Urban Princess~2br/2bath/driveway

urbprin1.jpg - width=487 height=650

urbprin2.jpg - width=408 height=650

urbprin3.jpg - width=571 height=650

urbprin4.jpg - width=650 height=627

urbprin5.jpg - width=650 height=423

The download for this lot contains:
Urban Princess 1: containing a Sims2Pack file including all build objects & my recos in a folder. Install with TS2 Installer or Sims2Pack Clean Installer.
Urban Princess 2: containing a folder with all the other objects & recos.
files included in download
...Objects and Recolours
file: Van den bricks - fence,fencelamp,one tile gate,window iron long + diagonal,window privacy + diagonal,window iron short + diagonal creator: olemantiker @ http://www.insimenator.net/
file: Bookcase creator: Tarox Design Sims 2 @ http://tarox.sx.am/
file: Dreameasy armoire,bed & endtable,edtable reco creator: Mummysim http://www.simsdivine.com/home/
file: Stereo & reco creator: Ellis RU http://sims2ellis.narod.ru
file: 3x4 rug creator: Echo @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=42165
file: Moroccan hottub,potted palm creator: Blackysims 2 Zoo http://blackypantherde.h704946.serv...?path=start.php
file: Chez moi multi junction creator: Numenor/MaryLou http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=371515
file: Wall plates,claudia tapestry,ivy reco,steffor rug reco x2 creator: Om @ http://jaue.com/avalon/index.htm
file: stove & compactor kitchen1 creator: Sims in Paris http://www.simsinparis.com
file: Ice office light creator: Solander http://www.pimp-my-sims.com
file: Tv unit creator: tkangie http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/comhair_objects_tk/
file: Hanging ivy creator: yggadra http://www.spiffysims.com/
file: Magnolias,dining table & 2x reco,orchids creator: macarossi @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=44745
file: Mural by Margaret x2 creator: Buggybooz @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=580522
file: Helene kitchen shelf x2 & 2x recos creator: besen @ http://www.besens-sims2.de
file: Barn hanging pots,wine tavern door & arch + diagonals x2 creator: Wood for Sims @ http://www.woodforsims.de/html/wfs2news.html
file: Small endtable/plant stand & reco creator: khakidoo @ mts2 http://www.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=325636
file: Japanese maple large creator: nengi65 @ Sims Crossing http://www.simscrossing.net/index.htm
file: Recolourable wooden stairs creator: Numenor http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=4407
file: 3x Olemantiker fence clones in white,matching marvine rail fence clone,spiral stair reco,numenor stair reco,hanging pots reco,4x recos WFS doors creator: loverat @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=99 & http://www.loverat.net/sims2.htm
file: Simple spiral stairs left & right, animations, creator: Marvine @ mts2 http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=249237
file: Rug,painting creator: Steffor @ http://jaue.com/avalon/index.htm
file: Laptop creator: Sandy @ ATS http://www.aroundthesims2.com/
file: Rattan chair creator: Maylin @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=323183
file: Rug reco creator: Isle of Maltha @ http://www.isleofmaltha.com/index.html
file: Invisible driveway recolour creator: roddyaleixo @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=22075
file: Echo rug reco creator: Nano Nona http://www.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=257288
file: Spring blossom tree reco 2 creator: Corvidophile http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=305362
file: Luxurious armchair creator: MsBarrows http://www.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=149634
file: Steffor painting reco creator: Serenity Sims
...Floors, Walls, Terrains
file: Rockmusa walls x5 creator: Tribecca Sims 2 @ http://www.tribeccasims2.com/
file: White brick wall creator: Holy Simoly http://www.holysimoly.com
file: Medway wall creator: http://www.parsimonious.org/
file: Alicia wall 1 & 3 creator: komosims @ http://www.komosims.net/forum/
file: Arch wall creator: simage @ http://www.sim-age.de
file: Grape tiled wall creator: Mummysim http://www.simsdivine.com/home/
file: rose quartz floor,stone creek floor,sevilla pearl floor creator: Eliadene @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=42731
file: Desireable carpet creator: Ennaedwyn @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=42496
file: Floor 048 creator: Exnem @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=30960 & www.3dconsortium.com/thesims

