Little One Children's Set

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Finally, I have completed the Little One Set. I meant to complete it in time for the challenge, but life took over and you know the rest. For the set I have painstakingly created some very beautiful, hopefully, objects. A crib, changing station, one and two tile curtains, and wallpaper. The crib and table both come in 16 different color combination! 12 of those 16 have matching wallpaper. And all have matching curtains. And without further ado. The original info-graph. With translation.

Good [insert time frame HERE], Today I bring to you most splendid of creations. For the "Stuff for kids" challenge, I have forthwith created a beautiful object in most decadent of colors, sure to have you prancing 'bout accompanied with a gay mood. These objects are none such as queer as my tone; merrily place them in the nurse of your edifice. Respect is much due in part of Numenor(tut's) and Quaxi(SimPE). Nay longer will you have to suffer EAxis wretched monstrosities, deserving none less than an "A" of scarlet hue. Hence forth, one will furnish thine dwelling with master craftsman wood and smith. I implore thee, make due with these new woods or suffer a fate far worse than that of EAxis...
Hi, Today I have a splendid creation. For the "Stuff for kids" challenge, I have created a very beautiful object in a lot of cool colors, sure to leave you in a good mood. Just place them in your nursery in your house. Without Numenor for the tutorials and Quaxi for SimPE I couldn't have done it. With these new objects you no longer have to suffer from EAxis horrible creations. From now one, you can furnish your house with these new hand-carved creations. Get them or ELSE...

Also.... The curtains in this set are high poly, but you won't regret getting them because they look AMAZING

Also.... Also.... Make sure to read the additional credits.

Also.... Also.... Also.... Like most do not clone, steal, redistribute or otherwise hint at making something similar to my object without express written consent from me, Morphead or immediate and stiff punishment will occur to you, {Insert Username HERE}.

  • Crib & Changing Table
    - Frame Colors
    - Yoshi Green & White
    - Baby Blue & White
    - Sunset Orange & Black
    - White & Black
    - Bed Colors
    - Sun Yellow
    - Firetruck Red
    - Baby Blue
    - White
  • Curtains
    - Fabric colors
    - Green
    - Blue
    - Orange
    - White
    - Plaid Red
    - Swirl Yellow
    - Metal Colors
    - Gold
    - Silver
    - Bronze
    - Black
  • Wallpaper
    - Blue "P-Lane"
    - Beadboard with Crown Molding in White Wood
    - Crown and Kick Molding in White Wood
    - Kick Molding in White Wood
    - No molding
    - Orange "P-Lane"
    - Beadboard with Crown Molding in White Wood
    - Crown and Kick Molding in White Wood
    - Kick Molding in White Wood
    - No molding
    - Green "P-Lane"
    - Beadboard with Crown Molding in White Wood
    - Crown and Kick Molding in White Wood
    - Kick Molding in White Wood
    - No molding
    - "G-Reen" "P-Lane"
    - Crown and Kick Molding in White Wood
    - Kick Molding in White Wood
    - No molding

In the future make sure to look for the definitely coming Re-color set. And also make sure to check back every once in awhile as i make revisions to smaller the package and make it better than before.

Polygon Counts:
Crib - 706/1016
Table - 2570/3722
Both curtains - 2802/1570

Additional Credits: SimPE for the allowing me to make the meshes and re-colors. Numenor for his AnyGameStarter. The many others for the tutorials teaching me how to create. Aucaria, Ceyllynn, GeneralOperationsDirector, and Tat2ddevilboy. And you for downloading my objects and Thanking Me!

Also sorry to all the mods, and Thank You for your patience with me and my not-so-great creations. I'm a home builder not a object designer, and seriously. My houses are mediocre at best even so. So THANK YOU!
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