Gardener Service - v2.3 (4th May 2014)
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This mod allows you to request a Gardener from any Telephone (not Mobile) to take care of your Garden. Just click on the Interaction "Call Gardener > Request Service" from the any telephone.
It's a "Recurrent Service" like the Maid so, once requested, the Gardener comes everyday at 8AM and leaves at 6PM.
If there are more than 50 gardening tasks, will come 2 Gardeners.

- Water (also control the Sprinklers to reduce the tasks)
- Weed
- Harvest (automatically transfers to the "Home Fridge" (if it's edible) or the "Shared Family Inventory" (not edible))
- Dispose Dead Plants
- Rake Leaves (this functionality only works if you have Seasons EP)
- [new]You can request the Service on additional Lots you own.
- It's possible to configure the Tasks: Enable/Disable (Water, Weed,
Revive, Harvest,Fertilize, Dispose, Rake Leaves); Fertilize (25% of the plants with random Quality)Revive Dead Plants (not Barren Plants)
The Harvested Products will be automatically transferred to the "Home Fridge" (if it's edible) or the "Shared Family Inventory" (if isn't edible).

-Save your game and Quit.
-Replace the package File with the new downloaded File, so restart your game and request the Service again.

-To avoid corruption of the Saved Game:
- Save your game and Quit.
- Remove the package file.

- The gardener can't garden if you have a locked gate in your Garden.
- Don't try to cheat/modify the npc using mods. (example: change his age or behavior, or add him to your family, etc).

