23 Autonomous/Automatic Pet Interaction Disablers
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07/09/12 - Updated the NoAutoLookInOutWindows(C,D,S) .package due to the brooding trait that's included in Supernatural.
07/09/12 - Incorporated the Sniffing mod into investigating mod due to both altering two identical iTUN resources. The single combined file has also been removed.
This tuning mod comprises of a requested no autonomy mod for Pets and several others Pet autonomy disablers in response to certain automatic interactions for Pets appearing excessively in-game. In total, there are 23 (two dozen) no autonomy mods available for download in this thread, either separately (mixing and matching choosing the files you want) or all 20 autonomy mods together in one .package which are as follows (in no particular order):

CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the LookInWindow_Windows and LookOutWindow_Windows itun files and will conflict with any other mod that edits those same itun files.

CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the CatDogInvestigate_Sim, HorseInvestigateSim, SniffOut_Terrain, RunAround_Sim and PetInvenstigateStrangeSim_Sim (INVENSTIGATE IS ACTUALLY A TYPO SPELLING ERROR FROM EA THEMSELVES) itun files and will conflict with any other mod that edits the same 5 itun files.. NOTE: THIS DOES NOT DISABLE "SNIFF SOCIAL INTERACTIONS", RATHER IT DISABLES THAT RANDOM SNIFFING THAT HAPPENS WHERE PETS WALK AROUND ALL OVER THE PLACE.
No Auto Pets Jumping On/Off Surfaces(C,D) - Disables Cats and Dogs automatically jumping onto and off of surfaces (e.g. Cats jumping onto kitchen counters and Dogs jumping onto Sim beds). This DOES NOT remove the interaction or ability for Cats and Dogs to jump on surfaces when instructed by the player.

CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the JumpOnObject_GameObject and JumpOffObject_GameObject itun files and and will conflict with any other mod that edits those same 2 itun files.
NoAutoCatsGroomingThemselves(C) - Disables Cats automatically grooming themselves. This DOES NOT remove the interaction or ability for Cats to groom themselves when instructed by the player.

CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the CatGroomSelf_Sim itun file and will conflict with any other mod that edits the same itun file.
NoAutoHidingUnderObjects(C) - Disables Cats automatically hiding under "Sim" objects like Sim beds. This DOES NOT remove the interaction or ability for Cats to hide under Sim objects when instructed by the player.
CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the HideUnderObject_GameObject itun file and will conflict with any other mod that edits the same itun file.
NoAutoCatsPlayingOnCarpet(C) - Disables Cats automatically playing, stretching out and rolling around on carpets. This DOES NOT remove the interaction or ability for Cats to play on carpets when instructed by the player.

CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the PetPlayOnCarpet_Sim and PlayOnCarpetInternal_Terrain itun files and will conflict with any other mod that edits those same 2 itun files.
NoAutoHorsesGallopingAround(H) - Disables Horses from automatically galloping around the place. This DOES NOT interfere with the riding skill and galloping around to learn the riding skill.

CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the GallopAround_Sim itun file and will conflict with any other mod that edits the same itun file.
NoAutoHorsesDiggingHoles(H) - Disables Horses from automatically digging up holes in terrain. This DOES NOT remove the interaction or ability for Horses to dig holes in terrain when instructed by the player.

CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the HorseDigAutonomy_Sim and HorseDig_Terrain itun files and will conflict with any other mod that edits those same 2 itun files.
NoAutoHorsesGrazing(H) - Disables Horses from automatically grazing. This DOES NOT remove the interaction or ability for Horses to graze when instructed by the player.

CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the HorseGraze_Terrain and HorseGrazeAutonomy_Sim itun files and will conflict with any other mod that edits those same 2 itun files.
NoAutoPickUpPets(S) - Disables Sims from automatically picking up Pets. This DOES NOT remove the interaction or ability for Sims to pick up Pets when instructed by the player.
CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the PickUpPet_Sim itun file and will conflict with any other mod that edits the same itun file.
NoAutoDogsChasingDogBall(D) - Disables Dogs from Chasing after the Dog Ball automatically. This DOES NOT remove the interaction or ability for Dogs to play with the Dog Ball when instructed by the player.
CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the Chase_DogBall itun file and will conflict with any other mod that edits the same itun file.
NoAutoHorsesDrinkingFromWaterTroughs(H) - Disables Horses automatically drinking from Water Troughs. NOTE: This won't stop horses automatically drinking from Water Obstacles, it just applies to regular Water Troughs. This DOES NOT remove the interaction or ability for Horses to drink from Water Troughs when instructed by the player.
CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the DrinkWater_WaterTrough itun file and will conflict with any other mod that edits the same itun file.
NoAutoHorsesBeggingForHarvestables(H) - Disables Horses automatically begging for harvestables.
CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the BegForHarvestable_Sim itun file and will conflict with any other mod that edits the same itun file.
NoAutoPetsPlayingChase(C,D,S) - Disables Pets (Cats/Dogs) from automatically playing chase with each other and Sims. This DOES NOT remove the interaction or ability for Pets to play chase with other Pets and Sims when instructed by the player.
CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the ChasePlay_Sim and ChaseSocialInteractionB_Sim itun files and will conflict with any other mod that edits those same 2 itun files.
NoAutoHorsesScratchingBacks(H) - Disables Horses from tumbling around on Terrain on their backs.
CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the HorseScratchBack_Terrain and HorseScratchBackAutonomy_Sim itun files and will conflict with any other mod that edits those same 2 itun files.
:No NoAutoPetsChewingAndScratchingObjects(C,D) - Disables Pets automatically chewing and scratching non-Pet furniture and decorative objects. This DOES NOT remove the interaction or ability for Dogs and Cats to Chew/Scratch non-Pet objects when instructed by the player.
CONFLICT INFO: This file edits theChew_CatToy, Chew_ChewToy and ScratchObject_GameObject itun files and will conflict with any other mod that edits the same 3 itun files.
NoAutoCatsLyingOnNewspapers(C) - Disables Cats automatically lying on newspapers. This DOES NOT remove the interaction or ability for Cats to lye on newspapers when instructed by the player. This DOES NOT remove the interaction or ability for Cats to lie on Newspapers when instructed by the player.
CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the LieOnNewspaper_Newspaper itun file and will conflict with any other mod that edits the same itun file.
NoAutoCatsPresentingPrey(C) - Disables Cats automatically presenting caught prey in their inventory to Sims and/or other Pets. This DOES NOT remove the interaction or ability for Cats to present caught prey to Sims and/or Pets when instructed by the player.
CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the PresentTo_ICatPrey itun file and will conflict with any other mod that edits the same itun file.
NoAutoPetsScratchingAtDoors(C,D) - Disables Pets automatically scratching at Doors for attention. This DOES NOT remove the interaction or ability for Pets scratching at doors when instructed by the player.
CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the PetScratchAtFrontDoor_Lot, PetScratchAtDoorForSocial_Sim and PetScratchAtDoor_Sim itun files and will conflict with any other mod that edits the same 3 itun files.
- NoAutoDogsBringInNewspapers(D) - Disables Dogs from automatically fetching and bringing in Newspapers. This DOES NOT remove the interaction or ability for Dogs to fetch and bring in Newspapers when instructed by the player.
CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the BringInNewspaper_Newspaper itun file and will conflict with any other mod that edits the same itun file.
- NoAutoPetsGuardingObjects(C,D) - Disables Cats and Dogs from automatically Guarding Objects. This DOES NOT remove the interaction or ability for Cats and Dogs to Guard Objects and does NOT apply to Pets defending beds which is a different thing.
CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the GuardObject_GameObject itun file and will conflict with any other mod that edits the same itun file.
- NoAutoPetsDrinkingFromPonds(C,D,H) - Disables Cats, Dogs and Horses from automatically Drinking from Fishing Ponds. This DOES NOT remove the interaction or ability for Cats, Dogs and Horses to drink from Ponds.
CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the DrinkFromPondAutonomously_IFishingSpot, DrinkFromPondAutonomouslyHorse_IFishingSpot, DrinkFromPondDogCat_Terrain and DrinkFromPondHorse_Terrain itun files and will conflict with any other mod that edits the same 4 itun files.
- NoAutoPetCriminalAuraOfEvilReactions(C,D,H). - Disables Cats, Dogs and Horses from automatically reacting to Evil Sims and the glitched blank non-cancellable interaction clogging up the interaction queue.
CONFLICT INFO: This file edits the Criminal+AuraOfEvil XML file and will conflict with any other mod that edits the same XML file.

