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Joni & Poon (J&P)
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  • Californian Street

    by Jonipoon 12th Sep 2019 at 3:57pm

    Welcome to the West Coast of America... more...

    +16 packs 10 11.1k 39

    Lots & Housing » Community

  • Puranã Cabin

    by Jonipoon 19th Aug 2019 at 12:33pm

    A modern refuge protected by native forest offering stunning views. more...

    +12 packs 4 10.5k 25

    Lots & Housing » Residential

  • Manhattan Studios

    by Jonipoon 18th Aug 2019 at 1:29pm

    A 4-floored apartment built in style of East Village in Manhattan, New York. more...

    +16 packs 7 9k 27

    Lots & Housing » Apartments

  • Panyu Road 1198

    by Jonipoon 1st May 2019 at 1:22pm , updated 5th May 2019 at 12:49pm

    A cozy Shanghainese lane house built in the traditional shikumen style. more...

    +16 packs 5 9.1k 18

    Lots & Housing » Apartments

  • Funenhof Apartments - no CC

    by Jonipoon 28th Mar 2019 at 4:34pm

    Cozy and modern apartments with a touch of Amsterdam. more...

    +17 packs 11 28.6k 109

    Lots & Housing » Apartments

Personal Picks (Jonipoon thinks you should check these out!)
  • Puranã Cabin

    by Jonipoon 19th Aug 2019 at 12:33pm

    A modern refuge protected by native forest offering stunning views. more...

    +12 packs 4 10.5k 25

    Lots & Housing » Residential

  • Bernal Heights 23

    by Jonipoon 15th Oct 2017 at 6:33pm

    A cozy residence in the middle of town. more...

    +17 packs 14 17.9k 52

    Lots & Housing » Residential

  • Russet Residence - no CC

    by Jonipoon 19th Sep 2017 at 1:06am

    Russet Residence is a modern villa suitable for any young dreamer. more...

    +16 packs 7 11.6k 21

    Lots & Housing » Residential

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  • Funenhof Apartments - no CC

    by Jonipoon 28th Mar 2019 at 4:34pm

    Cozy and modern apartments with a touch of Amsterdam. more...

    +17 packs 11 28.6k 109

    Lots & Housing » Apartments

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