Essential Oil Burner and Storage Kit, Functional and Animated (061225: Now OK with Pets)

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<max:Edit timestamp="2006. GMT+0">

Thanks a lot to Pioupiou who discovered a tiny but very essential spot of error in the file (to be techny: the TTAB file format code), Essential Oil Burner and its Kit are now compatible with the Pets EP. However, pets are not affected by the scent.

Also thanks to Pioupiou, a silly coding error is corrected.

Please remove the original package file (the one ending with "-11") and download the new file (the one ending with "-12" after extraction). The "-rcpack" package is unchanged so you don't need to replace this file, but it's included in the new archive.

The update is done with SimPE v.60b, changing only the TTAB file formats and correcting the coding error, so it should still work with all other EPs/SPs/base game. In case it does not, I have kept the original "-11" file here for download and you're more than welcome to revert to using the previous version.

Merry Yummy Christmas and I hope you all (with and without Pets) enjoy my work.


Below are original messages.



So, wanna have your Sims also enjoy home aromatherapy? Now it's possible! Buy them a burner and a kit, and enjoy a luxury life!



I came up with this idea when I found the OFB Snapdragon crafted plant will occasionally spread scents and boost the motives of the Sims nearby. I want to have one in almost all rooms, but I'm annoyed by the big and dull look, and want to have smaller gadgets serving the same (or better) function.

So after 12 days struggling (already excluded the days I wasn't fully devoted to the project), here's my one-and-only product with almost all aspects of modding the Sims 2 involved: meshing, recoloring, function addon (additional gameplay), animations (texture anim, object anim and gesture anim).



The Essential Oil Burner and the storage kit called Essential Kit, brought to you by Aromax Inc., help your Sims lead a healthier and happier life, by satisfying various needs of the Sims according to the type and amount essential oils you put into the burner.

Buy them in the Sims catalog under Misc > Misc today to benefit your Sims.

7 EOs are available: Ginger, Lavender, Peppermint, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Bergamot and Geranium. They'll add Fitness*, Comfort, Energy, Fun, Social, Hygiene and Aspiration*, respectively. You can blend them in any combination to combine the effects, and/or add more than one dosage to enhance the effects, but beware that overdose will cause countereffects (add->substract). In case you find your health being harmed by overdose, you can always stop the burner and discard all contents remaining.

(*: For adding to Fitness, the oil of Ginger will never make you really "fit"; it'll only keeps you away from fatness (adding stops in the middle of the Fitness bar). Additional fitness values by exercises will not be reduced unless overdose. For Aspiration, same story applies. The limit is filling the first green block.)

For easier maintenance after you find a perfect combination, you can set it as the formula, and use the menu option "Add by Formula" to mix the blend in one shot. Setting the formula does not require any interaction (just like turning on and off lights).

The essential oils are stored in the Essential Kits. Every time you instruct your Sims to add EO(s), they'll go to the nearest EK with enough EO storage, and get the amount from it. One EK can store 1000 dosages (=300ml) of EOs of any type (like a fridge: you only see a sum; it doesn't place any restriction on what you can cook). Restocking can be done in front of the EK (I'm too lazy to make an aromatherapy community lot collection); each dosage costs 0.5 Simoleon (0.5 in the sum is rounded to 1). Restocking always resume the full 1000 storage.

EOs are dangerous to be handled by kids. Therefore, all interactions are available only for teens, adults and elders. Setting the formula can be done by "you", regardless of what age the Sim you have chosen is.



Files: 2 (one big pack with Essential Oil Burner, Essential Kit, and the two accessories: Bottle and a no-shape object existent for programmatic reason, and another pack for recoloring the EK. This small pack contains only one set of recolor of the Kit, with MMAT defined, so SimPE can handle the recoloring from this file. Recoloring the burner can be done by opening the big pack by SimPE and choose Recolor. Putting all objects in one package makes SimPE unable to extract recolor elements for the second object and onwards, but it's essential to prevent anyone from forgetting to put two files together--since these objects are interdependent.)

