Fallingwater at Bear Run - CC LOADED Version
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After seeing "The Waterfall Castle" by triciamanly, I decided to explore the concepts of waterfall and a swimmable lake on one lot. I am in the process of creating a Gwrych lot that requires me to use one or both concepts for execution. It was "supposed to" be just for practice, but I got engrossed in the lake, the waterfall and of course Fallingwater itself. Basically, inspiration took hold and there was no stopping this creation!

Note: To see images of the actual "Fallingwater" house, click the following links:
Fallingwater Exterior
Fallingwater Interior
Fallingwater History
Fallingwater was completed in Bear Run, Pennsylvania by architect Frank Lloyd Wright in 1935 for the Kaufmann family. For me, this house is the ultimate to create in the Sims, as it's design is quite unique and challenging to simreplicate. It looks as though the rock on which it is built gave birth to it. By combining terrain paint, floors, walls and rocks, my version of Fallingwater is an intentional attempt to make the landscape and the house seem as one. This is especially true of the left side of the house where the rock extends from the exterior, to the basement and into the living room.
I did take a bit of creative license, designing many aspects of the lot to appeal to my personal sense of style, fluidity in lot layout and playability. With things like support columns, the location of the garage and the design of the Guest House, I changed things up a bit and tried to make the lot more Sim friendly. With that said, there is no mistaking that this is a bonafide

1st - UPDATE your version of Sims2Pack Clean Installer
I strongly advise updating your version of Sims2Pack Clean Installer if you are downloading lots with CC. The October 16, 2011 update impacts lots that don't show in the lots bin due to objects that have non-standard characters in their names. Since this is a random issue, I do feel it is good to have the latest version of Sims2Pack Clean Installer regardless. A link is provided below.
2nd - This is a BIG LOT with TWO VERSIONS available for download (IN 2 Separate Uploads)
Due to the nature of how this lot (multi-level with less support on lower floors, with a swimmable lake/waterfall and surrounded by mountainous rocks), I would not advise mucking about with the exterior and landscaping aspects of the lot without caution. For this reason, I am offering the helicopter versions for download as well.
3rd - Both CC-LOADED lots are OBJECT HEAVY.
I wanted to create a fully functional Sim Version and run the lot like a millionaire's home with the feel of actually being in Bear Run, Pennsylvania and experiencing Fallingwater. The house has a Southwestern modern feel to it. It is a spectacular lot designed for a wealthy Sim with servants who LOVES the to entertain. There is so much for your Sims to do on this lot (gym, spa, swimming in the pool or in the lake, play instruments, design robots, garden, buffet, conversate, read, study, darts, golf, ax throwing, chess, painting, barbecue, television, telescope viewing, bar drinking, etc.). It will take the lot a little longer to load the first time around and when saving. Keep this in mind.
While the lot is content heavy, much of the custom content is buildmode, exterior necessities (rocks) and small interior decoratives. There are very few "big" items in this lot. Contrary to popular belief, CC is not the main contributor to the length of time it takes lots to load. My No CC version takes just as long as my CC version does, which speaks volumes to other factors contributing to loading and saving times like size of the lot, the percentage of the lot being utilized, the amount of objects used per square (including walls, terrains, etc.), the flatness of the lot and how graphically challenging and/or powerful your computer is, etc. So, I do advise a little patience with the initial load and saving the lot. BUT...even if you don't play big lots, I do believe this version of Fallingwater is another worthy of exploration!

4th - The "NECESSITIES.ZIP" is NECESSARY for the CC Versions!
If you download the CC Versions (with or without Helicopter), P-L-E-A-S-E be sure to download and add the NECESSITIES.zip content to your Downloads Folder. These items are necessary for your lot to show properly. It includes non-zippable Maxis recolours (mainly artwork by Diego Rivera) and files that were not packaged. There are also two text folders in the zip which contain either the instructions for the modular stairs or the text file for those of you who install stairs using Numenor's Scriptorium.
Stonetower prefers the stairs be downloaded directly from the Fallingwater Collection post to make sure you have the proper script for the stairs (but I also provide the necessary information here as I only used one set of stairs by Stonetower and don't want it to be too complicated). So follow the link below and grab the stairs, already! Then return to this page for installation instructions.