Lot Size: 2x1
Lot Price: 110,530
Custom Content by Me:
- Spiral stairs matching fence - whiteishThe Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch10
- loverat-Marvine-SpiralStairs-Railing-left-whiteish
- loverat-Numenor_DeckStairs_main-pickfair white stucco
- The "Lord van den Bricks" Collection-Pickfair White
- The "Lord van den Bricks" Collection - Pickfair White
- The "Lord van den Bricks" Collection - Pickfair White
- loverat-wfs2wtdoor1a-whiteish
- loverat-wfs2wtdoor1diagonal-whiteish
- loverat-wfs2wtdoorframe1diagonal-whiteish
Custom Content Included:
- bec_rockmosa_wall_10bca3aa by Tribecca Sims
- bec_rockmosa_wall_10bca3be by Tribecca Sims
- bec_rockmosa_wall_50bca373 by Tribecca Sims
- bec_rockmosa_wall_b0bca391 by Tribecca Sims
- bec_rockmosa_wall_f0bca3d4 by Tribecca Sims
- Eliadene floor_4f097f0e by Eliadene
- Ennaedwyn plush carpet floor_b0ee4e0b by Ennaedwyn
- Eliadene floor_cf098258 by Eliadene
- Exnem by Exnem
- Created by Eliadene at Mod the Sims 2Creative Flooring Solutions is proud to present our latest creation for the decorative conscious homeowner. These floor tiles were manufactured using only the finest materials. These products were not tested on animals, although a few lawn gnomes did receive minor injuries during the initial testing phase.NOT to be sold or listed on any pay site. by Eliadene
- KhakidooPlantStand3RC2 by Khakidoo
- Marvine-SpiralStairs-Railing-left by Marvine
- Marvine-SpiralStairs-Railing-right by Marvine
- N65_JapaneseMaple_large_SlaveMESH by Nengi65
- Modular Stairs by Numenor
- The "Lord van den Bricks" Collection by Olemantiker
- ole van den bricks fencelamp by Olemantiker
- ole van den bricks gate onetile by Olemantiker
- ole van den bricks window ironlong by Olemantiker
- ole van den bricks window ironlongdiag by Olemantiker
- ole van den bricks window ironprivacy by Olemantiker
- ole van den bricks window ironprivacydiag by Olemantiker
- ole van den bricks window ironshort. by Olemantiker
- ole van den bricks window ironshortdiag by Olemantiker
- Holy Simoly wall_6fb8833d by Holy Simoly
- parsimonious wall_6fc4206e by Parsimonious
- komosims wall_8f1921b6 by KomoSims
- www.sim-age.de by Simage
- komosims wall_cf192204 by KomoSims
- simsdivine.com wall_f29dd1cd by Sims Divine
- wfs2wtdoor1a by Wood for Sims
- wfs2wtdoor1diagonal by Wood for Sims
- wfs2wtdoorframe1diagonal by Wood for Sims
- Maylin-Chair-RecolWhite-260407 by Maylin
- Maylin-Rattan chair-250407 by Maylin
- atssandy_obj_modernlinestudy_laptop001 by Around The Sims
- BBwillow_murallong by Buggybooz
- BBwillow_muralsquare by Buggybooz
- BBwillow_muralsquareRC1 by Buggybooz
- BBwillow_muralsquareRC2 by Buggybooz
- bookcasecottage1407taroo by Design Sims 2
- bs2_kuechehelenehaengeschrankMESH by Besen
- bs2_kuechehelenehaengeschranktassenMESH by Besen
- bs2_kuechehelenehaengeschranktassenweiss by Besen
- bs2_kuechehelenehaengeschrankweiss by Besen
- corvidophile2_SpringBlossomTree_rec2 by Corvidophile
- CriSerenity-StefforDinEnjoyPaintingRC1 by Serenity Sims
- delfstovekitchen1 by Sims in Paris
- DreamEasy armoire_MESH_SD_ms by Sims Divine
- Dreameasy bedding_SimsDivine_ms by Sims Divine
- Dreameasy bedframe_MESH_SimsDivine_ms by Sims Divine
- Dreameasy endtable_MESH_SimsDivine_ms by Sims Divine
- ellisru_retrostereo_241205dec_mesh by Ellis RU
- ellisru_retrostereo_241205dec_rec1 by Ellis RU
- EP2_Echo_3x4FloorRug_main by Echo
- FFzoo_moroccanhottub by BlackySims2 Zoo
- iom_objects_sets1_rug by Isle of Maltha
- KhakidooPlantStand3 by Khakidoo
- KhakidooPlantStand3RC2 by Khakidoo
