzle Board). These lights have about the same poly stats as the frame in the next picture.
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Wheel Of Fortune 1981 (Puzzle Board). This is considered the frame.
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Wheel Of Fortune 1981 (Puzzle Board). Did you not read the messages on the puzzle board? There's nothing to see here!
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Wheel Of Fortune 1981 (Puzzle Board). Check out my banner to see what NCI stands for.
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Wheel Of Fortune 1981 (Puzzle Board). Yes, I do not want to see this on other websites. Understand?
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EDIT 1 (September 5, 2015): Added support for Turkish Alphabet trilons.
EDIT 2 (October 2, 2015): Below is a list of places featuring talk or video of the Puzzleboard. Go check out the links to see what people are doing about this object!
EDIT 3 (December 14, 2015): The files were incompatible with the base-game, apparently. Adding the previous iteration of the puzzle board frozen your game on the loading screen. Now these files have been tested, thanks to recent MTS member, MineKarterX (appreciate your testing of the items). The files take up approximately the same amount of space on your hard drive. Enjoy the puzzle board, once again. Just overwrite your currently folders for the Disk Of Karma puzzle board.
From Youtube Video 1 (by Brian Fortuna)
Update 05/19/2016: The game now has its Prize Wheel to make this show complete. Now all you need to do is set up a studio with lights and prizes! Download the Prize Wheel HERE.
After many months of no uploads, one of many game show projects is finally done for your Sims to use (and for you to film, if wanted). From the fine folks at NCI, introducing a set piece replica from an iconic American TV show. It's...

This set piece occupies 7 tiles long, 1 tile wide (2 tiles recommended at least). It holds up to 53 slots for trilons (the triangular prism objects) & the lighting. Please consult the pictures for more information about the object.

Here are the object's limitations
1) Model/Letter turner is not included, make a Sim if desired.
2) No revolving animations for the trilons. Instead, use the pie-menu in live mode to interact with the objects.
3) No interactive animations from the Sim towards the trilon objects (e.g. no touching animations towards the trilon).
4) When placing an object onto the puzzle board with "testingcheatsenabled true", an error message will pop up saying the Slot number is out of range, unless the object is placed in the middle of the object's footprint. Turn off "testingcheatsenabled true" when placing trilons onto the puzzle board to avoid the error message from occuring.
5) When filming, the flashing lights can look speeded up. The lights are set for 12 frames per second recording. Use an external program to film the board rather than in-game, unless you configure the in-game video capture files to run at 12 fps.
6) You may only use the "M" key on your keyboard to move up to 6 slots further. I do not know how to make it so that you can freely move to other slots after 6 empty spaces.
Try these out, and enjoy making puzzles for your Sims to solve. The first slot occurs on the top left, and moves to the right, then the next line. Please the lighting after you place your 48 trilons. If you wish, add the 4 corner trilons after the lighting to fill up the board. These files were cloned from base game objects, and should be compatible from base game onwards. All textures & meshes were worked on by me.
Total cost ranges from $4,940 to $5,000 for this set piece.
The Trilons are located in the Decorative -> Miscellaneous section of the catalog for $15 each.
The Frame is located in the Electronics -> Miscellaneous section of the catalog for $4,000.
The Lights are located in the Lighting -> Miscellaneous section of the catalog for $220.
To see some of the action from a the puzzle board (with a previous texture), see how it looks here on YouTube:
Puzzle #1, Puzzle #2, Puzzle #3, **NEW** Episode Segment


You may use this download in your game however you wish. Enjoy it & if you feel like it, give feedback on how it works. Do not make money off of this creation.

Do not upload this creation onto other websites. Instead, please link back to this download thread from your website.

If you wish to convert or remix this creation for use in other games, please contact me by private message or e-mail for an arrangement on what you'd like to do with this creation.

This particular download is exclusive to ModTheSims & NCI's websites only. No other websites are allowed to provide this creation for download after any period of time passes, except if special distributions requests are granted. Minimum restriction on redistribution is 5 years from the date this policy is in effect.
Private message or e-mail me for such requests to be discussed. If after six months of contacting me (subject to the minimum 5 years from the date this policy is in effect) I do not respond, grants will then be arranged by ModTheSims staff. Any policies & decisions the site will have regarding retired/inactive members will be enforced by them.
Additional Credits
Credit goes to Merv Griffin's creation "Wheel Of Fortune", debuting in 1975, with the puzzle board representing the 1981 to 1994 version.
Credit goes to Quaxi's "SimPE" for making it possible to upload the new meshes in-game.
Credit goes to chUmbaLum sOft's "Milkshape 3D" for making the meshes for most stuff in the download.
Credit goes to Adobe "Photoshop CS2" for editing the textures.
Credit goes to Microsoft "PowerPoint 2003" for being able to rearrange some additional textures.
Polygon Counts for the Puzzle Board "Frame"
Faces: 2,320
Vertices: 4,504
Polygon Counts for the Puzzle Board "Lights"
Faces: 2,400
Vertices: 1,440
Polygon Counts for the Puzzle Board "Trilons"
Faces: 82
Vertices: 168

This is a new mesh, and means that it's a brand new self contained object that usually does not require a specific Pack (although this is possible depending on the type). It may have Recolours hosted on MTS - check below for more information.
| (UPD: Dec. 14, 2015) This file contains many files, and folders for the different files. I advise keeping the folder structure like so, in case of updates or for your organizational purposes.
Uploaded: 14th Dec 2015, 1.01 MB.
| This file contains the Turkish Alphabet overwrite files. Download this as the second step. Read the instructions, if necessary.
Uploaded: 5th Sep 2015, 487.7 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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