Click on the "Comments" Tab, go to Post #2 and download the Fallingwater-modularstair.zip. You will only need the Prida-Fallingwaterbuildset-modularstairMESH
Note: Stair Installation Information can be found below the "STAIR INSTALLATION" Section below in this Post.
Lot Information: (Both Lots)

Size: 5x5
I have provided the floor plans for the CC lot without a helicopter. The CC helicopter lot is identical to the CC "no helicopter" lot, with the exception of the exterior rooftop being slightly altered to fit the helicopter in place. There is an invisible helipad in the CC helicopter version.

Both versions of this lot were built using University, Night Life, Open For Business, Bon Voyage and Apartment Life.
CC _ Loaded (CC Without Helicopter) - 656,054 Simoleons
CC _ Loaded (CC With Helicopter) - 672,870 Simoleons
Buildings: 3 Total - Main House, 2-Story Garage and a Guest House (with an Upstairs Servant's Quarters)
Bedrooms: 5 Total - Main House 2, Guest House 1, Servant's Quarters 2 (Sleeps 8 comfortably)
Bathrooms: 7 Full and 3 Half Baths Total - Main House 5 and Two 1/2 Baths, Guest House/Servant's Quarters 2 Full Baths, Garage 1/2 Bath

Main House Description:
There are 4 Levels to this house.
- Level 1: Basement Level - Basement Cellar, Gym and Bathroom, Connected Swimming Pool, Swimmable Lake, Hot Springs Jacuzzi
- Level 2: Main Floor - 1/2 Bath, Kitchen, Staff Office, Dining Room, Living/Entertainment Room, 2 Balconies
- Level 3: 2nd Floor - 2 Bedrooms, Private Dressing Room, Buffet Dining Room, 4 Bathrooms, 3 Balconies
- Level 4: 3rd Floor - Small Lounging Room, Sitting Area, Study/Library, Bar Balcony (with access to Rooftop)
Guest House/Servant's Quarters Description:
The Guest House and Servant's Quarters can only be reached from the second floor connecting bridge. The Guest House occupies the lower level and the Servants Quarters the upper level of the back building. The Guest House has a courtyard entrance, 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, a small office, and a opened Living/Dining area with a private Balcony overlooking the pool. The Servant's Quarters has a small entry Living/Dining Area, 2 cozy Bedrooms, a Small Private Balcony and 1 Bathroom. There is also a small Laundry Room attached to the Servant's Quarters.
Garage Description:
This lot does not have a proper garage, but instead a Carport and Work Shed. One car can be parked under the carport. Although, your Sims can park up to 5 cars on the extended driveway. The attached Shed uses gates instead of doors, so your Sim visitors will enter the house on the main level. When the newspaper is delivered, it is neat to watch the path the Sim takes.

The Work Shed has several work areas (floral arrangement, toy building and robot building). There is a simple reststop styled toilet as well.
Exterior Description:
The landscape of Fallingwater is sure to make your Sim feel as though they are a part of nature. It includes a cascading waterfall which extends below the building, a Swimming Pool, a separate Swimmable Lake, a Cascading Waterfall, Mountainous Rock for exploring (your Sims can climb the rock on the left side of th house or walk along the path there), and a variety of outdoor activities. I used minimal plants that need to be watered in the CC version.

