Renovate - Warehouse Living/Furnished/300k
exterior2.jpg - width=472 height=346
interior1.jpg - width=400 height=322
interior2.jpg - width=400 height=393
This packaged for me at around 280mb - not good =) So, the rar file contains:
Renovate.sims2pack - which has the lot segment floors/walls/terrains and build objects. The decorating objects (recolours) are included separately and are sorted into folders - these package files shuld be placed in your Downloads folder BEFORE entering the lot.
Two things:
1) the refridgerator is pushed too far into the column to use:
Moveobjects on
boolProp snapObjectsToGrid false
to pull it out a little so the Simmies can access it.
2) for some reason they won't sit in the Glassics chairs at the chess table *sigh*
ps: I made this from a horizontal position in bed while sick

Filename | Type | Size |
Renovate.rar | rar | |
BlackWindowDishwasher.package | package | 352231 |
janna-ikeastove.package | package | 354626 |
janna-ikeatrashcompactor.package | package | 90042 |
rsw-ecib.package | package | 354695 |
AsianB&WBed01-byBitzyBus.package | package | 177397 |
BetterbeSim-Red_and_Cream_Flower_bedding.package | package | 351814 |
bladyVeraBradleySorbetCouch2.package | package | 177377 |
cocokisses_modernartsofapillows_001.package | package | 46291 |
csr01rumbomodchairbase04.package | package | 177401 |
csr01rumbomodchaircushion02.package | package | 46315 |
csr01rumbomodsofabase02.package | package | 177080 |
csr01rumbomodsofacushion01.package | package | 46021 |
cultclassics-bakonmichairpillow002.package | package | 46395 |
cultclassics-bakonmiloveseatpillows002.package | package | 46369 |
dotcombuilder-Chair_Cushions-_Silver.package | package | 177095 |
loverat-clubsofawhite.package | package | 177040 |
loverat-skdelchair-blackbase.package | package | 177401 |
loverat-skdelchair-whitebase.package | package | 177401 |
loverat-skdelchair-whtblkcush.package | package | 46315 |
loverat-studioloveblk.package | package | 177080 |
loverat-studiolovecushwhtblkpat.package | package | 46082 |
loverat-studiolovewht.package | package | 177080 |
wguy col lounge black.package | package | 177374 |
001_SN03_paint_pollock02.package | package | 701607 |
001_SN03_paint_pollock03.package | package | 701714 |
001_SN03_paint_pollock04.package | package | 701607 |
4esfpaintinghartungblue.package | package | 90055 |
AnnyBlueEyes_SeitenTischWeiß.package | package | 46373 |
AsianB&WBonsai01-byBitzyBus.package | package | 24347 |
brgndyrose31_blackbaseredmychisculpture.package | package | 13506 |
bsr_ocean_set01_vase.package | package | 24565 |
bsr_ocean_set02_vases.package | package | 24565 |
carescreastions_bonsaired.package | package | 24455 |
CFKplantred.package | package | 46305 |
cocokisses_kandinsky_002.package | package | 89983 |
darkfigtree.package | package | 89892 |
djsflowersredstripe.package | package | 89955 |
FSMCDpicturecollage.package | package | 46278 |
janna-ikeafruit.package | package | 24381 |
janna-Illuminating_Vase.package | package | 24242 |
justmoi_Painting_HorizontalBridge_Composition6.package | package | 89992 |
justmoi_Painting_HorizontalBridge_SquaresWithConcentricRings.package | package | 89992 |
justmoi_Painting_HorizontalBridge_SquaresWithConcentricRings2.package | package | 89992 |
justmoi_Painting_HorizontalBridge_YellowRedBlue.package | package | 89992 |
justmoi_Painting_SquareTeapot_ColorStudies.package | package | 89965 |
justmoi_Painting_Vertical_Improvisation31.package | package | 89959 |
katsdskitchenpainting02.package | package | 24437 |
katsdskitchenpainting03.package | package | 24437 |
katsdskitchenplant.package | package | 89892 |
KellyFruitlessFigBlack.package | package | 89892 |
loverat-candlesblue.package | package | 46191 |
loverat-candlesgingyell.package | package | 46215 |
loverat-candlesgreen.package | package | 46197 |
loverat-candlesred.package | package | 46185 |
loverat-candlesseafoamgreen.package | package | 46233 |
loverat-candleswhite.package | package | 46197 |
loverat-candletraysilver.package | package | 177059 |
loverat-ficusblackpot.package | package | 177066 |
loverat-ficuswhitepot.package | package | 177066 |
loverat-idol-painting.package | package | 24460 |
loverat-immobchimes-black.package | package | 46220 |
loverat-tapestrymodern2.package | package | 177099 |
mandaschimes2.package | package | 46220 |
mocha.package | package | 177374 |
painting-Sdaliappa-loverat.package | package | 89959 |
painting-sdaliledo-loverat.package | package | 89959 |
pkgirlrubbertreeplantblack.package | package | 46305 |
pkgirlrubbertreeplantredgradient.package | package | 46305 |
pkgirlrubbertreeplantwhite.package | package | 46305 |
PlantFallingFern001-ByBitzyBus.package | package | 89923 |
PlantFallingFern002-ByBitzyBus.package | package | 89923 |
PlantFallingFern005-ByBitzyBus.package | package | 89923 |
PlantFern001-ByBitzyBus.package | package | 89916 |
PlantFern002-ByBitzyBus.package | package | 89916 |
PlantFern005-ByBitzyBus.package | package | 89916 |
PlantFernFallingSpiderPlant001-ByBitzyBus.package | package | 89923 |
