412 Sunshine Road - A house for everyday people

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A charming updated small Victorian home for my daughter. Her instructions: "... a normal house, and don't decorate the bedrooms." (Well, really her words were more like, "None of that weird stuff you usually do.")

The house is fully furnished, except for the two bedrooms. I think you will find this to be a very easy to play house.

Lot Size: 2x3
Lot Price: 73,380

Custom Content Included:
- "Bowl of Plastic Fruit" by Taroo - Tarox
- ATS Anya Living - Matriochka 001 by Sandy - Around the Sims
- ATS Authentic - Kitchen - Decorative bottles & book by Sandy - Around the Sims
- ATS Authentic - Kitchen - Shelf & panes 001 by Sandy - Around the Sims
- ATS Authentic - Kitchen - Shelf 001 by Sandy - Around the Sims
- ATS Bengale Study - Desk accessories 001 by Sandy - Around the Sims
- Spire - Powder Blue recolor by Parsimonious
- The DownShift by Fat D - MTS
- Cocina "Brillantiempo" by Fizzbin - MTS
- Cocina recolor 2 by Fizzbin - MTS
- Contador recolor 1 by Fizzbin - MTS
- Cortinas escocesas "Malagaita" by Fizzbin - MTS
- Cristalbeig recolor by Fizzbin - MTS
- Lavavajillas recolor 1 by Fizzbin - MTS
- Lavavajillas recolor 2 by Fizzbin - MTS
- Mesa Madera Recolor by Fizzbin - MTS
- Mesa Tela recolor by Fizzbin - MTS
- Nevera Recolor by Fizzbin - MTS
- Pazyamor Recolor 9 by Fizzbin - MTS
- Platulencia recolor 1 by Fizzbin - MTS
- Platulencia recolor 2 by Fizzbin - MTS
- F_mosaicoazul by Fizzbin - MTS
- Peek-a-boo animals - yellow floor by The Sorceress
- Sea Breeze Floor 1 by SimLin55- KomoSims
- Amicus Titaina Floor by Parsimonious
- Romance is Dead Floor by Parsimonious
- Fawn Amicus by Parsimonious
- KomoSims Wooden bridge floor by KomoSims
- Bali Boxes by Heidi by Heidi - Exotic Elements
- Vase with Leaves by Heidi by Heidi - Exotic Elements
- Vase with leaves recolor 2 by Heidi - Exotic Elements
- Vase with Leaves recolor 3 by Heidi - Exotic Elements
- OMSP-Fridge High Recolor by John Brehaut 1- MTS
- OMSP for High Fridges by John Brehaut 1 - MTS
- "Amicus Curiae" Column by Kate - Parsimonious
- "Sepulcural Spire" by Kate - Parsimonious
- Lace Curtain by KomoSims
- Invisi-Shelf1-recolor by Moune
- Invisi-Shelf2- recolor by Moune
- LeMorvan Wallcarving - recolor 4 by Moune
- LeMorvan Stone Wall 1 by Moune
- Douce Painting by Moune
- InvisiShelf 1 by Moune
- InvisiShelf 2 by Moune
- Le Morvan Books 1 by Moune
- Le Morvan Candles by Moune
- Le Morvan Magazine Basket by Moune
- Le Morvan Wall Carving by Moune
- Monorom Tablecloth small by Moune
- Garage Door recolor - Jazzy Chocolate by Moonlight Muse - MTS
- "Bowl of Plastic Fruit" by Taroo - Tarox
- "Bowl of Plastic Fruit" by Taroo - Tarox
- NuMica Folding Card Table-Invisible by Redeth20
- Reflexsimsforum Gift1** -candles- by Jasmine - Sims In Paris/Reflexsims Forum
- Other 1- parasol by Delphine - Sims In Paris
- Other 1- table by Delphine - Sims In Paris
- Kitchen 1- walldeco1 by Delphine - Sims In Paris
- Tulip Grove Victorian Quaint Fence in Cream by Sunni Sims
- Counter Productive Work Surface by Taroo - Tarox
- Tischele recolor by Roxi - Tarox
- Bath Andaluz Wall Plant by TKangie - Exotic Elements
- Victorian style weatherboard with Tulip design crown and painted panelling. Blue with peach trim.  by HolySimoly
- Victorian siding in yellow and teal, with bay window wall panel.  by HolySimoly
- Victorian siding in yellow and teal, with left edge vertical beam.  by HolySimoly
- Victorian siding in yellow and teal by HolySimoly
- Queen Elizabeth Wall by Parsimonious
- Victorian siding in yellow and teal, with right edge vertical beam.  by HolySimoly
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