Bottom Eyelashes as Default with Top Eyelash for All Sims, even NPC's
af Eyelash presets.jpg - width=800 height=432
All Default Eyelashes adhere to the game eye shape presets and eyelid sliders
cm Eyelash presets.jpg - width=800 height=431
Now even all children will have a bottom eyelash
ef Eyelash top length.jpg - width=800 height=432
All ages, the length slider works but just the top eyelash like it was meant for
em Eyelash presets.jpg - width=800 height=432
All men too, even NPC's, everyone will have both eyelashes
pu Eyelash top length.jpg - width=800 height=432
And even the toddlers, they will now have both eyelashes.
tf Eyelash top eyelash slider on 0 with bottom lash and CC lashes.jpg - width=800 height=432
An example of the teen female, with top lash set to zero, with a set of CC eyelashes being fitted
New Lod1 meshes available for in-game High, Medium & Low Sim Detail Settings.
This is a supplement for those who refrain from using "Very High Sim Detail" in the game options settings.
The original Lod0 upload will still be needed for seeing eyelashes in CAS(Create a Sim) & Stylist.
Previous Update: 11 October 2020
All males and Child lashes have been fixed (on UV), as pointed out - thanks to VirtualHugs, please see comments.
I have already tested using the same meshes for lower settings, but they don't line up with the Lod1 eyelids, so I started making
Lod 1 lower lashes from scratch for the next update.
These are overrides of the default eyelash meshgroups Lod 0 & Lod 0_1, and now also Lod1 & Lod1_1, depending on the age and gender.
They do not override any eyelash or eye textures such as Burntwaffles or EscDEFeyes or the eyelash remover mods.
Please ensure none of the above mentioned mods are removing the eyelash texture, otherwise you still won't see any eyelashes.
Game Settings:
Sim Detail Setting needs to be set to "Very High" - After testing various settings, you will still see them in CAS, but on High, Medium & Low settings, they are not seen anymore once exiting CAS, which now is available as Lod1 meshes to be downloaded for the other detail settings.
There is a Youtube video comparing these settings, but only mentions no difference in clothing quality.
The Lod1 eyelashes are not as round as the Lod0 eyelashes, of which hair, face and accessories only use Lod0 at the "Very High" sim detail setting in the game "Options".
If anyone does not use Very High sim detail, will also need the additional Lod_1 package for the High, Medium and Low sim detail settings.
How I made them:
First I tried to make them quite easily for the adult females, first with top mesh upside down and bones manually set to be bottom eyelid, they were blinking and even lengthening together, but some eye shape presets were causing some distortion.
Then after nearly scrapping it altogether I had one final idea:
I formed each bottom eyelash from the bottom eyelid faces, re-assign their bones unchanged then use "combine meshes" with the top eyelash.
That idea that worked, using Mesh Toolkit's `combine meshes', (not frankensteining), would keep the same vertices ID numbers un-altered.
So I made each bottom eyelash from the eyelid of each age and gender, (a different group mesh of the face) kept it's numbering and combined them to the top eyelash mesh group with Mesh Toolkit's combine meshes.
Now they were working perfectly, the top eyelash lengthens as before and the bottom eyelash adheres with the eye-shape presets and also the game's eyelid sliders.
Only downside is that the bottom eyelash has a fixed length, so I kept them a bit shorter, 2/3 of the the top's default length.
I know how to make my own CC sliders but the bottom eyelash is sharing the same vertices ID's of the eyelid, which could distort the eyelid to also lengthen, but can't change it's numbering, because this is how I got them to automatically adhere to all the different eye-shape presets.
I have had them in my game for over a month and felt bad not sharing this with everyone.
I usually have been making mods for myself, when I can't find what i'm looking for, or see that others have also been searching for.
I just don't know how to make script mods or the time/patience to study how to do animations yet.
I also have a bunch of custom shoes and pregnant clothing separates for teen & elder that I want to share soon.
A pair of shoes that I have posted since: (Right-click to open in a new tab)
Additional Credits:
I have read a lot of info from searching and reading posts in the MTS forums,
I give credit to cmar, Bloom and many others for explaining their issues and workarounds.
cmar's Mesh Toolkit to assign bones, vert ID's and combine meshes. S3PE to make and edit packages & S3OC to clone CAS objects.
| The separated Lod1 packages addition for users who use High, Med or Low Sim Detail
Uploaded: 14th Oct 2020, 80.6 KB.
| The complete Lod1 single file package addition for most users who use High, Med or Low Sim Detail
Uploaded: 14th Oct 2020, 70.0 KB.
| The separated Lod0 packages for those who might have a gender preferences
Uploaded: 11th Oct 2020, 52.3 KB.
| The complete Lod0 single file package for most users
Uploaded: 11th Oct 2020, 32.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 14th Oct 2020 at 4:19 PM - New Lod1 for High, Med & Low detail
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