For Essential Oil Burner:

Model: 1033 Faces, 757 Vertices (reported by SimPE), contains texture animation.
In-package Recolors: 2 (Gold and Silver)
External recolorablility: yes

For Essential Oil Bottle:

Model: 138 Faces, 135 Vertices (by SimPE), no animation
In-package Recolors: 4 (red, orange, green and blue oil colors, selected randomly on creation by BHAV)
External recolorability: no; they won't be applied anyway

For Essential Kit:

Model: 1552 Faces, 1798 Vertices (sorry), mesh animation. On opening, according to EO storage, 0 to 9 Essential Oil Bottles will be created and put in the cells, resulting in a maximum of 2794 Faces and 3013 Vertices. The bottles will be deleted shortly after the Kit is closed.
In-package Recolors: none (default color: gold and dark wood)
External recolorability: the "-rcpack" package file will enable recoloring and provide 1 "desaturized" recolor as an example (thus silver and black).

For All:

EPs required: NONE
EP effects: with OFB, during a "burn" (see below if interested), the snapdragon scent effect will be played. Without OFB, just-cooked food steam effect will be played.


About the oils, dosage and fire:

1 Dosage = 300 mm3 (0.3 ml). Using normal fire, every add can last 10 Sim-hours, burning 10 mm3 x 3 times an hour at 5, 25 and 45 mins. Setting high fire will change the burning interval to 15 minutes (@5, 20, 35, 50mins), but the "mm3 per burn" remains 10 mm3. For low fire, it's twice an hour @5 and 35 mins. When "burning", scent or steam effects will occur, and Sims within the same room and within 20 tiles distance will be affected as described below.

10 mm3 per burn is the standard dosage, which will increase 7 motives/fitness/aspiration by individual constant values.

Adding a type of EO before this type in the burner has used up will increase the "mm3 per burn" value. The way it's calculated is as follows:

( remaining mm3
+ 300 mm3 ) <--- newly added dosage
/ 30 times <--- one dosage is meant to burn 30 times

(Therefore, 0 remaining + 1 dosage -> (0+300)/30 = 10 mm3 per burn;
0 remaining + 2 dosages -> (0+300+300)/30 = 20 mm3 per burn; etc.)

More than 10 mm3 per burn means that the motive increment is also increased proportionally. But every of the 7 increment has a top limit, exceeding which will cause the motive increment to be a negative value. Exceeding more means decreasing more. No motive decrements will place a bottom line, so you will, for example, faint if you put too much Peppermint in the burner.

Implied: adjusting fire (=burn speed) does not make you overdose or release you from overdose.

Misc technical information:

Tools used: SimPE v0.58 for everything SimPE v0.58 can do,
MilkShape 1.7.4 for meshing and mesh animations,
PhotoShop for texturing and texture animations.

Objects referenced (not all are used in the final product):
tablecandlecollection (candle mesh in burner stolen from this),
bookcase, espressocup, espressomachine, InSIMenator,
moneytree, noisemaker, sparkler, toastingset, toastingglass,
toilet, food, videogamerackoncounter, snapdragon

Documents referenced: almost all in Modding InfoCenter


Intellectual Property Usage Policy:

1) Please do not use this or any part of this or any derived products (e.g. clones, recolors) of this product in any download or part of download which requires payments in real money directly or indirectly. Whenever REALLY necessary, use hyperlinks.

2) Please do not clone the Essential Kit without changing its behaviors extensively, because a cloned EK will not cooperate with the original or shallowly cloned EO Burner.

3) Feel free to clone the EO Burner for the same functionality for, e.g., additional burner selections. You may require advanced modding skill to clean up your package after cloning. When you have done so, please refer to (1).

4) Feel free to clone the EK for other functionalities, e.g. storage box for other gadgets. When you have done so, please refer to (1).

5) Strongly recommended is every modder to share knowledge with each other, so feel free to learn, modify, extract, or "take over" any part of this product. When you want to do so, please refer to (1).


Brought to you by Max [netmicro]

Enjoy and please report any errors you find suspectible to be caused by this pack. It's tested quite comprehensively in base game and all-in game by more than several people.

Screenshots: first two are GIF animations and are included in the post above. Others are JPG still pictures. Click to enlarge. Some of them are taken before I changed the bottles to brown and the kit to with ground shadow, so they'll look slightly different in details in game.
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