[24/10] AMB Community Lots Auto Placement Fix + Add Other Lots (Compatible with Patch 1.63-1.67)
Sunset Valley after changes.jpg - width=1024 height=768
Sunset Valley before changes.jpg - width=1024 height=768

Ever wonder why do the consignment store in Sunset Valley or Riverview facing at wrong side of the road?
Do you ever feel that why the lots used by some EP2 community lots like Fire Station or Junkyard are too large for its buiding?
Are you tired that each time you start a new game on Sunset Valley or Riverview, you have to move or change its angle some EP2 community lots for a better view in your neighborhood?
Yes, me too. I am so annoyed by this problem for long time, so I take a look at GameplayData package file and I find this file called AutoVenuePlacementXML. inside this file, there are entries for EP2 comm lots auto placement for each neighborhood (Sunset Valley, Riverview, Barnacle Bay, and Bridgeport (no Twinbrook because it already have EP2 comm lots itself built-in)). So I changed some of comm lots' address and rotation angle for better view (for me of course).
Changes: auto placement of EP2 Comm lots to this location
Sunset Valley:








Twinbrook: nothing changed, as the lots already built-in
Barnacle Bay: nothing changed, as I noticed nothing wrong with the default placement
Bridgeport: nothing changed, as I noticed nothing wrong with the default placement and also there are limited spaces in Bridgeport
Hidden Springs:




Appaloosa Plains: nothing changed, as I noticed nothing wrong with the default placement
Starlight Shores: nothing changed, as I noticed nothing wrong with the default placement
Moonlight Falls: nothing changed, as I noticed nothing wrong with the default placement
Changes: adds the following lots to auto place in this location
Sunset Valley:

Dog Park

Cat Jungle


Horse Ranch

Dog Park

Cat Jungle

Dog Park

Cat Jungle

Barnacle Bay:

Dog Park

Cat Jungle

Brigdeport: nothing to add.
Hidden Springs:

Dog Park

Cat Jungle

Appaloosa Plains:

Starlight Shores: no need as most lots are already there.
Moonlight Falls: no need as most lots are already there.
Only use one file, as they conflict each other.
It took many hours for me to testing this through a lot of trial & error. In the end, I so satified with the result. So I hope you guys like it too.
Just put the package file into your Mods\Packages folder.
And start a new game. This mod doesn't effect on existing neighborhood (you must manually change it yourself using Edit Town mode)
Peter L. Jones for s3pe.
| Same as above, but remove all SHT lots except Performance Park. Updated to Patch 1.55
Uploaded: 20th Nov 2012, 6.5 KB.
| Same as above, but add other EP/SP lots to auto place too. Updated to Patch 1.55
Uploaded: 2nd Nov 2011, 7.5 KB.
| The basic version. Updated to Patch 1.55
Uploaded: 5th Nov 2010, 6.8 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 13th Apr 2014 at 9:25 AM
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Ambitions |