PlantFernSpiderPlant001-ByBitzyBus.package | package | 89916 |
PlantOrchidWhite001-ByBitzyBus.package | package | 89936 |
SAobj035_plantficus_wood02.package | package | 177096 |
semlohcurtainloftwhite1.package | package | 24430 |
semlohcurtainloftwhite2.package | package | 24430 |
semlohcurtainloftwhite3.package | package | 24430 |
shanekabonsai2.package | package | 24455 |
shanekafallingfern1.package | package | 89923 |
shanekafallingfern8.package | package | 89923 |
shanekafallingfern9.package | package | 89923 |
shanekafigtree1.package | package | 89892 |
shanekafigtree5.package | package | 89892 |
shanekajuniperbonsai2.package | package | 24347 |
shanekajuniperbonsai5.package | package | 24347 |
shanekajuniperbonsai6.package | package | 24347 |
shanekasimulatedsucc4.package | package | 46248 |
simagepic15.package | package | 89959 |
simagepic19.package | package | 89959 |
Temporary_Rubber_Tree_Plant_924.package | package | 46305 |
Temp_Funky_Curtains_White_740.package | package | 24430 |
th2wz01painting02.package | package | 46278 |
th2wz01plant01.package | package | 89892 |
th2wz01plant02.package | package | 46305 |
wguy collage modern.package | package | 46278 |
FireAlarmBlack.package | package | 24339 |
kimmy_stereo_black.package | package | 46139 |
loverat-easel-silvermetal.package | package | 89886 |
tig_kingoutdoorchess_black.package | package | 46376 |
wguy novella bkcase red.package | package | 177362 |
wirelessguy black exercise machine.package | package | 177241 |
AsianB&WLampShoji-byBitzyBus.package | package | 91728 |
crowsoffire_lamp_wall_decksconce_black.package | package | 12534 |
crowsoffire_lamp_wall_decksconce_creme.package | package | 10229 |
crowsoffire_lamp_wall_decksconce_gold.package | package | 12534 |
crowsoffire_lamp_wall_decksconce_whitegold.package | package | 12534 |
crowsoffire_lamp_wall_desksconce.package | package | 10229 |
cultclassics-lanternfunkyred001.package | package | 92624 |
digit1decos1a.package | package | 10229 |
GRockWallLight1.package | package | 12534 |
GRockWallLight2.package | package | 10229 |
JTSM_AlmostDecoSconceGlass_Blue.package | package | 10229 |
JTSM_AlmostDecoSconceGlass_Green.package | package | 10229 |
JTSM_AlmostDecoSconceGlass_Grey.package | package | 10229 |
JTSM_AlmostDecoSconceMetal_Gold.package | package | 12534 |
JTSM_AlmostDecoSconceMetal_Grey.package | package | 12534 |
JTSM_AlmostDecoSconceMetal_Light.package | package | 12534 |
JTSM_AlmostDecoSconceMetal_PaleGold.package | package | 12534 |
missbekilamp7.package | package | 48844 |
misscranky_torchiere_gothbase1.package | package | 24405 |
misscranky_torchiere_pewterbase1.package | package | 24405 |
zillahlampglow005.package | package | 49073 |
zillahlampglow006.package | package | 49073 |
zillahlampglow008.package | package | 49073 |
zlamp0011.package | package | 90139 |
zlamp0012.package | package | 90139 |
zlamp0016.package | package | 90139 |
zlamp0017.package | package | 90139 |
zlamp0019.package | package | 90139 |
zlamp0020.package | package | 90139 |
zlamp0022.package | package | 90139 |
zlamp008.package | package | 90139 |
zlamp009.package | package | 90139 |
AquariumBlack-byBitzyBus.package | package | 177235 |
AquariumBlack01-byBitzyBus.package | package | 177216 |
bsr_aquarium01a.package | package | 177278 |
cultclassics-barfunkyred001.package | package | 46514 |
Darts_CraftmeistersWhiteToyBox.package | package | 89979 |
janna-ikeabar.package | package | 223811 |
DBCABChairnew001.package | package | 306055 |
ShowerKit-Wes_H.package | package | 429030 |
janna-toiletblack.package | package | 354747 |
simkatt1367_blackmarblespa.package | package | 89907 |
087af9d85ce315174675a1c5c9d723df.package | package | 89691 |
AmySimsEpikCounter.package | package | 529446 |
AsianB&WDesk02-byBitzyBus.package | package | 89856 |
AsianB&WDesktop01-byBitzyBus.package | package | 89996 |
FSMCDESIGNS-FSMCDESIGNS__Tables.package | package | 87132 |
katsdsdarktable.package | package | 177355 |
mango-tablecoffee-setjazz.package | package | 45967 |
mango-tablereversonoire-setconcerto.package | package | 46345 |
Modern_CoffeeTable_by_Temp590_White.package | package | 89873 |
nemi-whitewoodtable.package | package | 177124 |
SolfalSummerCoffeTableTop.package | package | 233189 |
Temporary_Manor_House_Dining_Table_Black.package | package | 46341 |
wguy ca end table black.package | package | 177375 |
Renovate REPACK.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 5895400 |
Uploaded: 23rd Jan 2005, 9.26 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
Loading comments, please wait...
by Szandor 5th Feb 2005 at 6:16am
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About Me
Use my recolours/lots/hoods whatevers as you like. Fondle them, love them and call them your own - upload to any free site in lots - if you upload to a paysite the Universe will KNOW and get you back - paysites for game items are aberrations and do not reflect the spirit of gaming. I've been ranting about this since TS1 and will continue to do it until TS435 =)