[13/04] BlackCat007's Cooking & Ingredients Overhaul (Compatible with Patch 1.63-1.67)

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13-04-2014 All the "RemoveStoreDuplicate" variants of the mod are compatible with Store's Bohemian Set and Bakery Set (already tested by me and also comfirmed by desiree101)

23-03-2014 ComboedModsForTesting by Sweetgirl612
These files combine the CookingAndIngredient's overhaul with SimMatthew's "What's on the menu" mod (found here - used with permission), along with a few recipe changes and not allowing all meals at all times. Due to new recipes, this mod is INCOMPATIBLE with any mod that alters the "books" XML. This zip contains 3 files; one that just includes the new recipes, one in a "removed store duplicates" version (compatible with Bohemian Garden from the store) and one that utilizes the cocoa and pecan plants from the Bohemian Garden set (denoted by "chocolate cookies" in the name - must have this set for this version to work).

11-02-2014 Updated Portuguese Brazil translation (thanks to LuizEduardo). Also corrected some mistakes.
06-12-2013 Add info about douglasveiga's Strawberry Plant mod (compatible with it).
12-11-2013 To improve compatibility with the Store ingredients (Purple EggPlant and Orange) and also to solve some issues (the Plants section in Collecting Journal is blank, etc), I had decided to change my mind and release a version without the eggplant and orange that originally from this mod. So now all recipes use the Store ingredients if applicable, and the grocerystore also sell the Store ingredients (Purple EggPlant, Lemon and Orange) properly. The new files all have the suffix "RemoveStoreDuplicate" on their filename.

25-10-2013 Forget to include the Crystal Plant in Plant XML, updated all mods variant (Thanks to bitterquill for telling me). Please re-download again.
24-10-2013 All mods variants get updated to Patch 1.63.

The original version of this mod was by BlackCat007, who has been inactive for a while. So I have just updated this mod to work with the 1.31-1.34 patch. BlackCat007's original version is here: http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=353351

BlackCat007 did say in one of her post that she will update the mod for patch 1.31, but that's over three months ago.

General changes:
Ten times higher prices changes from default price for rare fruits (Flame, Life, four rare grapes from France) only for the all buyable version
Includes changes from bluegenjutsu's "Better_Bars_Clubs" mod.

Recipe changes:
Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich --> add "Bread" and "Peanut Butter"
TofuDog --> add "Onion" and "Long Buns", also disable make single meal (like Hot Dog)
Vegatarian Fish and Chips --> add "Lime" and "Potato"
Spaghetti with Veggie Sauce --> add "Tofu" and "Spaghetti"
Vegetarian Grilled Salmon --> change "Potato" with "Lime"
Veggi Rolls (Sushi) --> add "Rice" and "Nori"
Cheese Tofu Steak --> add "Onion"
Veggie Burger --> add "Buns"
Stuffed Tursoykey --> change into "Tofu", "Apple" and "Vegetable"
Vegetarian Dim Sum --> change into "Tofu", "Rice" and "Lettuce"

Supernatural EP7 changes:
Changes: all EP7 recipes can be served at any time
Changes: add Glow Orb, Spotlight Mushrooms, Red Toadstools, Mycenas, Mandrake, Red Valerian and Wolfbane to buy list at grocerystore (only for all buyable version)
Changes: recipe tweaks -->
Chilli Con Carne --> Steak, Ghost Chilli (add "Tomato")
Vegetarian Chili --> Tofu, Ghost Chilli (add "Tomato")
Mushroom Omelette --> White Caps, Bell Pepper, Egg (no changes)
Hot And Sour Soup --> Porcinis, Ghost Chilli (add "Egg")
Firecracker Shrimp --> Honey, Ghost Chilli (add "Shrimp") --> manage to add shrimp into the game
Firecracker Tofu --> Honey, Ghost Chilli (add "Tofu")
Aloo Masala Curry --> Potato, Ghost Chilli, Tomato (no changes)
Porcini Risotto --> Porcinis, Onion (add "Rice")
Potato And Truffle Torte --> Truffle, Egg, Potato (no changes)
Ceviche --> Fish, Ghost Chilli, Lime (no changes)

Seasons EP8 Recipe Tweaks:
Pumpkin Pie --> Egg, Pumpkin (add "Milk")

Adds new plantable:
Tofu Plant --> requires opportunity "Uncommon Goods"
Sausage (Links) Plant & Turkey (Roast) Tree --> both require opportunity "Outstandingly Rare"

Some little fixes and additions:
Changes: made that Horse Granola set to non-edible by human sims
Changes: made that Macaroni, Spaghetti, Rice and Nori set to edible (because they are used in some recipes)
Changes: made that Bowl Granola and Chicken Breast set to edible (so they can be stored in fridge with Treeag's mod, and also because they are used in some pet recipe)
Changes: made that honey can be mixed into nectar.
Changes: made that Horse Fertilizer ($5) and Unicorn Fertilizer ($20) buyable at grocerystore (in Misc tab). --> only for all buyable version
Changes: made that all EP9 ingredients (spices and beans) can be mixed into nectar.

How to Install:
Just choose one of the two main mod (regular or all buyable, not both) and put into your mods folder.

How to Uninstall:
Just delete the main mod file.
Note: if you have the new fruits introduced from this mod planted in your sim's garden and then for some reasons you decided to uninstall this mod, this will cause your sim's gardening journal unusable.
To fix this, download one of the two The Plants only mod (regular or all buyable, not both) and put into your mods folder.
For more details, please read BlackCat007's original threads here.

For the main mod mod, I modify the following XML files such as:
Ingredients (918403294B7A0B63)
Plants (D9C59893373DEB17)
RecipeMasterList (C804E72F531C6AAD)
Bars (270C087EF75701F3)
ShopTabs (EEF06251680758F9) --> inside UI.package

For the plant only mod, I modify the following XML files the same as above, except without the RecipeMasterList and ShopTabs XML file.

Updated Dutch translation (thanks to elena-engel).
Updated Russian translation (thanks to todoabout).
Updated German translation (thanks to guessow).
Updated French translation (thanks to Eldonyx).
Updated Portuguese Brazil translation (thanks to LuizEduardo).

Because all the original stbl translations are such a mess, I decided to delete all translations except English. The English translation is mess too, so I rearranged it for a better organization and easier to read. So I now need help from anyone by providing their own language translation, can download the file "SBTL_Translation.rar" and edit it, then attach it to your comment. Thank you.

To improve compatibility with the Store ingredients (Purple EggPlant and Orange) and also to solve some issues (the Plants section in Collecting Journal is blank, etc), I had decided to change my mind and release a version without the eggplant and orange that originally from this mod. So now all recipes use the Store ingredients if applicable, and the grocerystore also sell the Store ingredients (Purple EggPlant, Lemon and Orange) properly. The new files all have the suffix "RemoveStoreDuplicate" on their filename. This version is also still compatible with Store's Bohemian Set and Bakery Set.

This mod is also compatible with douglasveiga's Strawberry Plant mod.

Credit to:
The maker of S3PE.
MTS for hosting this mod.
BlackCat007 for one of the coolest mod for The Sims 3.
bluegenjutsu for allowing me to includes her Better Bars mod.
And also you guys (including me) who use Cooking Overhaul mod in their game.

Enjoy!!! Thank you.
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