For the stairs in the CC versions to show properly in your game, you must add the script to the "modularstair" Scripts text in your Sims 2 main game folder.
There are two ways to do this. Manually or using Numenor's Scriptorium.
Manual Stair Installation Instructions
1st - Make a backup of the modularstairs text file and save it elsewhere on your computer (just in case).
2nd - Open the modularstairs text that is in Scripts folder and scroll down to the end of the text.
3rd - Copy the Fallingwater Modularstair script below (just as it is).
#Fallingwater Modularstair
modularStairs 1104
objectID landing 0x00214C76
objectID placeholder 0x00214C75
objectID step 0x00214C77
objectID topStep 0x00214C74
objectID bottomStep 0x00214C72
catalogTextIndex 5
4th - Paste the text at the end of the "modularstair" text.
5th - Save the text.
Here is the path to get to the Modularstair Script:
MyComputer/C/ProgramFiles/EA Games/The Sims 2/TS Data/Res/Catalog/Scripts/modularstairs
For Double Deluxe
MyComputer/C/ProgramFiles/EA Games/DoubleDeluxe/Base Game/TS Data/Res/Catalog/Scripts/modularstairs
Note: If you installed the game to a different drive, replace the "C" with "installed drive name".
Included in the "Necessities" Zip
I've included the above manual stairs instructions in the "Necessities" Zip. Also, for those of you who use Numenor's Scriptorium, there is also a Scriptorium Text file included in the "Necessities" zip as well.
*Simtopia Delta Neighborhood Map
I suggest using the Simtopia : Delta neigborhood map for this lot. I built the lot using that map and the house sits on the center island. I added the helicopter versions, because that is really the only way to get to the island. Of course, this means that when your Sims drive, they literally are driving around in a circle.

*NPC Dishwashers with Workers
There are 2 NPC value dishwashers in the CC versions of the lot. One is in the Buffet Room above the Swimming Pool and the other is in the Kitchen of the Servant Quarters. Believe me, with a home this size, you will need them (or at least one of them). These are live in workers that appear and disappear as needed. They eventually can become a part of your household, but they are always workers. Basically, the dishwasher provides you with a no maintenance live in servant.
*Front Door Recognition
Due to the lot being built on various elevations, I decided not to build a proper garage. By creating a Carport Shed instead, this allows visitors to use the main stairs and one of the balcony doors as the main door.
If you decide to add a proper garage, visiting Sims may use any door you add to the garage as the Front Door. If this happens, you may find the Front Door Hack useful in this situation. Keep in mind that the hack works in most cases, but this house design is very complex when it comes to levels. You DO NOT need the Front Door Hack for this lot unless you turn the carport into a garage. At any rate, for those who love garages, here is a link to the Front Door Hack.
*Automatic Bill Paying Calculator
Because it is a long walk to the mailbox, you may wish to download the "Automatic Bill Payer" from

Important! -I could not direct link to the page without it reverting back to Home Page, so Click on Sims 2, then Objects, then Home Life Improvements and finally on Automatic Bill Payer.
*Invisible Objects
There are several invisible objects used in this lot (an invisible floor for the swimmable lake, invisible windows, OMSP slots and an invisible fence). If you find your Sim is being blocked by something or walking around something unseen, it may be an invisible item. Simply reaching in the general area and deleting it or erasing the invisible fence will take care of this. Understand, I took great effort to make sure the invisibles are safely tucked away, but I may have missed something. Please, keep this in mind.
*Swimming Pool Diving Board
When play testing, my Sim was very iffy about jumping in the Swimming Pool (not the lake), using the diving board. Sometimes she would, sometimes she wouldn't. Of course, if you have an unseasoned Sim they often hesitate about jumping in the pool until their skills build up. But, if your Simmie refuses to use the diving board after their swimming skills improve, I suggest deleting the "pool" diving board and allowing them to use the ladder to get into the pool. Since there is a diving board to get into the Swimmable Lake, this would be a refreshing change.
Another thing I discovered is that when I removed the wall directly in front of the diving board tile (the wall the Sim would face if standing on the diving board that is part of the "newspaper" kids walking path on the little bridge), the Sim was more likely to dive into the Swimming Pool. After the Sim dived into the pool a few times, I replaced the wall and it was no longer an issue.
This does not impact the Swimmable Lake diving board. Sims dive into the lake without a problem.
*Puddle to Play In
I used the Prodigious Puddle by Sophie-David near the Rock Spa. It is the large puddle of water. I placed it there for your Sims to play in, since it is a clickable object. If you accidentally have your Simmies clean it up, you will find it in the Decorative Catalog.
*Advice: Dont' Move The Waterfall Object
I used the Bermuda Set Waterfall by alexstanton1983 in this lot. Whatever you do, I advise NOT moving the waterfall objects because I can almost guarantee you will not be able to get them back in place. It took a bit of manuevering to get them to sink and sit just right. So, enjoy the flowing water.
There are Seven Frogs taking up residence on the CC versions of the Fallingwater lot. See if you can find all 7 froggies. Happy Frog Hunt! Hint: They are all outside!

