Spice Venus, Luxury Romantic Nest On Planet Of Love
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Venus is not a planet famous for its hospitality: hot temperature (almost 500°C) and unbreathable air keep humans away… but it's the planet of love and here it is the house for your romatic sims!
Glass roof : built with reinforced glass and concrete
Ground floor: built with aluminium, reinforced glass and concrete
-> wide open space with kitchen, diningroom and livingroom, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms; in the middle there is an empty space where the palms of the undergroud floor can grow freely.
Underground floor: built with aluminium, reinforced glass and concrete; most of the windows are hidden into the walls in order to have light and protection at the same time; also some doors are hidden from the external part of the room
-> wide open space with little garden of palms, swimming pool, all for playing music and sport; love hot tube room; science and computer room.... Dont' worry about entrance door because your sims know where it is! just follow them!

Built by by CFE cheat (thank to Numenor, Vind1care, CokeBuilder and many buildingsimmers) and wall boundary by Numenor (you can find it here)
Marvellous lots built using the CFE cheat are downloadable from Numenor's, Vind1care's, CokeBuilder's and PlasticBox's and other skilled buildsimmers pages (I am a newbie and this lot is the best I could do at the moment

Completely furnished (MAXIS);
Buildmode by me, Numenor, CokeBuilder, Rgiles, Targa
Buymode (4 objects) by Kate at Parsimonius and shiny fog by Lethe's
Paintings by me are packed separately (all space pictures plus the Birth of Venus by Botticelli - this requires NL, just like the biggest pictures from Venus)
More ingame night shots clicking on the thumbs:

Lot size: 5x5
Hot also the price: 347.000!!!
Played and tested: 1 day in Anygame starter UNI NL OFB, but to play the lot OFB is enough

Credits for the models:
skin by Histerycal Paroxysm at MTS2
season eyes by bruno at MTS2
girl's blonde hair by Nouk at MTS2
blush by helaene at MTS2
brows, eye lashes, eye shadows and lipsticks by Barcelonista at http://www.justsims2.ru/

Custom Content by Me:
- Aluminium catwalk floor by Alisar
- Aluminium panels by Alisar
- Aluminium panel by Alisar
- Aluminium panels by Alisar
- part of the marble buildmode set by Alisar
- part of the marble buildmode set by Alisar
- part of the marble buildmode set by Alisar
- Alisar_paintings_ForestaVelenosa_space_a Celestial Geode
- Alisar_paintings_ForestaVelenosa_space_a runaway galaxy
- Alisar_paintings_ForestaVelenosa_space_a Sky Full of Glittering Jewels
- Alisar_paintings_ForestaVelenosa_space_An Abrasive Collision Gives One Galaxy a Black Eye
- Alisar_paintings_ForestaVelenosa_space_Crab Nebula
- Alisar_paintings_ForestaVelenosa_space_In the Large Magellanic Cloud
- Alisar_paintings_ForestaVelenosa_space_OrionNebula.
- Alisar_paintings_ForestaVelenosa_space_The Boomerang Nebula
- Alisar_paintings_ForestaVelenosa_space_The galaxy cluster Abell 2218
- Alisar_paintings_ForestaVelenosa_space_Turbulent Neighborhood Near Eruptive Star
- Alisar_paintings_Picasso_BirthOfVenusByBotticelli_NL
- Description from Alisar_paintings_Picasso_space_Venus_VenusianArachnoid_NL
- Description from Alisar_paintings_Picasso_Venus-AlphaRegio-3D_NL
- Alisar_paintings_Picasso_Venus-MaatMons_NL.package
- Alisar_Venus Alpha Region_terrainPaint-01
- Alisar_Venus Alpha Region_terrainPaint-02
- Alisar_Venus Alpha Region_terrainPaint-03
Custom Content Included:
- solar panels-floor by CokeBuilder
- Venus Planet Lamp by Kate
- "Lunar Living" Double Arch by Kate
- "Lune Attic" Easel by Kate
- "Lune Attic" Wall Lamp by Kate
- Low fog by Lethe_s
- Numenor_WallWindow_(Standard+Seamless)_FrostedGlass1 by Numenor
- Numenor_WallWindow_(Standard+Seamless)_FrostedGlass2 by Numenor
- Description from Numenor_WallWindow_(Standard+Seamless)_InvisibleGlass by Numenor
- Numenor_WallWindow_(Standard+Seamless)_InvisibleHandles by Numenor
- Numenor_WallWindow_(Standard+Seamless)_OpaqueColourPack by Numenor
- Numenor_WallWindow_(Standard+Seamless)_RecolourTEMPLATE by Numenor
- Seamless WallWindow Door (diagonal) - by Numenor by Numenor
- Seamless WallWindow Half-Fake Door - by Numenor by Numenor
- Seamless WallWindow Half-Fake Door (diagonal) - by Numenor by Numenor
- Seamless HIDDEN WallWindow (diagonal) - by Numenor by Numenor
- Seamless HIDDEN WallWindow - by Numenor by Numenor
- Seamless WallWindow (diagonal) - by Numenor by Numenor
- Seamless WallWindow - by Numenor by Numenor
- Sinclair ZX Spectrum by Numenor
- Frost Tile by RGiles of MTS2
- "Ascension V2" -by Targa by Targa
Additional Credits:
Numenor for AnyGame starter SimPE
Alisar_Spice Venus_OFB res_readme.txt
Uploaded: 8th Mar 2008, 2.9 KB.
Spice Venus_paintings.zip
Uploaded: 4th Mar 2008, 9.36 MB.
Spice Venus_furnished.zip
Uploaded: 4th Mar 2008, 4.10 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64:
/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
Need more information?
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 13th Mar 2008 at 9:43 AM
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