The Leão XV Foutain with animated waterfall
by eletrodj 16th Oct 2018 at 5:32pm
New Foutain + waterfall effect! more...
2 30.5k 34
EDJ Pose Pack #2 (Cup of Poses for TS3) - Update 07-12
by eletrodj 2nd May 2011 at 8:07pm
Couples poses? Really? Yes, they can! more...
25 110.1k 101
EDJ Pose Pack #1 (Cup of Poses for TS3) - Update 07-12
by eletrodj 19th Apr 2011 at 12:15am
Tired of the same normal poses? Nevah more! more...
13 77.6k 42
Designed Minimalism Living SuperSet - 15 new meshs
by eletrodj 16th Mar 2010 at 5:21pm
Today I bring you a whole new set, inspired in Contemporary Art: The Minimalism. more...
Bonfire - with effects and custom light!
by eletrodj 15th Oct 2009 at 3:28pm
.Package, again! ;) For now, a bonfire... ... with effects and *real* light! more...
20 new poses! Cup Of Poses v1.2 - Let's the photoshoot starts again!
by eletrodj 15th Apr 2009 at 12:54pm
Do you want another cup of poses? 20 new poses for your sims. more...
98 290k 332
Strike a pose! New modeling and couple posebox... for modeling sims - CupOfPoses v1!
by eletrodj 16th Mar 2009 at 9:40pm
Do you want a cup of poses? Why sims can't model... more...
148 256.3k 264
Gnomes, gnomes! - Two ANIMATED Fountains
by eletrodj updated 15th Mar 2009 at 1:45am
Because every garden needs one! more...
38 78.3k 69
BSMagistray - "Magistray" to Base Game!
by eletrodj 24th Feb 2009 at 2:45pm
It's not right that only OFB owner's can put their Sims on the OMSPs. more...
54 74.5k 111
Kitchen Clutters - Apron and Mug with 5 recolors
by eletrodj 21st Jan 2009 at 4:50pm
Again, more gifts. :D Now, kitchen cluttersm with; 1 apron (in wall) and 1 mug (with 5 recolors). more...
Bathroom Clutters SET - 2 Shelfs and Soap dish with recolors (UPD 20/jan - price changed)
by eletrodj updated 20th Jan 2009 at 10:29pm
One more gift from .Package. more...
Chimarrão (South Brazilian) Clutter
by eletrodj 18th Jan 2009 at 4:20pm
Chimarrão is a popular drink in south of Brazil. It's composed by an herb (mate). more...
26 17.5k 7
CurtainBlids Super SET - 4 new meshs with 13 recolours
by eletrodj 17th Jan 2009 at 6:17pm
Set of CurtainBlinds. 4 new meshs, including maxis colour. Cloned of Maxis Curtain blinds, with mesh improvements. more...
11 35.1k 60