Showbiz, Profession & Other Trophies for Displays & Pedestals
gesimzLateNightandAmbitionsRewardsandTrophiesforDisplayCasesandPedestals.jpg - width=1024 height=768
Left to Right: Valor Trophy, Green Orb, Simmy, Sims Choice Award, Golden Fire Hydrant, Hero Trophy, Empirical Building Model, Paranormal Memento, Inventors Accolade and Honor Trophy
LNTrophiesBeforeFix.jpg - width=895 height=640
Before (Late Night Trophies)
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After (Late Night Trophies)
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After (Late Night Trophies)
AMBRewardsBeforeFix.jpg - width=966 height=705
Before (Ambitions Rewards and Trophies)
AMBRewardsAfterFix1.jpg - width=1020 height=768
After (Ambitions Rewards and Trophies)
AMBRewardsAfterFix2.jpg - width=1009 height=768
(Ambitions Rewards and Trophies)
AMBRewardsOnHighShelfingCeilingIssue.jpg - width=1024 height=257
A few of the larger rewards will go through the ceiling somewhat on very high shelves/pedestals

What This Mod Does
This is an override mod that corrects the issue of 3 Late Night and 7 Ambitions Rewards and Trophies (10 in total, see attached pictures and details below for specific Object Data [OBJD] Resources that have been edited) that could not fit on all types of display cases and pedestals due to incorrectly being marked as Large by EA by replacing the existing in-game rewards/trophies for the two aforementioned expansion packs with modified cloned versions that have had their SlotPlacementFlags changed to Small to be able to be placed and displayed on most kinds of display cases and pedestals. No more will you be have to store rewards/trophies in frustration on the floor, keep them in your active Sims inventory or use unideal display furniture like dining tables just to proudly display your Sims fine achievements.

LATE NIGHT (Showbiz Trophies)
sculptureRewardGreenOrb OBJD = The Green Orb [Award Trophy with a Sim Figure holding up a Round Sphere] - SlotPlacementFlags have been changed from large to small,

sculptureRewardSimmy OBJD = The Simmy [Award Trophy with a Sim Figure holding up a Star] - SlotPlacementFlags have been changed from large to small;
sculptureRewardSimsChoice OBJD = Sims Choice Award [Award Trophy with a Sim Figure holding up the series icon, the Green PlumbBob] - SlotPlacementFlags have been changed from large to small;
AMBITIONS (Profession Rewards/Trophies and Other Trophies*)
sculptureRewardFirefighter OBJD = Golden Fire Hydrant [Self Explanatory, Awarded to Firefighters] - SlotPlacementFlags have been changed from none to small and the decorative parameter was changed to true;
sculptureRewardGhosthunter OBJD = Paranormal Memento [The Cemetery Model, Awarded to Ghosthunters] - SlotPlacementFlags have been changed from large to small;
sculptureRewardHero Trophy OBJD = Hero Trophy [The Award with the PlumbBob, Shield Outline and Banner] - SlotPlacementFlags have been changed from large to small;
sculptureRewardHonorTrophy OBJD = Honor Trophy [Large Award with the Giant Sphere] - SlotPlacementFlags have been changed from large to small;
sculptureRewardInteriorDesigner OBJD = Empirical Building Model [The Skyscraper Model, Awarded to Interior Designers] - SlotPlacementFlags have been changed from large to small;
sculptureRewardInventor OBJD = Inventors Accolade [The Fancy-Looking Box with pipes on each side and the blue light in the middle, Awarded to Inventors] - SlotPlacementFlags have been changed from medium to small; and
sculptureRewardValorTrophy OBJD = Valor Trophy [The Giant Star Award] - SlotPlacementFlags have been changed from large to small.
* The Key to the City in the above image is just there for display purposes and has NOT been altered!

NOTE 3: The Skeleton reward for Doctors was NOT modified and included in this mod because it's simply too high for the roof and for any of the display cases and pedestals and looks better being stood upright on the floor anyway.
NOTE 4: If you would like to make the horse trophies from Pets placeable on display cases and pedestals, this mod: will take care of that.
This mod was made with the latest 1.26 patch but in order to get proper use out of this mod, you'll need to have either the Late Night and/or the Ambitions Expansion pack installed so that the fixed cloned reward/trophy objects in the attached archive can replace the original in-game trophies for whichever expansion packs you have installed that have been edited to allow for placement and displaying on most display cases and pedestals.
This mod edits the sculptureRewardGreenOrb (Instannce No: 0x000000000098A186), sculptureRewardSimmy (Instannce No: 0x000000000098A185), sculptureRewardSimsChoice (Instannce No: 0x000000000098A187), sculptureRewardFirefighter (Instannce No: 0x0000000000989FB4), sculptureRewardGhosthunter (Instannce No: 0x0000000000989FC8), sculptureRewardHero Trophy (Instannce No: 0x000000000098A010), sculptureRewardHonorTrophy (Instannce No: 0x000000000098A00F), sculptureRewardInteriorDesigner (Instannce No: 0x0000000000989FB6), sculptureRewardInventor (Instannce No: 0x0000000000989FB7) and sculptureRewardValorTrophy (Instannce No: 0x000000000098A00E) Object Data (OBJD) Resources and will conflict with any other mod that edits these same ten OBJD resources/files.

Simply drag and drop/cut & paste/copy & paste the .package files into your Mods\Packages as normal.
Additional Credits:
Thanks to Anach for his advice that lead to the mod only needing to have what is necessary to produce the intended effect, BloomsBase for his early help that enabled me to complete the mod initially, S3OC/S3PE and its developers and MTS for hosting this upload.
| NEW LITE VERSION - Corrects Late Night "Showbiz" and Ambitions "Profession" Rewards & other Trophies so that they can be displayed on all major display cases and pedestals
Uploaded: 12th Dec 2011, 1.1 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 19th Oct 2013 at 2:50 PM - Confirm 1.38 Compatibility
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Ambitions |
![]() | Late Night |
About Me
I'm relatively new to Sims modding, only discovering it in late 2011 (very late to the party, but better late than never I suppose). I make mods to satisfy my own personal needs filling in gaps (whether they be new or updating existing mods), and then offer to release them publicly for others to use as well.
I give permission for anyone here to update the mods i've uploaded for the latest expansion packs/patches on the condition that I am inactive (i.e. not having logged on) for at least one month, I haven't stated in any capacity that I plan to update said mod either via the mod thread or in my journal, the updater states it's not their original work/is an update, and gives me credit by linking back to the original mod at the beginning of the main text description for the updated version.