Starlight (Full-Optional Starter)

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Picked Upload!   This is a picked upload! It showcases some of the best talent and creativity available on MTS and in the community.
Category: residential
lot size: 2x2
Starlight_she (totally furnished): §18,984
Starlight_he (totally furnished): §19,256
Starlight_unfurn (unfurnished): §11,884
played/tested: yes
compatibility: house is tested with and without freetime ep

StarLight is the perfect sims' first Home: with a cheap price (less §20,000) contain ALL sims necessities:
-full kitchen with dishwasher and fire-alarm
-dining corner
-fresh:messymodern living room with tv, bookcase, sofa, telephone
-open little room for pet with all cat objects-needed
-bedroom with dresser and mirror
-study corner with computer
-bathroom with wc, sink, mirror, tub
LIGHTING: yes for all floors
OUTDOOR: garden and, of course I left the space for driveway

Starlight section with wall down:

Starlight comes in three different variations (she, he, unfurnished)
Furnishing is thought for females or males sims, to let you select.

In each rar file (starlight_she and starlight_he) there are only items that u see in the different pics (male and female).
Female contains Steffor pink decor, curtain, sip rug, steffor vase, steffor flower, ATS cushion for cat, and it is pink-coloured.
Male Version doesn't contain items I listed above, but has soccerball by retailsims, jope vase, steffor suitcase, phelana rug and annevs heineken beer!

Female is pink-furnished while Male is green-furnished.

First Floor is quite similar except for a wall-hanging (angel painting for girl, poster maxis for boys)

Unfurnished version has EMPTY rooms and only build objects.

IMPORTANT CUSTOM CONTENT NOT INCLUDED (for Starlight_she, Starlight_he, Starlight_unfurn)

Halfwall with brown border, Perfectly Plank by JLonier
: download it here

BUILD CUSTOM CONTENT NOT INCLUDED (for Starlight_she, Starlight_he, Starlight_unfurn)

Glass recolour of OFB Door (please download, blue glass is uglyyyy!!) by amycapdet: download it here

Shrub by stylistsims : download it here (it's the outdoor set, the 4th pic)

OTHER CUSTOM CONTENT NOT INCLUDED (only for Starlight_she and Starlight_he)

White recolour of maxis fridge by MissPiggi : download it here (it's the cheapest maxis one)

Bedding by MissPiggi : download here (the second bedding from the top of page)

Lot Size: 2x2
Lot Price: 11,884

Custom Content by Me:
- stuccoWood_wall_01
- stuccoWood_wall_07
- stuccoWood_wall_17
- stuccoWood_wall_23
- stuccoWood_wall_26
- stuccoWood_wall_28
- stuccoWood_wall_32
- stuccoWood_wall_33
- stuccoWood_wall_34
- StoneThatch floor

