Moi's recolours for Numenor's Maxis "Lost & Found" #4: The Matte Sphere
stand_noir-blanc.jpg - width=453 height=251
combotip_Cthru-R255G000B000-r002_Espark-RY2.JPG - width=179 height=366
Moi-recolours.jpg - width=1024 height=256
Materialsnewue-c.jpg - width=633 height=325
Credits and thanks list:
1. Big bunches of thanks to Numenor for his making these spheres recolourable and his instructions, trouble-shooting, and his permission to allow me to clone or recolour them including the his recolours.:bandit:
2. Many thanks to IgnorantBliss for her tips and trouble-shooting...
3. Big thanks to wes_h for his allowing me to mess around his custom-designed one.
4. Thanks to Rgiles' translucent glass texture recolour, I've learnt more on recolouring.
5. Bigs thanks to JWoods for his tutorials.
6. Thanks to Maxis for its at least leaving this sphere mesh and textures in the game to e discovered and reused.
B. Copyright Issues:
B1. Feel free to modify the parts I've done... (you can only claim credits for what you've done on it, yet no need to mention me unless you feel like so.).
B2. These textures and these recolours I made are banned to be for any direct or indirect commercial or trading usage.)
B3. No permission is necessary for redistribution of these textures and these recolours I made with proper instruction like this page unless stated.
The second recolours I've made are for Numenor's Maxis "Lost & Found" #4: The Matte Sphere set's wall-boundries. I've not seen one recolour set for them linked to the mesh thread yet, and I like them a lot and you may have already known that from the lots I've built and shred so far.
For some reasons, I've input the original mesh thread link, but they're not connected, :confused:...
All the recolours here need the following mesh "SphereMatte_MESH_UPD-07feb06.rar" from
Miscellaneous - Maxis "Lost & Found" #4: The Matte Sphere *OPEN CONTEST*
sorry for the confusion coz I'm also confused what happened with the linking system. I'd another one working but not this one... Sorry, I accidentally deleted ome uploads wile clearing up pix.:P
Anyway, in this recolour set, some of them're monotonous with the following RGB definitions.
Black-white gradient for the stand subset: (released first...)

Some textural recolours for bothe the stand and sphere subsets:
A slightly reddishly glow-in-dark yellow translucent sphere recolour.
A recolour of Numenor's Animated ElectricGlow recolour:
**NEW** (18th Feb, 06)
a pale-greenish stand recolour with a slight glow-in-dark:
**NEW** (19th Feb, 06)
a bluish animated sphere I've been played around with is done.
**NEW** (22nd Feb, 06)
2 more glassy spheres... :moose:
**NEW** (1st Mar, 06)
a highly reflective silvery recolour for boththe sphere and the stand... ^-^
**NEW** (1st Sept, 06)
1. smoky spheres
2. neighbourhood water spheres
3. vibrating spheres (animated)[

finally fixed for EP5, but the fixed version requires a an additional mod to run, either Moi_shaderPool_EP5SSeu-EP3OFB-Gunmod.rar or Moi_shaderPool_EP0toEP4-EP3OFB-Gunmod.rar (dependent on which highest game version one is running), downloadable here
The original one Numenor_WallWindow_Seamless_Recolour-MoiWavy001set.rar will work for any game version lower than EP5SS.

So, if you find these colours useful, welscome to dl them. But, please not to post any thank post unless there's a problem or that is to show how they can be used. Should you feel like to thank, click the "thank" button instead. Thanks for your patience to read through this.
Copyright for some of the textures:
I took the photo and edit them to fit into the recolours. Anyone is welcome to re-use the texture as long as they're freely accessed and the person(s) who re-use(s) the texture do not claim the texture as their property or copyright. No need to credit me back for the texture.
Hopefully, pretty soon, I'll finish some other recolours and post them here... ^_^
1. combine Cthru-R255G000B000-r002 and Espark-RY2 wit the moveobjects cheat, and you'll see yet another animated combo-rerecolour...!
Note: I switched it from Maxis recolour to New mesh recolour, so it can link to the in-game version of the Matte Sphere. But, you may still need CEP.
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available |
Maxis "Lost & Found" #4: The Matte Sphere *OPEN CONTEST* by Numenor |
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About Me
Known cases:
1. lots except those for group project(s)
2. recolours (HCP products, objects) except those for group project(s) and recolour-mod(s).
Known Exceptions:
1. things I made for a group project: the redistribution policy will then depends on the group itself.
2. mods I made are mostly in testing, I'd like to have users know where to report any problem, usage or else if any. Yet, people are welcome to study them and make out their own. A reference back is a nice act but not a must.
3. Pandorasims is banned to use or host all my uploads & provided infos
I may update my recolours or other items without notification. A version may be necessary in the cases when big changes can affect the game version compatibility and/or requirement.
My sigz:
Let loose of your loads before U go. Fly & think free. Wind the rain in the sky, and I'll find & see you later. The scenes, the sounds, the touches, the feels, the senses were recorded. Wanna replay?
lol, see what you see :P .
... Stop staring at me, stop following me, stop stalking me, stop spying on me, stop petting me, stop touching me, stop pressuring on me, STOP! ... |