- Magnolias_macarossi260906 by Macarossi
- Marvine-SpiralStairs-ANIMS by Marvine
- MESH_TableDining4Glass_macarossi by Macarossi
- ML-NMN_ChezMoi_Multi-Junction by Mary Lou & Numenor
- MsB_Lux_Armchair_MESH by Ms Barrows
- N65_JapaneseMaple_large_SlaveMESH by Nengi65
- Nano - Mocha & Cream - Rug by Nano Nona
- omavalon_plantygg_villa by Avalon
- om_meshsmwallplates_moroccan by Avalon
- om_meshtapestry_claudia by Avalon
- om_rugsteffor_bouquet by Avalon
- om_rugsteffor_persimmons by Avalon
- om_tapestryclaudia_blue by Avalon
- Orchids_macarossi2007 by Macarossi
- rdrglx_invisibledriveway by Roddyaleixo
- sip-kitchen2-trash by Sims in Paris
- Solander_Ice-Office_light_right by Pimp My Sims
- steffor-boho-rug by Steffor @ Avalon
- steffor-dining-painting by Steffor @ Avalon
- Suzanna end table_recol_ms by Sims Divine
- TableDining4Glass_RCL_Light_macarossi by Macarossi
- tkangie_shabbychicTV_MESH by Tkangie
- wfs2barnkithangpots1a by Wood for Sims
- yggHangingBrooklynIvy by Yggdra
- Zoo_blacky_PalmeimTopf by BlackySims2 Zoo
Filename | Type | Size |
Urban Princess 1.rar | rar | |
urbprin3.jpg | jpg | 117684 |
urbprin4.jpg | jpg | 95889 |
urbprin5.jpg | jpg | 70429 |
loverat-Marvine-spiralstairs-matching-fence-whiteish.package | package | 35074 |
loverat-Marvine-SpiralStairs-Railing-left-whiteish.package | package | 30149 |
loverat-maxisexpensivefridge-blue gingham.package | package | 177412 |
loverat-maxiswishywashydishwasher-blue gingham.package | package | 223615 |
loverat-Numenor_DeckStairs_main-pickfair white stucco.package | package | 26853 |
loverat-ole van den bricks fencehigh2-pickfair white.package | package | 705116 |
loverat-ole van den bricks fencehigh2nometal-pickfair white.package | package | 574787 |
loverat-ole van den bricks fencelow-pickfair white.package | package | 700756 |
loverat-wfs2barnkithangpots1a-white&copperish.package | package | 53630 |
loverat-wfs2wtdoor1a-whiteish.package | package | 148731 |
loverat-wfs2wtdoor1diagonal-whiteish.package | package | 148775 |
loverat-wfs2wtdoorframe1diagonal-whiteish.package | package | 148792 |
Loverats ReadMe - Urban Princess.htm | htm | 22607 |
UrbanPrincess.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 7052416 |
urbprin1.jpg | jpg | 88720 |
urbprin2.jpg | jpg | 103322 |
Urban Princess 2.rar
Uploaded: 6th Dec 2007, 8.20 MB.
Urban Princess 1.rar
Uploaded: 6th Dec 2007, 4.79 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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by ivans 10th Feb 2006 at 10:34pm
3 6.5k
by LondonersMrs 18th May 2006 at 6:48pm
+3 packs
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by huikeshoven 24th May 2006 at 8:47pm
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Open for Business
by huikeshoven 26th May 2006 at 8:29pm
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Open for Business
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by IwashiSan 11th Oct 2023 at 8:17pm
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
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H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | University |
![]() | Nightlife |
![]() | Open for Business |
![]() | Pets |
![]() | Seasons |
![]() | Bon Voyage |
About Me
Use my recolours/lots/hoods whatevers as you like. Fondle them, love them and call them your own - upload to any free site in lots - if you upload to a paysite the Universe will KNOW and get you back - paysites for game items are aberrations and do not reflect the spirit of gaming. I've been ranting about this since TS1 and will continue to do it until TS435 =)