Coffee-Flavored Coffee (a.k.a., Hot Beverages for Traditionalists)

CoffeeFlavoredCoffee.jpg - width=800 height=264
Have you ever tried to give your Sim a nice cup of java, only to find that the hot beverage machine offers only exotic concoctions such as "Triple caramel soy espresso with raspberry sprinkles"? If you have, you're probably a dinosaur like me, and this mod is for you!

Based on channTL's More Beverages mod, this one has pretty much the opposite effect: it replaces most of the fancy drink options with more mundane hot beverages, including various coffee roasts, blends and cream/sugar/substitutes, with just a select few popular flavorings. Apart from coffee, there's also hot chocolate and several varieties of tea. (Yes, you purists, I know. But this is the magical Simverse, where one machine can produce it all with quite acceptable results, I promise!)
Cappuccino, espresso, latte and cafe mocha are all included as well; they've just been relegated to a secondary role. I also threw in a few "special blends" just for fun.
Apart from the flavor text (no pun intended,) the only thing that has changed from channTL's mod is that you get a few more options when you click "Try something else." Apart from that, it should work exactly like his does. Obviously you can only use one or the other, not both, and the same instructions for compatibility with other coffee mods also apply.
Please report any problems you may encounter.
Additional Credits:
ChannTL's More Beverages mod
Thanks to the creators of S3PE and to jfade for the Compressorizer Redux!
Uploaded: 17th Nov 2010, 3.5 KB.
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Anyone who would like to convert any of my TS2 creations to TS3 has my permission to do so (if I haven't already) provided they give credit. However, I reserve the right to convert them myself even if someone else has already done so.