Clear Exotic Dancer Platforms and Stiletto High Heels
Platform-clear in-game front view .jpg - width=800 height=448
In-game Platform preset 1 (clear) front view
Platform-clear in-game rear view .jpg - width=800 height=448
In-game Platform preset 1 (clear) rear view
Stiletto-obscured in-game front view .jpg - width=800 height=448
In-game Stiletto preset 2 (obscured) front view
Stiletto-obscured in-game rear view .jpg - width=800 height=448
In-game Stiletto preset 2 (obscured) rear view
Bench 4.jpg - width=1600 height=896
In-game Young Adult Female sitting on bench
Blockfeet with socks.jpg - width=800 height=448
Blockfeet Platform with socks preview (adult)
af Bloomfeet clear platform.jpg - width=444 height=350
Platform Preset 1 is clear with silicone under soles
af Bloomfeet plain stiletto.jpg - width=305 height=256
Stiletto Preset 5 is completely solid colours
af Blockfeet platform.jpg - width=446 height=370
Platform Preset 2 is totally obscured
tf Bloomfeet-raised stiletto.jpg - width=450 height=334
Stiletto Preset 2 is totally obscured
ef Blockfeet-bigger platform.jpg - width=450 height=370
Platform Preset 4 is solid upper & obscured soles
ef Bloomfeet-bigger platform.jpg - width=450 height=345
Platform Preset 3 is clear upper and solid soles
CTU blockfeet.jpg - width=996 height=647
CTU preview of blockfeet in shoe
CTU Bloom's feet.jpg - width=1007 height=663
CTU preview of Bloom's feet in shoe
Ice cream van.jpg - width=1600 height=896
In-game Young Adult Female buying Ice-cream
Platorm CAStable channels.jpg - width=800 height=433
3 Platform colour channels
Stiletto CAStable channels.jpg - width=800 height=433
3 Stiletto colour channels
Teen Exotic Stiletto blockfeet-raised.jpg - width=1600 height=896
Blockfeet Stiletto with socks preview (teen raised)
Finally, the Stiletto Blockfeet version has been added to set.
These Platform and Stiletto shoes each all have 5 have various presets from 1. clear, 2. obscured, 3. obscured top, 4. obscured soles and 5. a plain solid version.
Each have 3 colour presets, and each of the 5 presets are recolor-able. the first clear preset has a silicone sole as overlay, the other 4 presets have black under soles.
Both the Platform and Stiletto versions are available for teens, young adult, adult and elder.
The Platform version has an optional bigger feet for elders (choose only one, std or bigger)
This is because some other custom shoes for elders are bigger (such as Daluved1's elder footwear)
Available Categories:
Everday, Formal, Sleepwear, Athletic, Swimwear, Career, Makeover, Outerwear and Valid for Maternity & Random
Blockfeet Versions:
The Platforms have a blockfeet version, which are seen in the previews wearing socks / stockings.
After the last update, the Stilettos also have a blockfeet version added, the last image & first file in downloads.
Since game version 1.67 I have noticed that the EA normalmaps have become like Buhadain's cc version.
I used S3OC to preview the EA normalmaps, they have all become the same for teen to elder.
I was once trying to make plain bare blockfeet as non-default feet for wearing socks but now even the EA versions have toes.
We have to look closely to see differences. So I have attached previews from CTU, where we can see their differences when not in-game.
About this creation:
These shoes are my latest of my "Clear Shoe" collection, worthy of being uploaded first.
I have other older "clear shoes" never uploaded, but could not wait to get this one out, as my latest "featured" version.
The first clear shoes I did in Sims 2, but they were not my creation and must still ask Bloom for his permission to upload.
Then for many years I have been trying to make them work in Sims 3 until 2 years ago I figured it out.
The next creation was Bloom's Bsett shoe (for Sims 3) I got them to be clear without the feet becoming invisible.
In Sims 2 I only had to add alpha to the texture and then the skintone as well, for a completely clear shoe.
From Bloom's "Bsett" shoe I also went and made another 6 designs of mules with various straps and heel types.
In Sims 3 I got it right by following cmar's tutorial for transparent clothing, which needs a CAS item with multi-group meshes.
I used the "afBodyDressTrailing_goth_necklace" as a starting template. Glasses are not suitable as they are "Geom" with no morphs instead of "Base"
Also Sims 3 shaders can only be changed with GEOM editor or I prefer doing it inside S3PE, click on GEOM, Grid, expand Chunk entries,
Rcol for shader and then TGIrefs for if mesh comments (normalmap, diffuse and specular textures) need updating or fixing.
The feet are mesh lod 1_0 with the simskin shader
The shoe is Lod 1_1 with the simhair shader,
I would like to try simseyes shader one day on a suitable formal shoe, it is extremely shiny like the eyeballs.
FYI we cannot use simglass or some of the other's, as all are not sim compatible and become inanimate objects.
Lods 2 and Lod 3 are normal as the simskin shader, but they only show from far away.
Wearable with morphing accessories:
Another thing that makes this upload special, these shoes can be worn with morphing necklaces / accessories which I only
discovered was a problem with higher poly shoes while making and testing these shoes. The blockfeet version was unaffected.
