Diamond Village – Lux Villa "Roses Home" - UPDATED 22 03 2008

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A luxury villa, surrounded by wild red roses and a few other flowered bushes for the joy of senses. The ideal house for families who want to live in a place where they can enjoy quiet and rest while their child have room to play.

'Hope you enjoy! and if you like it please do not forget to press the thank button and/or leave your comments Happy simming! :lovestruc

The lot is in three versions:
-OFB (NL optional)* ---> download the file OFB UPD
-OFB/PETS NL optional)* ---> download the file OFBPETS UPD
-PETS (NL optional)* ---> download the file PETS UPD
- DOWNLOAD THE UPDATED VERSION - the reason is that from a shot a realized I had forgotten to rebuild the stair that from the basement leads to the back of the lot .... I am sorry but even if it is not a serious problem I could not leave it this way (also because the stairs are not so easy to rebuild) I beg your pardon

(NL optional*) means that if you do not have NL installed you will not see the half-walls (you can build fences instead of them),the garage-door (at its place you can add a shop, if you have OFB, or a hobby/toy room or a pets room or anything you like) and the drive-way (a nice sloped path): the game will not crash.
OFB/PETS VERSION means your game must have both eps installed, on the contrary your game will crash -> mine did, that's why the only PETS version; the reason I think is octagonal roof, which you have in OFB but not in PETS, where you have diagonal roofs instead

NB I have built and furnished using BG items and last ep included (that is BG-OFB or BG-PETS), except for automotive items of course. So while the OFB version includes OFB roofs, buildmode and buymode, that make it different from the following PETS versions, the OFB-PETS version differs from the PETS one only for the roof.

Underground floor: garage connected to the basement house; unfurnished room from which you can reach garden in the back; bathroom; spacious kitchen.

First floor: entrance and little porch, spacious open living and dining room with spiral stairs bringing to terrace/roof, two bathrooms, adult bedroom, nursery, kidroom.

Terrace floor: long chairs in the front and hobby objects in the back (easel, telescope, chessboard, dartboard); nice view to neighborhood and neighbours

Roof floor: multi shaped roofs to add a nice bizarre look

Garden: wild red roses slopes, paths and circles - perfuming the air and decorating the lawn; large pool, card table, grill corner.
To keep the roses perfect I suggest you to use the 'alway perfect plant' by twojeffs, a global mode that you can find here (non MTS2-link)

All the lot is built and decorated with MAXIS content, but for the following Custom Content (included)
-Marvine's spiral stairs at MTS2 from here
-roddyaleixo's invisible driveway at MTS2 from here

AAAAA You'd better install the CC BEFORE installing the lot.
What's in the zip: sims2pack including only lot, folder with CC, readme.txt
The lot preview was changed to better view in the catalog, but you will see it only in the lot catalog not in cleaninstaller

Size 2x4
Price 141.973 OFB, 118.271 OFB-PETS, 161.583 PETS
Fully MAXIS build (OFB/PETS) and furnished (BG/PETS)

Tested and played with AnyGame Starter for a few sim days, checked with Clean Installer.
The screenshots are not retouched, just cut and shaped for presentation.

Credits for car and models:
-car (Alfa Romeo) by Fresh-Prince here
-default skin (Natural Beauty: Idolatry of Flesh Skintones) by Histerycal Paroxysm here
-eyes (season eyes) by Bruno at here
-brows and makeup by Barcelonista here (non MTS2-link)

Lot Size: 2x4
Lot Price: see above

Additional Credits:
AGS and SimPE - thank you guys!
Building tutorials (thank you all)
MaryLou's tutorial about changing lot's preview in the catalog bin
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