Greenwood Creek - a fantasy, storybook character house

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Greenwood Creek - a fantasy, storybook character house

Requires World Adventures
Built with patch 2.3.33
Uses CC from the Sims Store (see details below)

Greenwood Creek is a two-storey character house ideal, for instance, as a background lot for Sims story tellers or those Sims players who like to mix a bit of fantasy into their neighbourhoods.

With 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, lounge, study/library, combined kitchen and dining, laundry/harvest/nectar making storage shed, bbq and entertaining table, driveway for one car, bicycle with rack, mixed orchard, vegetable patch and fish in the creek.

Unfortunately, the second floor of the house (roof level) was unusable as a living space due to the roof eaves protruding everywhere and although this did not stop the Sims from using furniture and objects (when I tested it), it looked awful. I decided to build into the basement instead. It was roomier, and with the right wall treatments, turned out quite light in there afterall.

The entire lot is fenced off, which will force your Sims will use the bridge without you having to prompt them to do so. (Thanks to Colemarie for the tip!)

Just like my Puggle Farm lot, this one has been built entirely on an angle, therefore, if you want to move furniture around etc you may need to use both the "moveobjects on" and "disablesnappingtoslotsonalt on" cheats.

CC from the Sims Store used:

Topper Plant (Earth Day freebie)

Not a Street Floor Lamp (freebie)

Thanksgiving Wall Shelf (freebie)

Not so Private Study Door (can be replaced by the Mag's Door in game)

Double Frame Photo - (decor only)

lot size :3x3
furnished cost: 93,522
unfurnished cost: 50,459


Lot Size: 3x3
Lot Price: 93,522

Additional Credits:
A big thanks to Flabaliki for his arched bridge tutorial:
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