So all the old shoes I want to still upload once I have gotten permission from Bloom, plus to renumber their mesh vertice ID's.
Also, all shoes that are very high poly. such as Blooms Bsett, Madlen and JoshQ etc, cannot be worn with necklaces or else they will deform when adjusting the fat/thin slider.
Note for other modders:
Shoe mesh Vert ID numbering starts at 30000 and accessories start at 31800 gives you only 1800 vertices to work with,
unless we renumber the meshes from 40000, 55000 etc
Remember to avoid 65000-68000 is already taken by cmar's "P" in the male, the alternate "P" female bottom nude outfits and the accessory.
When I renumbered the mesh vertice ID's, TSR Workshop could no longer display to test but it still exporting to WSO & morphs are okay.
The shoes are fine in-game and TSRW also didn't show any warnings importing.
After editing the UV and using Lithunwrap export/import for other ages, asks for re-welding and model cleaning, upon checking with Mesh Toolkit, I had to re-assign the vertice ID's and re-assign the bones with the original exported mesh, which keeps the morphs working.
I always re-assign the bones after every edit, which stops the the index out of range error in TSRW. This is all done with cmar's Mesh Toolkit.
Polygon Counts:
Lod 1_0 blockfeet 564 poly + Lod 1_1 shoe 1921 poly = 2485
Lod 1_0 Bloom's feet 2008 poly + Lod 1_1 shoe 1921 poly = 3929
Lod 2 = 2419 poly
Lod 3 = 1359 poly
Lod 1_0 blockfeet 336 poly + Lod 1_1 shoe 1924 poly = 2260
Lod 1_0 Bloom's feet 2008 poly + Lod 1_1 shoe 1925 poly = 3933
Lod 2 = 1805 poly
Lod 3 = 1192 poly
Additional Credits:
TSR Workshop for starting and re-checking after completion before testing in game.
Milkshape 3D for editing meshes and their UV and some import/export tricks using Mesh Toolkit.
Lithunwrap can open ms3d files and export UV as a .luv file to import back into other ms3d files. S3PE for changing items inside the package file and editing their properties.
cmar's Mesh Toolkit to renumber vertex ID's of Lod 1_1 to 57000-58259 (all the Bloom's versions) S3OC for uniquely renaming the CASpart of package files. CTU for quick fixes of adding more textures and quick previewing.
Bloom of Bloom's Base for creating the first Hi-Poly feet and for helping many others with issues.
Cmar in the transparent clothing tutorial with the use of dual mesh groups and shaders.
This is a new mesh, and means that it's a brand new self contained object that usually does not require a specific Pack (although this is possible depending on the type). It may have Recolours hosted on MTS - check below for more information.
Note from the Creator:
Nailpolishes are not my creation but are edited & re-categorised to go into the mods/overrides folder, because the Blooms toe's UV are different to EA and most custom saved sims/simmers would already have this but with a missing big toenail.
Teen to Elder
| The long awaited Stiletto blockfeet version, teen to elder
Uploaded: 8th Nov 2020, 1.01 MB.
Elder -big ExoticDancerPlatformShoes-Bloom's &
| Elder bigger Blooms and blockfeet, choose either std or big, one at a time and clear cache
Uploaded: 26th Aug 2020, 669.9 KB.
Elder -std ExoticDancerPlatformShoes-Bloom's &
| Elder std Blooms and blockfeet
Uploaded: 26th Aug 2020, 669.9 KB.
Teen to Adult
| Teen to Adult Platforms - blockfeet
Uploaded: 26th Aug 2020, 299.6 KB.
Teen to Adult
| Teen to Adult Platforms - Blooms feet
Uploaded: 26th Aug 2020, 1.12 MB.
Teen to Elder
| All Stilettos Teen to Elder with Blooms feet
Uploaded: 26th Aug 2020, 1.40 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Click the file listed on the Files tab to download the file to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file. Now you will have either a .package or a .sims3pack file.
For Package files:
1. Cut and paste the file into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages folder. If you do not already have this folder, you should read the full guide to Package files first: Sims 3:Installing Package Fileswiki, so you can make sure your game is fully patched and you have the correct Resource.cfg file.
2. Run the game, and find your content where the creator said it would be (build mode, buy mode, Create-a-Sim, etc.).
For Sims3Pack files:
1. Cut and paste it into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Downloads folder. If you do not have this folder yet, it is recommended that you open the game and then close it again so that this folder will be automatically created. Then you can place the .sims3pack into your Downloads folder.
2. Load the game's Launcher, and click on the Downloads tab. Find the item in the list and tick the box beside it. Then press the Install button below the list.
3. Wait for the installer to load, and it will install the content to the game. You will get a message letting you know when it's done.
4. Run the game, and find your content where the creator said it would be (build mode, buy mode, Create-a-Sim, etc.).
Extracting from RAR, ZIP, or 7z: You will need a special program for this. For Windows, we recommend 7-Zip and for Mac OSX, we recommend Keka. Both are free and safe to use.
Need more help?
If you need more info, see:
- For package files: Sims 3:Installing Package Fileswiki
- For Sims3pack files: Game Help:Installing TS3 Packswiki
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Updated: 28th Nov 2020 at 11:13 AM - Blockfeet version added for Stiletto
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