Sims 4 CC Icons for Windows
frame_mts_cover.png - width=2592 height=1944
Folder Icons for Sims 4 - Cover
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Folder Icons for Sims 4 - Sundry
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Folder Icons for Sims 4 - Body
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Folder Icons for Sims 4 - Build1
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Folder Icons for Sims 4 - Build2
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Folder Icons for Sims 4 - Build4
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Folder Icons for Sims 4 - Buy1
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Folder Icons for Sims 4 - Buy2
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Folder Icons for Sims 4 - Buy3
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Folder Icons for Sims 4 - Buy4
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Folder Icons for Sims 4 - Buy5
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Folder Icons for Sims 4 - Buy6
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Folder Icons for Sims 4 - CAS1
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Folder Icons for Sims 4 - CAS2
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Folder Icons for Sims 4 - CAS3
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Folder Icons for Sims 4 - CAS4
Graphic symbols for Windows, to help you organise and to help quickly and easily identify items in your SIMS 4 CC folders. The use of icons also provides a more appealing visual representation, which makes them more enjoyable to use than traditional images.
How to Change Individual Folder Icons in Windows 10: Save the unzipped downloads into a folder on your PC (does not need to be in your mods folder). I made an .ico folder in my images folder. Right-click the folder you want to change and click Properties. Click the Customize tab, and then click Change Icon. Click the Browse button and go to your new .ico images folder. Choose the image you want and click Open, and then click OK. Click OK again. Your new folder will now appear in your mods folder.
Please note that if you move your icon folder, your folders will revert to Windows default folder.
Update: I've had a request for the initial images I used so you can make your own. I have provided my base images in downloads but I put these together in parts using Paint Shop Pro 7.0 and Gimp (both free programs). So to make your own, it will take some work. I've had a request for the clip art as well but since those came from Google searches on free clipart, I don't feel I should share those as they are easily found online (and they don't belong to me). I adjusted, manipulated, gave them a border and colored them as I went. The initial background image came from
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
BodyShapes.ico | ico | 137062 |
CheekShape.ico | ico | 138542 |
Chins.ico | ico | 131078 |
Ears.ico | ico | 138068 |
Eyes.ico | ico | 134569 |
HeadShapes.ico | ico | 137518 |
Jaws.ico | ico | 138074 |
Mouths.ico | ico | 136178 |
Noses.ico | ico | 135428 |
PresetFaces.ico | ico | 139354 |
Scars.ico | ico | 133117 |
SkinDetails.ico | ico | 138438 |
SkinHair.ico | ico | 139370 |
SkinMarks.ico | ico | 134468 |
SkinTones.ico | ico | 139689 |
Tattoos.ico | ico | 144118 |
Teeth.ico | ico | 139984 |
columns.ico | ico | 132020 |
