UPDATED: Ultimate Ceiling Superset Part 3: 48 WOOD Ceilings/Floors
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I have reworked a few of the wood textures in this set to improve how they look in game. The patterns on a few of the textures created repetitive designs I overlooked during the original creation of these textures; some subtle, others very obvious. The altered ceiling/floors include Woods 11, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 40, 43 and 46. Just redownload the UltimateCeilingSuperset_03_WOOD_TEXTURES_ALL zip file and add the contents to your Downloads folder.

I also added a 4 new complimentary ceiling/floors (Wood Floors 33B Light version, 49, 50 and 51). Wood Floors 49, 50 and 51 also compliment the Maxis bamboo and tiki walls. Once you add the 4 new floors to your Downloads folder, don't forget to include them in the UCS Wood Collection File in game. Enjoy the textures.

Apartment Life gives Simmers the option to use Floor Tiles as Ceilings. However, most of the Maxis/EA Floor Tiles do not look good as ceilings. So...I give you the Ultimate Ceiling Superset! (If you do NOT have Apartment Life, See the "Alternative Ceilings" Section Below).
A Brief History
I know...I know...Ceiling SUPERSET? Really? It all started innocent enough with me needing a few ornate ceilings for my Gwrych Collection. Seeing that necessity is the mother of invention...I had to create what doesn't already exist in a complete set. Besides...methinks these sets are downloads you won't realize you need until you actually start using them. Ceilings and floor tiles are not quite the same and while some of the Maxis and User Created floor tiles are good enough to use as ceilings, ceiling tiles need a to be a bit more 3D. So, I sought out as many ceiling samples as I could find and created others to meet my current and future lot design needs. Basically, I needed a bit more variety. So...thus was born the Ultimate Ceiling Superset! The neat thing is these ceiling tiles are really floors...so most (but not all) would look WONDERFUL as floor tiles. There are also a few walls used in the Elemental Texture Set and the Sistine Chapel Texture Set. Basically, there is quite a bit of diversity to this collection which took weeks to pull together and make presentable as not only do you have hundreds of SEAMLESS ceilings, a few SEAMLESS walls and a few SEAMLESS terrains...but you also get the Sistine Chapel Community Lot, as well as sensible texture file names and collection files for each set! Anywho...do enjoy the downloads!

About the Ultimate Ceiling Superset:
The Ultimate Ceiling Superset is massive collection of 632 Textures. There are 7 parts in this collection.
Part 1: CLICK the following LINK to See/Download

Part 2: CLICK the following LINK to See/Download

Part 3: This DOWNLOAD contains the 48 WOOD Ceiling Floor Textures! (Includes 2 Complimentary Matching Walls)
Part 4: CLICK the following LINK to See/Download

Part 5: CLICK the following LINK to See/Download

Part 6: CLICK the following LINK to See/Download

Part 7: CLICK the following LINK to See/Download

Unless otherwise noted, the walls used in images are mainly MAXIS/EA.

Be sure to click on the images at the end of the post to see more examples of the Wood Textures In-Game.

Apartment Life gives you the option of painting your ceiling using floor tiles. While you do not need Apartment Life to use these textures, you can only paint your ceilings if you have Apartment Life. EPs before Apartment Life do not give you the option of painting your ceilings.
The Ultimate "Ceiling" Collection are floor tiles. If you don't have Apartment Life, you can still use any of the tiles seen in this collection "AS FLOORS".
With that said...
For those of you who do not have Apartment Life but would like to paint your ceilings, you can find a few user created ceilings here:
Original User Created Ceiling Tile MESH by jgwhiteus
Glow-in the Dark & Neon Ceiling Tile Recolours by jgwhiteus
Wooden Ceiling Tile Recolours by Llionei
Maxis Floors As Ceiling Tile Recolours by Llionei
Stylish & Ornate Ceiling Tile Recolours by Dektora
General Ceiling Tile Recolours by Dwelliford
includes "Next Generation"/Sci-Fi Ceiling Tile Recolours by pixelhate
includes Meditteranean Ceiling Tile Recolours by pixelhate
Note: You will need the MESH from the first link by jgwhiteus for the ceiling recolours in all the other links to work properly. From my understanding, these ceilings are resource hungry, so it is best to use them only if you have an above standard computer system. Also, you must place each tile 1 at a time (which can be pretty time consuming for larger rooms). In all honesty, I think it is much more practical to own Apartment Life if you desperately want to have ceilings in your game.

Disclaimer and Previews:
I doubled up on many of the ceiling/floor tiles in the images as there is a limit as to how many images one can have and as usual my sets are massive! Which means the images are merely to show you what is available for download, not to show you how to use the textures. The presentation for the textures in the main images is not necessarily how I would have presented them if I presented a smaller set. So...
Eberhart Mansion Revision Image Slideshow
Click the following link to download the Eberhart Mansion with revised ceilings!
Eberhart Mansion Revision Download
Note from the Creator:
| This ZIP is optional. These are the RESIDENTIAL and COMMUNITY Tin Ceiling Collection files for those with EPs that came "BEFORE" Pets.
Uploaded: 25th Nov 2010, 6.2 KB.
| This ZIP is optional. This is the Tin Ceiling Collection file for those with Pets and any EP "AFTER" Pets.
Uploaded: 25th Nov 2010, 3.1 KB.
| This ZIP contains the the 48 Wood Ceiling/ Floor tiles and 2 Bonus Walls (CORK and NEWSPAPER).
Uploaded: 25th Nov 2010, 1.18 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 26th Nov 2011 at 6:27 PM
by q3tbo 18th Dec 2005 at 4:38pm
8 7.2k 2
by z_splat 23rd Feb 2006 at 8:05am
1 13.1k 1
by Llionei 11th Jun 2008 at 7:23pm
10 32.1k 23
by taureanbeauty81 28th Feb 2009 at 6:32pm
+1 packs
Apartment Life
The Ultimate Ceiling Superset (Part 1 of 7): 95 TEXTURED Ceilings/Floors
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About Me
As of July 2016, I've decided to reinvent myself (again). Basically, my Sim Creation Renaissance is long overdue! It's time to release the old and move forward, doing things that sustain me in meaningful ways. ◕‿◕
I shall start with a wonderful new Sim Place to call home! And now the Official Unveiling (....drum roll...):
CLICK HERE to experience StephSim's BRAND NEW SIMS 2 WEBSITE called *** Proudly Banished *** !!!
Proudly Banished is my little storage place for a select few of my Sims 2 creations. Since I will NOT be Simming as much, I wanted to provide a small landing pad for random creations I will be sharing. I will on occasion share NO CC/ LOW CC Lots and MTS related recolors here on MTS. However, my CC LOADED Lots will be Housed at Proudly Banished. I've also add the updated Fully Loaded Versions of the American Gothic Mansion. Be sure to click on the Slideshows when available! You will find a few lots, object recolors, clothing recolors and the Regina Mills Sim (from Once Upon a Time)! There should be a little something for everyone!
Take your time and explore the site and be sure to check out *Sherwood Forest* for my PBK Community Goodbyes!
See you there. (。♥‿♥。)
All StephSim walls, floors, and ground covers can be freely used in lot creations on any free or pay site. Feel free to use my neighborhood maps/terrains for any and all of your Simming needs. Feel free to use any objects or object recolors shared on MTS or elsewhere in the Sims 2 community in your creations (lots, movies, stories) Feel free to recolor objects I upload and include the mesh. Feel free to use any Sims I create or my lots for your Sim movie making purposes! In using any of my creations. Credit is not necessary, but please do not claim any shared creations by myself, Sophie-David, Jason Duskey or anyone who I team with as your own.