Vampire Default Replacement - Using Enayla's Vampire Grace

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Are you sad at your sims looking all blue when they turn into a vampire? Do you wish they had a different look to them, like a nice pale look to them? Well, now you can! This default replacement skintone for vampires, made by Enayla based upon her Vampire Grace skintone located at this thread over here. I did not create the base skintone, but I did modify, with Enayla's permission, to add an alpha channel to the skintone to make it a nice new default.
There are two different variations to the replacement. A skintone that makes the Sims look more like the vampire grace skintone when vampire, and a pale skintone that just makes your sims more pale. They both use Enayla's base, however.
Only install ONE of these skintones. If you have a default replacement, remove it before you add this one.
Thanks to Enayla for giving me permission to post this replacement here, and for making the original skintone I used, and for allowing me to modify it slightly (mostly adding the alpha channel only).
Thanks to PatchesSim2 for telling me about the alpha channel. I didn't know it was an option in SimPE.

If you encounter any bugs related directly to the skintone, I'll take a look at it and modify it if there is a bug.

EDIT: You can get a alien and zombie replacement using the horror skintones Enayla made Over here. I did not make them, and I recommend them.
EDIT2: Works well with Enayla's skintones. Other skintones you might get overlapping of different parts.

~Note: Compatible with Open for Business. Vampire Servo does NOT use the same skintone.~
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