doors.ico | ico | 130617 |
exteriorDeco.ico | ico | 138505 |
ExteriorTrim.ico | ico | 130190 |
Fences.ico | ico | 134074 |
Floors-Carpet.ico | ico | 138990 |
Floors-Masonry.ico | ico | 143480 |
Floors-Metal.ico | ico | 139461 |
Floors-Outdoors.ico | ico | 144855 |
Floors-Stone.ico | ico | 143850 |
Floors-Tile.ico | ico | 138949 |
Floors-Wood.ico | ico | 142990 |
Foundations.ico | ico | 148895 |
Fountains.ico | ico | 132566 |
FountainsDeco.ico | ico | 139204 |
FountainsTrim.ico | ico | 144185 |
Friezes.ico | ico | 139536 |
Gates.ico | ico | 138176 |
HalfWalls.ico | ico | 137491 |
HalfWallTrim.ico | ico | 138049 |
Ladders.ico | ico | 131849 |
Landscape - Flowers.ico | ico | 138742 |
Landscape - Rocks.ico | ico | 137561 |
Landscape - Shrubs.ico | ico | 147226 |
Landscape - Trees.ico | ico | 141246 |
PlatformTrims.ico | ico | 136278 |
PondEffects.ico | ico | 137842 |
Pools.ico | ico | 133461 |
PoolsObjects.ico | ico | 136752 |
PoolsTrims.ico | ico | 146606 |
Railings.ico | ico | 135548 |
RoofObjects.ico | ico | 131861 |
RoofPatterns.ico | ico | 147708 |
Roofs.ico | ico | 132798 |
RoofTrims.ico | ico | 137551 |
Spandrels.ico | ico | 135966 |
Stairs.ico | ico | 137640 |
TerrainDirt.ico | ico | 148558 |
TerrainGrass.ico | ico | 144255 |
TerrainPavement.ico | ico | 150432 |
Walls-Masonry.ico | ico | 133181 |
Walls-Paint.ico | ico | 134037 |
Walls-Paneling.ico | ico | 144005 |
Walls-Paper.ico | ico | 145389 |
Walls-Siding.ico | ico | 141013 |
Walls-Stone.ico | ico | 150477 |
Walls-Tile.ico | ico | 140170 |
Walls.ico | ico | 140199 |
WaterDecor.ico | ico | 141414 |
WaterEmitters.ico | ico | 140544 |
WaterObjects.ico | ico | 138540 |
WaterStyles.ico | ico | 136890 |
Windows.ico | ico | 136037 |
Activities-Active.ico | ico | 133008 |
Activities-AnimalSheds.ico | ico | 144939 |
Activities-Apiaries.ico | ico | 132296 |
Activities-Aquariums.ico | ico | 141585 |
Activities-Balls.ico | ico | 136743 |
Activities-Bars.ico | ico | 132044 |
Activities-Basketball.ico | ico | 137687 |
Activities-BeachTowels.ico | ico | 138337 |
Activities-Bikes.ico | ico | 137938 |
Activities-Boats.ico | ico | 137057 |
Activities-Bonfires.ico | ico | 135993 |
Activities-Books.ico | ico | 132131 |
Activities-Cameras.ico | ico | 133904 |
Activities-Cauldrons.ico | ico | 138006 |
Activities-Chess.ico | ico | 140013 |
Activities-Coops.ico | ico | 135663 |
Activities-CraftingStations.ico | ico | 137627 |
Activities-Creative.ico | ico | 136073 |
Activities-DanceFloors.ico | ico | 136060 |
Activities-Easels.ico | ico | 133661 |
Activities-FishTraps.ico | ico | 139091 |
Activities-FoodStalls.ico | ico | 127638 |
Activities-Games.ico | ico | 142114 |
Activities-Gardening.ico | ico | 145078 |
Activities-GiftBoxes.ico | ico | 136982 |
Activities-GymEquipment.ico | ico | 138638 |
Activities-Kegs.ico | ico | 138608 |
Activities-Knowledge.ico | ico | 145806 |
Activities-Microscopes.ico | ico | 137510 |
Activities-MusicalInstruments.ico | ico | 135796 |
Activities-Outdoor.ico | ico | 139536 |
Activities-OuthouseBush.ico | ico | 143835 |
Activities-PicnicBaskets.ico | ico | 136243 |
Activities-Playgrounds.ico | ico | 138896 |
Activities-Recreation.ico | ico | 130338 |
Activities-Rocketships.ico | ico | 133188 |
Activities-Scarecrow.ico | ico | 136215 |
Activities-SkatingRinks.ico | ico | 139200 |
Activities-Skis.ico | ico | 134510 |
Activities-Telescopes.ico | ico | 137751 |
Activities-Tents.ico | ico | 136089 |