This mod was made with the latest 1.26 patch but in order to get any proper use out of this/these mods, you'll need to have the Pets expansion pack installed given that what's installs Pets into the Sims 3, otherwise, it's fairly pointless to download these mods. If you download all 23 autonomy mods, it edits the CatDogInvestigate_Sim, HorseInvestigate_Sim, SniffOut_Terrain, RunAround_Sim, JumpOnObject_GameObject, JumpOffObject_GameObject, CatGroomSelf_Sim, HideUnderObject_GameObject, PetPlayOnCarpet_Sim, PlayOnCarpetInternal_Terrain, GallopAround_Sim, HorseDigAutonomy_Sim, HorseDig_Terrain, HorseGraze_Terrain, HorseGrazeAutonomy_Sim, PickUpPet_Sim, LookInWindow_Windows, LookOutWindow_Windows, Chase_DogBall, DrinkWater_WaterTrough, BegForHarvestable_Sim, ChasePlay_Sim, ChaseSocialInteractionB_Sim, HorseScratchBack_Terrain HorseScratchBackAutonomy_Sim, Chew_CatToy, Chew_ChewToy, ScratchObject_GameObject, LieOnNewspaper_Newspaper, PresentTo_ICatPrey, PetScratchAtFrontDoor_Lot, PetScratchAtDoorForSocial_Sim, PetScratchAtDoor_Sim, BringInNewspaper_Newspaper, GuardObject_GameObject, CatDogInvestigate_Sim, HorseInvestigateSim, PetInvenstigateStrangeSim_Sim, DrinkFromPondAutonomously_IFishingSpot, DrinkFromPondAutonomouslyHorse_IFishingSpot, DrinkFromPondDogCat_Terrain and DrinkFromPondHorse_Terrain itun files and Criminal+AuraOfEvil XML file and will conflict with any other mod that edits the same 42 itun files and 1 XML file. If you only opt for one or some of the autonomy mods, than the files that are edited will obviously vary. Check "Conflict Info" under each individual mod before downloading to ensure you aren't using any other mods that use the same itun and/or XML file.
Simply drag and drop/cut & paste/copy & paste the .package file(s) into your Mods\Packages as normal.
Additional Credits: S3PE and its developers & MTS for hosting this upload.
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2012, 2.8 KB.
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Uploaded: 13th Dec 2011, 1.8 KB.
Uploaded: 13th Dec 2011, 1.5 KB.
Uploaded: 13th Dec 2011, 1.6 KB.
Uploaded: 13th Dec 2011, 1.8 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 26th Nov 2012 at 1:10 PM - Removed conflicting mod
by jimmyThePipe 15th Jul 2009 at 6:50pm
14 17.4k 16
by jimmyThePipe 25th Jul 2009 at 4:06pm
19 25.9k 32
No more autonomous jumping on trampoline!
by ryaaaaaaan21 10th Sep 2010 at 6:26pm
+1 packs
by CyberBob78 31st Jul 2012 at 9:19pm
+1 packs
by DeceasedDoll updated 12th Mar 2013 at 3:15pm
39 64.4k 111
by Sterling_Archer 19th Jun 2013 at 4:46am
16 18.5k 41
by computeteen5 7th Jul 2018 at 2:54pm
+1 packs
Genie Outfits, Hairs/Hats & Shoes Unlocked
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Faster Nectar Making and/or More Bottles
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Katy Perry Hair Available in All CAS Categories & Fruit Dress As A Formal Outfit
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Pets |
About Me
I'm relatively new to Sims modding, only discovering it in late 2011 (very late to the party, but better late than never I suppose). I make mods to satisfy my own personal needs filling in gaps (whether they be new or updating existing mods), and then offer to release them publicly for others to use as well.
I give permission for anyone here to update the mods i've uploaded for the latest expansion packs/patches on the condition that I am inactive (i.e. not having logged on) for at least one month, I haven't stated in any capacity that I plan to update said mod either via the mod thread or in my journal, the updater states it's not their original work/is an update, and gives me credit by linking back to the original mod at the beginning of the main text description for the updated version.