Thanks to Mootilda, the Sims2Pack Clean Installer has been updated. If you have lots that did not show up in your Lots Bin, please install the latest version of Sims 2 Clean Pack Installer. Download it here at MTS Updated Sims2Pack Clean Installer - October 16th, 2011.
Lot Size: 5x5
Lot Price: 656,054 and 672,870
Custom Content by Me:
- Elemental H2O 1x1 Ceiling Floor
- Elemental - Water 1
- Elemental - Water 2
- Elemental - Leaves 1
- Elemental - Stones 1
- Beach Grass Terrain 1
- Terrain Stone in Grass 1
- Medieval Terrain 7
- Elemental H20 Wall 1
- Fallingwaters Balcony Fence Match in Cream
Custom Content Included:
- Laundry Basket by -Maylin-
- Edge Smoother in Red by Ailias
- Paintbrushes by Around the Sims 2
- Guilhem - Kitchen - Shelf 001 by Around the Sims 2
- Irish Pub - Decorative bottles 002 by Around the Sims 2
- Laundrette - Cart by Around the Sims 2
- Laundrette - Detergent 001 by Around the Sims 2
- Mexico - Bedroom - Painting by Around the Sims 2
- Modern Line - Kitchen - Table 003 by Around the Sims 2
- Talbo Kitchen - Hood 001 by Around the Sims 2
- Talbo Kitchen - Shelf 001 by Around the Sims 2
- Tibetan Bedroom - Vase 002 by Around the Sims 2
- Tinkering - Tools box 001 - closed by Around the Sims 2
- Tinkering - Wrenches panel by Around the Sims 2
- The Invisible Window by rebecah
- Rainy Day Painting Recolour by Tarox
- 3x4 Floor Rug by Nicolafred
- LG Dryer by Fresh-Prince
- Park Bench Recolour by darylmarkloc
- No Cream Fireplace Wall by sarah*rose
- JC-StoneFloor42009neutral3 by jcasjr
- JC-StoneSet422092 by jcasjr
- JC-StoneFloor42009blue by jcasjr
- JC-StoneFloor42009neutral1 by jcasjr
- Dirt Floor by Speedymaus22
- Invisible Tile by Frillen
- Toilet roll holder by Gayle
- Toilet roll holder - White Recolour by Gayle
- JB Cave Comfort Roof Rock by jon119
- Southwestern Rug 15 by JavierMC20
- "The Bazaar" Oil Lamp by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Eponymous Garden" Fern by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Eponymous Garden" Lady's Smock by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Noguchi" Mini Radio by Parsimonious Sims 2
- Jupiter Swamp Mottle by Parsimonious Sims 2
- Whogwort Weed by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Sultana" Bowl by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Sultana" Vase by Parsimonious Sims 2
- Amali Wu Cusion 1 by Moune
- Ground Cover by khakidoo
- Dark Red Transparent Lattice Floor by tamlfra
- Tuscany Stone Sim Wardrobe Column Recolour by enrosadira
- Just a ladder - by Marvine by marvine
- Waterfall Matching Rock by Marvine
- Waterfall Matching Rock 3 by Marvine
- Amali Cushion 1 Melaka Rec 3 by Moune
- Amali Cushion 1 Melaka Rec 2 by Moune
- Amali Cushion 1 Nyemo Beige by Moune
- Amali Cushion 1 Nyemo Green by Moune
- Amali Cushion 1 Red Stripes by Moune
- Amali Cushion 1 Melaka Rec 1 by Moune
- Amali Cushion 1 JS2 Recolour by Moune
- Amali Cushion 1 Nyemo Aqua by Moune
- Amali Cushion 1 Nyemo Blue by Moune
- Amali Cushion 1 Nyemo Pink by Moune
- InvisiBlock Coffee Table by Moune
- InvisiBlock Table Height by Moune
- Le Morvan Bath Towels - Rec 5 by Moune
- Tamarind Bedroom Dress Green by Moune
- Tamarind Bedroom Dress Red by Moune
- Amali cushion 1 by Moune