Activities-WeddingArches.ico | ico | 139811 |
Activities-Wells.ico | ico | 140783 |
Activities-WorkBenches.ico | ico | 135046 |
Activities-YogaMats.ico | ico | 140354 |
Appliances-Grills.ico | ico | 130331 |
Appliances-Postbox.ico | ico | 136888 |
Appliances-Refrigerators.ico | ico | 133134 |
Appliances-Small.ico | ico | 138763 |
Appliances-Stoves.ico | ico | 125300 |
Appliances-TrashBins.ico | ico | 133199 |
Appliances.ico | ico | 131270 |
BathroomAccents.ico | ico | 137029 |
Comfort-BarStools.ico | ico | 135672 |
Comfort-Beds.ico | ico | 135048 |
Comfort-Benches.ico | ico | 139576 |
Comfort-DeskChairs.ico | ico | 136078 |
Comfort-DiningChairs.ico | ico | 136183 |
Comfort-LivingChairs.ico | ico | 136530 |
Comfort-Loungers.ico | ico | 136579 |
Comfort-Loveseats.ico | ico | 131363 |
Comfort-MassageTable.ico | ico | 141799 |
Comfort-Misc.ico | ico | 139025 |
Comfort-Ottomans.ico | ico | 141030 |
Comfort-OutdoorFurniture.ico | ico | 139846 |
Comfort-Sofas.ico | ico | 135607 |
Deco-CeilingFans.ico | ico | 137168 |
Deco-Clutter.ico | ico | 134794 |
Deco-Curtains.ico | ico | 139039 |
Deco-Fireplaces.ico | ico | 144055 |
Deco-IndoorPlants.ico | ico | 136317 |
Deco-Mirrors.ico | ico | 136207 |
Deco-MiscDecorations.ico | ico | 139322 |
Deco-Paintings.ico | ico | 136861 |
Deco-Rugs.ico | ico | 144876 |
Deco-Sculptures.ico | ico | 138078 |
Deco-WallDecor.ico | ico | 145177 |
Decorations.ico | ico | 136571 |
Electronics-Alarms.ico | ico | 146019 |
Electronics-Audio.ico | ico | 134865 |
Electronics-Clocks.ico | ico | 135272 |
Electronics-Computers.ico | ico | 129187 |
Electronics-Drones.ico | ico | 137721 |
Electronics-Heaters.ico | ico | 140944 |
Electronics-Televisions.ico | ico | 130400 |
Kids-Activities.ico | ico | 136427 |
Kids-Decor.ico | ico | 136071 |
Kids-Furniture.ico | ico | 138506 |
Kids-ToddlerStuff.ico | ico | 138280 |
Kids-Toys.ico | ico | 137085 |
Lights-CeilingLights.ico | ico | 137245 |
Lights-FloorLamps.ico | ico | 135503 |
Lights-Misc.ico | ico | 136316 |
Lights-OutdoorLamps.ico | ico | 134155 |
Lights-TableLamps.ico | ico | 135155 |
Lights-WallLights0.ico | ico | 138001 |
Pet-Beds.ico | ico | 131521 |
Pet-Dishes.ico | ico | 132843 |
Pet-Furniture.ico | ico | 137808 |
Pet-Toys.ico | ico | 132944 |
Pet-VetStations.ico | ico | 136201 |
Plumbing-Jacuzzis.ico | ico | 135290 |
Plumbing-Showers.ico | ico | 137721 |
Plumbing-Sinks.ico | ico | 131289 |
Plumbing-Toilets.ico | ico | 134222 |
Plumbing-Tubs.ico | ico | 131723 |
Storage-Bookshelves.ico | ico | 133558 |
Storage-Dressers.ico | ico | 137163 |
Storage-Lockers.ico | ico | 131820 |
Storage-Toybox.ico | ico | 133843 |
Storage-Vaults.ico | ico | 135568 |
Surfaces-AccentTables.ico | ico | 136182 |
Surfaces-Cabinets.ico | ico | 131292 |
Surfaces-CoffeeTables.ico | ico | 132788 |
Surfaces-Counters.ico | ico | 131035 |
Surfaces-Desks.ico | ico | 129710 |
Surfaces-DiningTables.ico | ico | 139584 |
Surfaces-Displays.ico | ico | 134267 |
Surfaces-EndTables.ico | ico | 136486 |
Surfaces-Misc.ico | ico | 138524 |
Surfaces-PatioTables.ico | ico | 133240 |
Surfaces-Pedestals.ico | ico | 139919 |
Surfaces-PicnicTables.ico | ico | 130706 |
Surfaces-RetailCounters.ico | ico | 135294 |
Surfaces-Vanities.ico | ico | 137909 |
Accessories-Body.ico | ico | 141013 |
Accessories-Fingernails.ico | ico | 140406 |
Accessories-Glasses.ico | ico | 136881 |
Accessories-Gloves.ico | ico | 134612 |