04/May/2014 - v2.3
- Recompiled the code for the basegame patch v1.67;
- Performance improvement in the Harvest Interaction;
15/Jan/2014 - v2.2
- Now you can't request the Gardener Service from the Future BaseCamp;
- Recompiled the code to match the patch 1.63 and 1.66;
07/Sept/2013 - v2.1
- Added: The Gardener will automatically Water, Weed, Dispose Plants and Rake Leaves before leave the Lot to guarantee the basic service was performed.
15/July/2013 - v2.0
- Added: You can request the Service on additional Lots you own.
- Changed: Configuration can be individually applied for each Lot.
- Changed: Social enabled.
- Added: "Take All" interaction on the "Harvest Report" to automatically transfer all the harvestable to the active sim Inventory.
- Added: "Reset Service" Interaction to dispose the Gardener Instance and service requests of the current World.
- Fixed: The Service instance won't be available on others Worlds if you load it in the same Session.
- Fixed: When you load the World, the script will try to remove invalid Gardener Instance [This can happen when you didn't cancel it before update].
- Fixed: Rake Interaction. Rake a square area instead of a rectangle.
- Fixed: The Gardener will Teleport to your Houseboat instead of Route [Performance reason].
- Removed: Revive, Fertilize Plants functionality [Performance reason].
- Removed: Gardeners don't teleport anymore.
- Added: Italian translation [by nicodeb]
05/April/2013- v1.9
- fixed: The game was sharing the tasks for Gardeners incorrectly, if you have large garden.
- disabled: The Gardener won't run to perform the task anymore. (I realized: A running Sim on my garden is really annoying!)
26/March/2013- v1.8
- Increased the "rake leaf" area from 8x8 to 12x12
- Reduced the length of the "rake leaf" interaction
- Changed the gardener behavior to reduce unnecessary routes. Now the gardener will consider different floor level, room and XY coordinate before decide to perform the task.
- The Gardener will start working immediately after arrive (this can cause a small initial lag if you requested two gardeners).
- The Gardener will run instead of walk to perform the tasks.
- The Gardeners will correctly increase the quality of the ForbiddenFruitTree after Water, Weed.
- The Gardener will Teleport instead of walk if the distance is greater than 12 blocks or the plant is on a different floor.
- The Harvest List will show up sorted.
28/Feb/2013- v1.7
- Attention! this version only works on patch v1.50 (or higher);
- Fixed: possible University EP conflict;
- To avoid problems, the Gardener will not fertilize, harvest or revive ForbiddenFruitTree (from University EP);
- Gardener Service is disabled in the University World;
- Fixed: The Gardeners will be correctly vanished after Service Cancel;
- Fixed: Sprinklers automatically stop after Plants get enough water;
- Code optimization and clean up;
01/Dec/2012 (dd/mm/yyyy)- v1.6b
- Disabled the testing flag that was avoiding the service load/request;
- Added: Russian Translation by Demagog;
29/Nov/2012 (dd/mm/yyyy)- v1.6
- Attention! this version only works on Patch v1.42 ~ 1.48;
- Gardener will "Rake Leaves" during Autumn (this functionality will only works if you have Seasons EP);
- Changed the color of the uniform to a soft green;
- Removed the Cap and added a default shoes to the uniform (male and female);
- Fixed: Texture color for female uniform (mapping issue);
- Fixed: Configuration Interaction;
- Changed: Gardener will check your current configuration, before sending additional help;
- Added: Gardener will dispose Leaf Pile;
- Changed: Gardener will leave your Lot 18:00PM, except if he is will disposing a Leaf Pile;
- Added: Portuguese (BR and PT) translation;
01/Nov/2012 - v1.5
- Attention! this version will only works on Patch v1.42 (or higher);
- Gardener will not Fertilize or Water Dormant Plants during Winter (Seasons EP);
- Code optimization;
- Now each gardener will fertilize only 25% of the plants;
- Fixed: the save configuration interaction (Thanks twallan);
- Fixed: some issues with Supernatural plants;
14/08/2012 - v1.3
- Fixed: "Cancel Service" Interaction;
- Fixed: string from message "Shared Family Inventory";
- Great performance improvement;
- Now it's possible to configure your Gardener Tasks: Enable/Disable (Water, Weed, Revive, Harvest, Fertilize, Dispose);
- removed: all translations, because i changed and removed so many string that it was necessary;
- Little increase in the Quality of the Fertilizer.
- removed the Fire Interaction, because doesn't make sense.
- removed the BackToWork Interaction, because it's not fully functional.
- Added German Translation (by HaWe83)
- Finally, the "Double Task Problem", when the gardener follow the second gardener causing double tasking and routing problem, was solved. sorry about the delay.
- when canceling the Gardener, all the Gardener Service of the current World (all Lots) will be canceled correctly to void the annoying messages from the neighbor gardener.
- changed the wage to $75, before was $100.
- max num task for second npc was changed to 100, before was 90.
- max work time changed to 10 hours, before was 9 hours.
- added the "About" interaction on the Phone to show which mod version is installed.
- now gardener can "restart" the gardening tasks when the game is reload, so will not get stunned in your Lot.
- The issue that affect "Large Gardens", was solved. Now, the gardener will change the "Plant State" correctly after harvest and will avoid the "Mature Barren Plants" problem from the previously version 1.13.
- The "Mature Barren Plants" will be vanished.
- Added Portuguese BR(me) and Polish (hotroxy777 user) Translation .
- Gardener can Dispose DeathFlowerBush and Barren Plants.
- Gardener will not Revive Barren Plants anymore.
- Each time the Gardener Arrives, it will shutdown others Gardeners Instances (ex: Gardener Stunned in the Neighbor House).
- Gardener can Harvest DeathFlowerBush and MoneyTree correctly, and will not stole it anymore;
- Now, "Cancel Service" will also remove stunned Gardener NPC.
- Gardener can Dispose Dead Plants.
- Little increase in the Quality of the Fertilizer.
- Added the missing string table for all available sims 3 language.

-Sim Outfit editor/creator Tool from "CmarNYC" MTS;
-"Maeldor" MTS (script help);
-"Twallan" MTS (script help);
-"hotroxy777" MTS (Polish Translation);
-"HaWe83" MTS (German Translation)
-"Demagog MTS" (Russian Translation) ;
-"NumSimish MTS" (Dan_DK Translation);
-"nicodeb MTS" (Italian Translation);
| for Patch v1.67
Uploaded: 5th May 2014, 46.4 KB.
| for Patch v1.63 ~ v1.66
Uploaded: 15th Jan 2014, 46.3 KB.
| for Patch v1.54 ~ v1.63
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2013, 46.7 KB.
| for Patch v1.54 ~ v1.55
Uploaded: 16th Jul 2013, 47.0 KB.
| for Patch v1.50
Uploaded: 7th Apr 2013, 44.3 KB.
| for Patch v1.50
Uploaded: 27th Mar 2013, 44.2 KB.
| for Patch v1.50
Uploaded: 2nd Mar 2013, 41.6 KB.
| for Patch v1.42 ~ v1.48
Uploaded: 1st Dec 2012, 41.6 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 5th May 2014 at 12:25 AM
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