Trait/Custom Life State Inheritance & Club Filters
MTS_Traits_1.png - width=198 height=154
MTS_Traits_2.jpg - width=1280 height=1024
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MTS_Clubs_2.png - width=780 height=295
Club filters updated for Discover University, Trait Inheritance no longer being updated.
Club Filters V.1.3.7:

Adds more traits as club filters and increases the maximum number of sims in a club to 20.
Traits for Club Filters:
Human (Not Occult)
Plant Sims
Sorcerer (Become a Sorcerer (Choose your Alignment and unlock Spells!) by CardTaken)
Succubus/Incubus/Cambion (Sims 4 Occult Life State: Succubus by batman101)
Hogwarts House Traits by brittpinkiesims
The Siren Trait: Reloaded (by Aaronj3)
Fairies (Fairies Mod by Nyx)
(Mermaids Mod by Nyx)
(Mermaid Lifestate by Gaybie)
Zombies (Zombies Mod by Nyx)
Electromaniac (by Nyx)
Werewolves (Werewolf Mod by Nyx)
You must buy the "Club Size" club perks to increase the number of sims that can be added.
No Perks: 6 Sims
Perk 1: 12 Sims
Perk 2: 20 Sims
Inheritance V.2.1.3:

The trait inheritance has got extremely complex with all the different combinations of both custom and EA parents.
I don't have the time I need to sit down and actually make this all work.
You are welcome to download and use this mod but I make no guarantees that it will work.
As of V.2.0.0, the custom trait inheritance is configured such that every combination of parents has their own list of outcomes (The .zip contains an excel spreadsheet with the possibilities), this should minimise problems with inheritance between 2 occult parents. I've not yet done all the combinations for the new Island Living Inheritance. I'll sit down and do that when I have more free time. I'll also be removing compatibility with mermaid mods as they're included in the new pack.
Traits for Inheritance:
Plant Sims
Succubus/Incubus/Cambion (Sims 4 Occult Life State: Succubus by batman101)
Sorcerer (Become a Sorcerer (Choose your Alignment and unlock Spells!) by CardTaken)
Fairies (Fairies Mod by Nyx)
Mermaids (Mermaids Mod by Nyx)
Werewolves (Werewolf Mod by Nyx)
I will add more life states and traits if they're requested. (Please comment with a link)

This mod is compatible with MCCC.
Some Trait Inheritance may be overridden by MC Occult's Custom Pregnancy Options. For full effect, set that setting to 'false'.
MC Clubs' Club Member Count Setting will override the More Members Club Perks; to use the Club Perk Upgrades, set that setting to the default "8".
MC Clubs' Monitor Club Members Setting will add extra sims to clubs to clubs with more Sim Slots.
MC Clubs also adds Male and Female as club filters and as such, they have been removed from this mod. (If requested I can make a version with Male and Female as club filters).
To Other Modders: Please separate the inheritance and club filter files from your main package(s) and pm me or comment so I can add them to this mod. A central set of mods should minimise conflicts. Also, for full compatibility, ensure your mod removes the trait 154191<!--Trait: trait_Occult_NoOccult--> when it adds your life state's trait.
If you don't want your mod to be supported just pm or comment and I'll remove support from this mod.
To players: If a mod supports inheritance for itself it will probably conflict. I can remove inheritance and upload a version compatible with this mod if requested (It will be uploaded to the comments of this mod. All credit to original modder).
0x03B33DDF-0x00000000-0xE8506CC8167D6838 - Inheritance
0x03B33DDF-0x00000000-0x24622A2196A9C62F - Club Filters
0xCB5FDDC7-0x00000000-0x0000000000025A4F - No Occult Trait
Additional Credits:
The creators of any traits or custom life states I have added or will add.
Thanks to the creators of S4PE for allowing me to package my mod.
Thanks to scumbumbo for his XML Extractor, without this I couldn't have found the right file to modify and would have been stuck looking through all EA's .package files.
| V.1.3.9
Uploaded: 15th Jun 2021, 8.2 KB.
| V.2.1.3 [Not Being Updated]
Uploaded: 19th Jun 2019, 289.1 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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Updated: 15th Jun 2021 at 10:35 PM - Club Filters V.1.3.9 [New EP/GP Traits]
Club Requirement: Gender Filters (Updated 11/16/2018)
by Iam4ever updated 17th Nov 2018 at 7:42am
+1 packs
Get Together
More Club Members [& Gender Requirements!] (DEPRECATED)
by Eurynome updated 25th Feb 2017 at 7:39pm
+1 packs
Get Together
by TheRandomnessGuy 28th May 2018 at 7:48pm
No Annoying Club Invite Requests
by lazarusinashes 6th May 2021 at 8:48pm
+1 packs
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by LowMotivesWarning updated 2nd Apr 2022 at 3:50am
10 23.1k 58
Flirty Spouse (Angry Buff) - Reduced / Removed
by KlingonDragon 31st Mar 2017 at 6:46pm
Reduces the Angry Buff from +1 to +3. Or removes it entirely. more...
18 28.2k 57