Leta's Homestead
LH-120-Front.jpg - width=600 height=228
LH-170 yard.jpg - width=600 height=450
LH-810-Cellar.jpg - width=600 height=450
LH-810-1st.jpg - width=600 height=450
LH-820-2nd.jpg - width=600 height=450
LH-855-Outhouse.jpg - width=600 height=450
LH-930-Barn.jpg - width=600 height=450
Most importantly, if you live on the plains, it has a combination ‘fraidy-hole and root cellar. For those of you who did not grow up in Tornado Alley, the ‘fraidy hole is where you go when you see the wall cloud looming over the next hill, and the sky turns green and then roars like a freight train. This is where Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz should have been instead of skipping along yellow brick roads. This is not the perfect ‘fraidy hole, because it is too close to the house. Ideally you want it far enough away from the house and any trees that the entrance is unlikely to be blocked after the storm.
The crops in the garden and the apple trees in the orchard beside it are Echo’s harvestable crops. It is quite possible to live off the land on this lot. In fact, I’ve included a suggested farm challenge read-me in the download. You don’t have to play the challenge -- but so far I have enjoyed it.
The lot is fully furnished and is on a 5x5 lot. It costs $176,095.

Here are some additional pictures: http://s40.photobucket.com/albums/e...as%20Homestead/ as I am playing the challenge.
Lethe_S, http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=201266, has made these charming toadstools that appear in one of the pictures. They are not part of the lot as packaged, but I know you would enjoy adding them to the woods. Use boolprop snapobjectstogrid false for more realistic placement. Likewise, the leaf and leaf piles in a few of the pictures are not part of the lot. They are from the Jwoods Autumn Wonderland Tribute set, http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=190484, and were made by The Mod Squad. The sky in the picture is courtesy of Chris997’s weather -- a stunningly beautiful addition to the game. You do not need to download any of these for the lot to work … but if you want to dress it up even more, these would be excellent choices.
Download Instructions
Download all three files. Unzip them to your download folder. There will be 3 folders of custom content. These are ready to go. You do not need to do anything else to them. There is also a normal self-extracting Sims2 Pack Installer file. Double click on it and let it do its thing.
Please respect all the wonderful artists who allowed me to share their creations with you in this lot. Do NOT upload this lot anywhere.
Tarox, http://www.tarox4sims2.de/, offers some of the finest and most unique furniture and decorating accessories. I can not imagine furnishing a non-modern home without the fine objects these fine ladies share with us. From chicken houses to roofing sections, from cradles to bookcases, you name it and they have just the perfect piece for the pre-industrial sim home.
Hchangeri, http://www.retailsims.com/, has a wide selection of store fixtures and merchandise -- perfect for filling up pantry shelves and storerooms. In addition to their obvious uses in stores, many add that perfect touch of realism to sim interiors.
Chi SaGo, http://chisago.alceleniel.de, offers a nice selection of objects. Those in her Morrowind collection, work beautifully in non-modern decors.
Crocobaura, http://www.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=65423, has to be one of the meshing royalty. She has made infinite statues, airplanes, lab equipment, and the list goes on and on, but in this house all you will find is a really nice produce shelf. That is the reason you need to go visit her profile and see all the other goodies you will want for other houses.
Mdhttr323, http://www.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=252682, did you notice the wonderfully carved old world shelf in the kitchen? I’m sure you saw all the bread. These, and many other fine objects, all came from the skillful hand of Mdhttr323. Her breads are so real you can almost smell them.
Macarossi, http://www.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=44745, I used to think of Macarossi as the queen of windows and doors, then she expanded to architectural accessories, then plants and planters. Her queendom just keeps expanding and growing -- and everything is just perfect and richly detailed.
Echo, http://sims.eternal-echo.net/ has made some delightful harvestable crops that not only look nice, but also add a wonderful bit of game play. It really is possible for your sims to live off the land. And of course, everyone knows about her famous rug meshes. Visit her site and see what other little delights she has for you.
Fat D, http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=135757 has made many fine things for fellow simmers, but the absolute best (IMHO), is the Downshift. The decorating possibilities this opens up are almost endless.
Sterling Sims, http://www.sterlingsims2.com/skyes_web_5.htm, has many fine things for your sims. Skye, Cheryl and other fellow artists created some of the wonderful groundcovers and walls that you see in this lot. The recolor and objects at the site are also top notch.
Mickyss, http://www.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=94426 is the talented creator behind the livestock and many of the plants you see here at the home place. All of his things are unique and finely made.
Parsimonious, http://parsimonious.org, has everything for your sims -- from objects to terrains, and much more. Furniture sets to garden plants, floors to art for the walls -- you’ll find a small sampleing of the fine objects in this lot. The barrel end table and potty chair by Kate are so cute for this setting and deserve special recognition. All of their offerings are uniformly of high quality and imaginatively (but still realistic) unique.
SimAddict99, http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=126733, has expanded Echo’s harvestable crops to give us more variety in our sim gardens. The gardens are part of what made a frontier farm work.
Komosims, http://komosims.net, has some of the finest walls, terrains, floors and ceilings available anywhere on the web. Komosims, VonNdaSun and Simlin55 are all wonderful artists and wonderful people.
JJ, aka The Sorceress, http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/the sorceress/ makes some of the most unique and detailed walls and ground covers available on the web. If you are a builder or a decorator, this is one yahoo group that you really do want to join.