- Amali cushion 2 by Moune
- Amali cushion 3 by Moune
- InvisiBlock Coffee Table - Invisible Recolour by Moune
- InvisiBlock Table Height - Invisible Recolour by Moune
- Le Morvan Bath Large Stack of Towels (Revised) by Moune
- Tamarind Bedroom Long Blinds by Moune
- Tamarind Bedroom Short Blinds by Moune
- Tamarind Bedroom Dress on Wall by Moune
- Fancy Wooden Window Fence by naschev
- Dark Diagonal Trellis Floor by moonlight_muse
- Deco Frog by Nengi65
- Scatterd Rocks by Nengi65
- Scattered rocks - small by Nengi65
- Standing stone 1 by Nengi65
- Shrubbery Fence short by Nengi65
- Tree stump by Nengi65
- Blue Transparent Tile by niol
- Fern in a Pot by plasticbox
- Fig Tree in a Pot by plasticbox
- Oleander in a Pot by plasticbox
- Another Rubber Plant in a Pot by plasticbox
- Bougainvillea in a Pot by plasticbox
- Daisies in a Pot by plasticbox
- Small Rubber Plant by plasticbox
- Small Simulated Succulent by plasticbox
- Mini Agave in a Pot by plasticbox
- Mini Rubber Tree in a Pot by plasticbox
- Pink Centrepice by macarossi
- "Fallingwater" cabinet-deco by stonetower
- "Fallingwater" Fireplace with warming sphere by stonetower
- Sim Buddha by stonetower
- "Fallingwater" Full-length window#1 by stonetower
- "Fallingwater" Full-length window#3 by stonetower
- "Fallingwater" Modern door#1 by stonetower
- "Fallingwater" Seamless window2-left by stonetower
- "Fallingwater" Seamless window2-middle by stonetower
- "Fallingwater" Seamless window4-left by stonetower
- "Fallingwater" Seamless window5-left by stonetower
- "Falling water" Wall shelf-corner1 by stonetower
- "Falling water" Wall shelf-corner2 by stonetower
- "Falling water" Wall shelf by stonetower
- Decorative Puddle Master by Sophie-David
- Decorative Puddle_Prodigious by Sophie-David
- NPC Value Dishwasher by Sophie-David
- Sim Wardrobe Crescent Arch Column by SimWardrobe
- Living 5 - deco clock by by Delphine
- Stack Em Up Stone Wall in Dark Grey by sarah*rose
- Put a bill Table RED RECOLOUR by Tamaki
- Put a bill Table by Tamaki
- Larger Capacity SupaFridge by Lord Darcy at MTS2
- Casade "chute d'eau" Waterfall by alexstanton
- Dach-Stein by Blacky
- Painting Flower Day by JustMoi
- Painting Flower Canoe by JustMoi
- Painting Flower Festival Feast by JustMoi
- Painting Flower Vendor Basket by JustMoi
- Painting Flower Vendor Child by JustMoi
- Painting Ignacio Sanchez by JustMoi
- Painting Muchachas Girasoles by JustMoi
- Painting Nina En Azul y Blanco by JustMoi
- Painting Nude Calla Lillies by JustMoi
- Invisible Meshless Fence by niol
- Succulent Beige Deco Plant by plasticbox
- Succulent Red Deco Plant by plasticbox
- Succulent Terra Cotta Deco Plant by plasticbox
- Wood Diving Board by soccerskyman
- Fallingwater Short Concrete Fence by stonetower
- Fallingwater Concrete Fence by stonetower
- Fallingwater Living 1 Chair Mesh by stonetower
- Fallingwater Living 1 Chair Yellow Recolour by stonetower
- Fallingwater Living Chair 3 by stonetower
- Fallingwater Living Chair 5 by stonetower
- Fallingwater Diego Painting by stonetower
- Fallingwater Stair Bookshelf 1 Mesh by Stonetower
- Value Dishwasher White Materials by Sophie-David
- Value Dishwasher White Surface by Sophie-David
- Sofa with Blanket by amymil