Accessories-Head.ico | ico | 137168 |
Accessories-Leggings.ico | ico | 138652 |
Accessories-Socks.ico | ico | 136539 |
Accessories-Toenails.ico | ico | 135022 |
Bottoms-Cropped.ico | ico | 135132 |
Bottoms-Jeans.ico | ico | 137311 |
Bottoms-Pants.ico | ico | 129740 |
Bottoms-Shorts.ico | ico | 139267 |
Bottoms-SkinTights.ico | ico | 137803 |
Bottoms-Skirts.ico | ico | 139527 |
Bottoms-Swimwear.ico | ico | 138816 |
Bottoms-Underwear.ico | ico | 140184 |
Bottoms.ico | ico | 135506 |
FacialHair-Beards.ico | ico | 128691 |
FacialHair-Goatees.ico | ico | 126473 |
FacialHair-Moustaches.ico | ico | 134431 |
FullBody-Aprons.ico | ico | 136514 |
FullBody-Coats.ico | ico | 136431 |
FullBody-Costumes.ico | ico | 135575 |
FullBody-Dresses.ico | ico | 136252 |
FullBody-Gowns.ico | ico | 136053 |
FullBody-Jumpsuits.ico | ico | 135731 |
FullBody-Lingerie.ico | ico | 135119 |
FullBody-Overalls.ico | ico | 134077 |
FullBody-Robes.ico | ico | 139488 |
FullBody-Sets.ico | ico | 134440 |
FullBody-Suits.ico | ico | 136326 |
FullBody-Swimsuits.ico | ico | 136642 |
FullBody.ico | ico | 138263 |
Hair-Long.ico | ico | 139653 |
Hair-Medium.ico | ico | 144354 |
Hair-Short.ico | ico | 142527 |
Hair-Updo.ico | ico | 139366 |
Hats-Brimless.ico | ico | 143081 |
Hats-Brimmed.ico | ico | 135903 |
Hats-Caps.ico | ico | 134272 |
Jewellery-Bracelets.ico | ico | 137869 |
Jewellery-Necklaces.ico | ico | 136507 |
Jewellery-Piercings.ico | ico | 138475 |
Jewellery-Rings.ico | ico | 138732 |
Makeup-Cheeks.ico | ico | 137020 |
Makeup-Eyebrows.ico | ico | 134652 |
Makeup-Eyelashes.ico | ico | 137616 |
Makeup-Eyeliner.ico | ico | 138149 |
Makeup-Eyeshadow.ico | ico | 138643 |
Makeup-FacePaint.ico | ico | 136417 |
Makeup-Lipstick.ico | ico | 133353 |
Shoes-Boots.ico | ico | 137453 |
Shoes-Flats.ico | ico | 137526 |
Shoes-Heels.ico | ico | 133927 |
Shoes-LaceUps.ico | ico | 136054 |
Shoes-Loafers.ico | ico | 140089 |
Shoes-Sandals.ico | ico | 137066 |
Shoes-Slippers.ico | ico | 135134 |
Shoes-Sneakers.ico | ico | 139524 |
Shoes-Wedges.ico | ico | 141357 |
Tops-Blouses.ico | ico | 139094 |
Tops-Brassieres.ico | ico | 139559 |
Tops-ButtonUp.ico | ico | 140560 |
Tops-Jackets.ico | ico | 138928 |
Tops-Polos.ico | ico | 135914 |
Tops-SuitJackets.ico | ico | 126968 |
Tops-Sweaters.ico | ico | 138675 |
Tops-Sweatshirts.ico | ico | 134974 |
Tops-Swimsuits.ico | ico | 139625 |
Tops-Tanks.ico | ico | 132825 |
Tops-TeeShirts.ico | ico | 138708 |
Tops-Vests.ico | ico | 135058 |
Build.ico | ico | 134297 |
Buy.ico | ico | 136571 |
CAS.ico | ico | 138270 |
CASBackgrounds.ico | ico | 134867 |
Female.ico | ico | 136940 |
HiddenCC.ico | ico | 142116 |
Lots.ico | ico | 131791 |
Male.ico | ico | 136786 |
Misc.ico | ico | 141699 |
Mods.ico | ico | 134830 |
Pets.ico | ico | 136147 |
Poses.ico | ico | 133551 |
Rooms.ico | ico | 138663 |
Sims.ico | ico | 139302 |
Sliders.ico | ico | 133624 |
Sundry.ico | ico | 142172 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
folderbackblack.png | png | 10044 |
folderbackdarkgrey.png | png | 13865 |
folderbackgrey.png | png | 16922 |
folderbackwhite.png | png | 14987 |
folderfront1.png | png | 65665 |
folderfront2.png | png | 67465 |
folderfront3.png | png | 67407 |
folderfront4.png | png | 67379 |
The following custom content is included in the downloadable files:
- Chikiwi_Sims4-CCFolderIcons by Chikiwi2016
| Folder Icon base
Uploaded: 3rd Dec 2022, 314.6 KB.