McTrick’s Place, http://mctricksplace.com has many aged wood and antiqued recolor and objects. In addition she has a nice selection of vintage style floors, walls and pictures. She also has some really unique plant recolor and terrains.
RoddyAleixo, http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=90875 has made the ultimate in driveway versatility -- invisible!
HolySimoly, http://www.holysimoly.com/index.cfm?go=home.welcome, has a wonderful collection of objects, walls, and floors. The tulip grove series of Victorian siding makes every house a delight to paint. I knew that this was the paint that Aunt Leta would want on her house.
Sunni Sims, http://kimberspace.mattwork.potsdam...isims/index.php has made a series of railing recolor to coordinate with HolySimoly’s Tulip Grove sidings. Together they make the most perfect ‘Painted Ladies’. She also has numerous other high quality objects, such as stairs, windows, decorator objects and furniture.
Hexameter, http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=115008, that most versatile of all vehicle makers, has made the perfect pioneer vehicle -- the horse drawn wagon. Doesn’t it look perfect in front of the barn?
PixelSims, http://www.pixel Sims.com, has a nice basic retro phone by Helena. Normal game play needs a phone, but there just isn’t any period appropriate phone object that I know of. This one, with its classic styling seemed to be a good compromise stylistically. She has also made some delightful decorator accessories, such as some of the curtains in the house.
Filename | Type | Size |
Letas Homestead CC 3.rar | rar | |
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Crocobaura_Flower_Display_5.package | package | 314016 |
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dc9eea12a9c5d7c9346253bd7aff1a5d_0001.package | package | 26845 |
e2ee96e93f553bcd37a579174389ed8e_0001.package | package | 26702 |
echo-harvestbasket.package | package | 183263 |
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floor_d0b05311.package | package | 38830 |
floor_d138b183.package | package | 42460 |
floor_f1f26ec5.package | package | 89194 |
floor_f73e97f.package | package | 30221 |
HMB_WallHangingLeafs3.package | package | 177477 |
HolySimoly_BijouxChairGreen.package | package | 177311 |
HolySimoly_BijouxChairMesh.package | package | 422724 |
HolySimoly_EdwardDr_Straight.package | package | 520850 |
HolySimoly_EdwardDr_White.package | package | 355135 |
horsewaggon_pioneer-without_canvas.package | package | 2222818 |
horse_pherry.package | package | 500475 |
HS_RetroTablePhoneBaseMESH.package | package | 163641 |
HS_RetroTablePhoneHandsetMESH.package | package | 45766 |
HS_ShortLaceCurtainMesh.package | package | 127300 |
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k8-corralkidpainting2-051305.package | package | 177302 |
k8-corralkidpotty-051305.package | package | 357906 |
k8-corralkidtoybox-051305.package | package | 721754 |
k8-eponymousgarden-fennel-051606.package | package | 286006 |
k8-eponymousgarden-ladysmantle-051606.package | package | 228527 |
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k8-lumineredesk-051706.package | package | 271939 |
k8-lumineretablelamp-050806.package | package | 500999 |
k8-luminerewalllight-050806.package | package | 518348 |
k8-sultanawalllamp-071906.package | package | 161895 |
k8-winterwoodabed-112305.package | package | 2565110 |
k8-winterwoodbedcover-112505.package | package | 701635 |
k8-winterwoodbookcaseSU-131205.package | package | 1148134 |
k8-winterwoodchess-131205.package | package | 386566 |
k8-winterwooddesk-131205.package | package | 365925 |
k8-winterwooddiningchair-112805.package | package | 544638 |
k8-winterwoodrugNL-112305.package | package | 177364 |
sunnisims_holysimolyfence_tulipgrove_cream.package | package | 127695 |
sunnisims_nursery_safaricurtains.package | package | 24310 |
terrainPaint_2ee430f7.package | package | 66699 |
terrainPaint_2f31de6c.package | package | 64476 |
terrainPaint_4f651cdf.package | package | 73381 |
terrainPaint_4f6ed94b.package | package | 20645 |
terrainPaint_4f77f018.package | package | 85097 |
terrainPaint_6f39c7d6.package | package | 68665 |
terrainPaint_6f6ed9ca.package | package | 86941 |
terrainPaint_d0aea1b6.package | package | 87156 |
terrainPaint_f063aabb.package | package | 87175 |
terrainPaint_f31e0b3.package | package | 73350 |
WR_Butcher_BolognaRoll_11-29-2005.package | package | 113407 |
WR_CandyShp2_CandyStix_r3_10-17-06.package | package | 89941 |
Letas Homestead-lot only.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 2776362 |
Homestead Challenge -readme.htm | htm | 2418 |
Letas Homestead CC 3.rar
Uploaded: 7th Nov 2006, 6.50 MB.
Letas Homestead CC 2.rar
Uploaded: 7th Nov 2006, 9.10 MB.
Letas Homestead CC 1.rar
Uploaded: 7th Nov 2006, 9.66 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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Updated: 29th Aug 2008 at 5:54 AM
by Spuddling94 30th Apr 2006 at 8:17pm
+3 packs
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+7 packs
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+11 packs
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Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
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Ikea Home
Apartment Life
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+6 packs
Family Fun
Glamour Life
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Apartment Life
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12 26.3k 91
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | University |
![]() | Nightlife |
![]() | Open for Business |
About Me
Sharing Policy:
You may use my recolors in lots you upload to free sites, with credit. You must also honor the policies of the mesh makers. You must check for any changes in policy and honor the policy in place at the time of YOUR posting.
You may include my meshes with any recolors you make. Please keep it all free!