- Bamboo Rug by mochashake
- Painting Baile En Tehuantepec by JustMoi
- Painting Pareja Indgena by JustMoi
- Painting Peasants by JustMoi
- Painting Flower Carrier by JustMoi
- Painting Vendor Flores by JustMoi
- Invisible Helipad by Tre Zillah
- Fallingwater Sofa Mesh 2 by Stonetower
Uploaded: 28th Nov 2011, 9.95 MB.
Uploaded: 28th Nov 2011, 9.94 MB.
Uploaded: 28th Nov 2011, 2.19 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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Updated: 11th Dec 2011 at 1:55 AM
by Sims2Lvr005 3rd Jul 2006 at 2:41am
+3 packs
Open for Business
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by NeptuneSuzy 18th Aug 2006 at 10:41pm
+3 packs
Open for Business
by simfanatic3 11th Jun 2007 at 12:40am
+4 packs
Open for Business
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+8 packs
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
Bon Voyage
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by ejnarts1 17th Oct 2010 at 4:57am
+8 packs
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
Bon Voyage
by Pippenhouse 12th Jan 2011 at 4:53pm
+6 packs
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Apartment Life
Fallingwater at Bear Run - NO CC Version
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | University |
![]() | Nightlife |
![]() | Open for Business |
![]() | Bon Voyage |
![]() | Apartment Life |
About Me
As of July 2016, I've decided to reinvent myself (again). Basically, my Sim Creation Renaissance is long overdue! It's time to release the old and move forward, doing things that sustain me in meaningful ways. ◕‿◕
I shall start with a wonderful new Sim Place to call home! And now the Official Unveiling (....drum roll...):
CLICK HERE to experience StephSim's BRAND NEW SIMS 2 WEBSITE called *** Proudly Banished *** !!!
Proudly Banished is my little storage place for a select few of my Sims 2 creations. Since I will NOT be Simming as much, I wanted to provide a small landing pad for random creations I will be sharing. I will on occasion share NO CC/ LOW CC Lots and MTS related recolors here on MTS. However, my CC LOADED Lots will be Housed at Proudly Banished. I've also add the updated Fully Loaded Versions of the American Gothic Mansion. Be sure to click on the Slideshows when available! You will find a few lots, object recolors, clothing recolors and the Regina Mills Sim (from Once Upon a Time)! There should be a little something for everyone!
Take your time and explore the site and be sure to check out *Sherwood Forest* for my PBK Community Goodbyes!
See you there. (。♥‿♥。)
All StephSim walls, floors, and ground covers can be freely used in lot creations on any free or pay site. Feel free to use my neighborhood maps/terrains for any and all of your Simming needs. Feel free to use any objects or object recolors shared on MTS or elsewhere in the Sims 2 community in your creations (lots, movies, stories) Feel free to recolor objects I upload and include the mesh. Feel free to use any Sims I create or my lots for your Sim movie making purposes! In using any of my creations. Credit is not necessary, but please do not claim any shared creations by myself, Sophie-David, Jason Duskey or anyone who I team with as your own.