| Folder icons for Sims 4
Uploaded: 18th Nov 2022, 16.43 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Need more information?
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
Loading comments, please wait...
Updated: 3rd Dec 2022 at 8:51 PM
The Sims 4 Ultimate Game Icon Pack
by TheSimKid updated 6th Dec 2015 at 6:20pm
+8 packs
Get to Work
Outdoor Retreat
Luxury Stuff
Perfect Patio Stuff
Spa Day
Cool Kitchen Stuff
Spooky Stuff
Horse Ranch
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3 4.9k 12
Family Valgard for The Sims 4 + CC
by flus.lakoste 22nd Jul 2021 at 1:33am
+26 packs
Get to Work
Outdoor Retreat
Get Together
Luxury Stuff
City Living
Spa Day
Cats and Dogs
Get Famous
Island Living
Movie Hangout Stuff
Discover University
Eco Lifestyle
Snowy Escape
Kids Room Stuff
Vintage Glamour Stuff
Horse Ranch
Bowling Night Stuff
Fitness Stuff
Laundry Day Stuff
Jungle Adventure
Realm of Magic
Star Wars: Journey to Batuu
Paranormal Stuff
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1 7.3k 8
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+8 packs
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+16 packs
Get to Work
Get Together
City Living
Cool Kitchen Stuff
Get Famous
Discover University
Dine Out
Romantic Garden Stuff
Snowy Escape
Kids Room Stuff
Laundry Day Stuff
Jungle Adventure
Realm of Magic
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+28 packs
Get to Work
Outdoor Retreat
Get Together
City Living
Cats and Dogs
Cool Kitchen Stuff
Spooky Stuff
Get Famous
Island Living
Discover University
Dine Out
Romantic Garden Stuff
Snowy Escape
Kids Room Stuff
Cottage Living
Vintage Glamour Stuff
Horse Ranch
Bowling Night Stuff
Toddler Stuff
Laundry Day Stuff
Jungle Adventure
Realm of Magic
Nifty Knitting Stuff
Paranormal Stuff
by Chikiwi2016 14th Oct 2021 at 5:40am
Residential Home - Built for a vampire family. Lot challenge: Spooky Based loosely on Netflix show The Haunting of Hill House. more...
+29 packs
Get to Work
Outdoor Retreat
Get Together
City Living
Cats and Dogs
Cool Kitchen Stuff
Spooky Stuff
Get Famous
Island Living
Movie Hangout Stuff
Discover University
Dine Out
Romantic Garden Stuff
Snowy Escape
Kids Room Stuff
Cottage Living
Vintage Glamour Stuff
Horse Ranch
Toddler Stuff
Laundry Day Stuff
Jungle Adventure
Realm of Magic
My First Pet Stuff
Nifty Knitting Stuff
Paranormal Stuff
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+13 packs
Get Together
City Living
Cats and Dogs
Cool Kitchen Stuff
Discover University
Kids Room Stuff
Cottage Living
Bowling Night Stuff
Laundry Day Stuff
Nifty Knitting Stuff
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