Custom Content Included:
- Jopestone1 wall by Jope-SimplyStyling
- Jope_dining2_sideboard by Jope at
- white rec of Jope_dining2_sideboard by Jope at
- Jope_ironset_pillow by Jope at
- Jope_kitchen1_shelf_mesh by Jope at
- Jope_kitchen1_shelf recolour white by Jope at
- Jope_kitchen2_walldeco_mesh by Jope at
- Jope_relaxroom_wall bookcase by Jope at
- Jope_relaxroom_coffee table by Jope at
- Jope_relaxroom_coffee table Recolour by Jope at
- fruity floor by credits komosims (c)
- Asphalt Roof 2 by Frillen @ mts2
- * * flowers and deco painting by Steffor for Avalon * * by Steffor of Avalon
- * * paintings PARIS by Steffor for Avalon * * by Steffor at Avalon
- * * deco flower wall-hanging by Steffor for Avalon * * by Steffor at Avalon
- * * pig deco by Steffor for Avalon * * by Steffor at Avalon
- * * violet curtain by Steffor for Avalon * * by Steffor at Avalon
- * * pink vase by Steffor for Avalon * * by Steffor at Avalon
- * * counter by Steffor for Avalon * * by Steffor at Avalon
- * * stove by Steffor for Avalon * * by steffor @ Avalon
- * * deco plate pink by Steffor for Avalon * * by Steffor at Avalon
- * * loveseat by Steffor * * by steffor @ Avalon
- loveseat green recolour by Steffor at Avalon
- * * sink by Steffor for Avalon * * by Steffor at Avalon
- fruity wall by Komosims at
- Edge Smoother By Ailias White by Ailias @ mts2
- 4ESF Dining10 Column by 4EFS @ 4eversimfantasy
- mesita2 people by nazariopilar @ mts2
- schraege Decke2 von feeEssen by feeEssen @ mts2
- Metro Window2 by Tiggy027 @ mts2
- Metro Window7 by Tiggy027 @ mts2
- Simple Spiral Stairs - Left turn by Marvine @ mts2
- white rec of consola casual (desk) by nazariopilar @ mts2
- consolacasual2 by nazariopilar @ mts2
- recolour of espejo (mirror) by nazariopilar @ mts2
- espejocasual2 by nazariopilar @ mts2
- lampara mesa casual by nazariopilar @ mts2
- -Esszimmer Set1-Stuhl (chair) by Bine71 @ binessimsrevue
- "Gaelle" Toilet by Made by Shoukeir @ Sims2Play
- c-studio2-light by
- * * white blind by Steffor * * by steffor-avalon
- * * coffeetable by Steffor * * by Steffor of meshkiste
- Medium Size Planter by buggybooz @ mts2
- Guest Painting by by Amel @
- windowframe8 by Tiggy027 @ mts2
- recolour chrome of windowframe8 by Tiggy027 @ mts2
- transparent floor by niol @ mts2
- Prida-Fallingwaterbuildset-seamlesswindow1-right-whiteframe by stonetower @ mts2
- "Fallingwater" Seamless window1-right by stonetower @ mts2
- Samsung 19" HDTV by
- "Be Selfish" Bath Tub by blake_boy @ mts2
- PlatformBedFull by CTNutmegger @ mts2
- recolour of Platform Bed in dark brown by luslipz73 @ mts2
- ATS Pets - Bed - Perle by By Sandy @ Around the Sims 2
- carpet floor by Michelle0959 @ casadarte
- Sip bathroom3 (b) -rug- by by Jasmine @ simsinparis
- dresser recolor brown by funny2401 @ pimpmysims
- ironset pillow recolour 2 by jope @
- Jope_living1_pillowbig by jope @
- pillowbig recolour 7 by jope @
- Jope_living1_pillowsmall by jope @
- pillowsmall recolour 8 by jope @
- Chrissies Wardrobe by Funny2401 at pimp-my-sims
- floor wood by From sim-placement::TS2
- floor dark wood by From sim-placement
- * * white squared table by Steffor * * by steffor @ meshkiste
- wood wall by From sim-placement
- dark wood wall by From sim-placement
- wall roughcast02 by Suza @Simply Styling
- wall roughcast03 by Suza @Simply Styling

(only in Starlight_he):
- Jope_gardenset2_plant1_mesh by Jope
- Jope_relaxroom_bookcase_rec by Jope
- * * suitcase by Steffor for Avalon * * by steffor @ avalon
- Beer bottle and glass by annevs @ mts2
- Beer crate with 10 full bottles by annevs @ mts2
- k8-verytikkirugcolour2x3 by Kate @
- Phelana - floorrug 2x3 by Phelana @ meshkiste
- Jope_ironset_pillow recolour 4 by Jope @
- Pillowbig recolour 6 by Jope @
- PillowSmall recolour 6 by Jope @
- Sports Ball by HChangeri @ retailsims
- Sports Ball - rec soccer by HChangeri @ retailsims

Additional Credits:
Many thanks to Cri @ sims2cri (
Many thanks to Ekaterina @ sims2play (
for the permission to upload sims2play-meshes in my lots
Thanks to Bines (

Lots of love to Steffor @ avalon (, a incredible fabulous creator
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