Genie Outfits, Hairs/Hats & Shoes Unlocked
GenieOutfitsHats&ShoesUnlocked.jpg - width=981 height=742

What This Mod Does
This is a CASP mod that makes the Genie clothing, hair/hats and shoes in Showtime originally made hidden by EA wearable by regular Sims (i.e. they're unlocked). The items consist of a body outfit, hair/hats and shoes unique to each gender and are available from Young Adult through to Elders (see main attached image for what the thumbnails look like in CAS). All clothing items with the exception of the Female Genie shoes for Young Adults/Adults for some odd reason, have three color presets you can choose from. The YA/A female Genie shoes only comes with the one color preset but IS recolorable. All clothing parts are available in every CAS clothing category for both genders (including Career) EXCEPT for Swimwear, although I made an exception for the Female Genie Shoes as they have that sandal look that is suitable for the beach/pool hence why I enabled them for Swimwear also.

What Is the Point of This Mod?
Anyone playing an Arabian theme in their Sims 3 (World Adventures Egypt, Custom World etc), wants an Arabian themed costume for their Sims costume party, likes Arabian themed clothing in general or enjoys being able to access/use "locked/hidden content", would likely find these additional clothing options useful and suitable for their game.
This mod was made with the latest 1.31 Patch/Showtime, but in order to get proper use out of this mod, you'll need to have the Showtime Expansion Pack installed, otherwise you won't get access to the genie clothes (given that Genies are introduced into the Sims 3 in Showtime) and thus, the mod will be useless.
This mod edits the following 12 CASP files:
afBodyEP6Genie (Instance No: 0x77BA859D0817471D)
afHairHatEP6Genie (Instance No: 0xBE62C9F76B09E6A6)
afShoesEP6Genie (Instance No: 0xB9B85F370CA80CC1)
amBodyEP6Genie (Instance No: 0xD430D692325A655E)
amHairHatEP6Genie (Instance No: 0x5309BBE96262C8FB)
amshoesEP6Genie (Instance No: 0xC65526AAB35994CC)
efBodyEP6Genie (Instance No: 0xB51A94835235CBE9)
efHairHatEP6Genie (Instance No: 0x6EC54BDF00FE5622)
efShoesEP6Genie (Instance No: 0xDB41C5CCD494C3F5)
emBodyEP6Genie (Instance No: 0xD21B8FE529100A2A)
emHairHatEP6Genie (Instance No: 0xC91BFC146DF17807)
emshoesEP6Genie (Instance No: 0xBF40A9A2C2B77680)
and will conflict with any other mod that edits these 12 CASP files and Instance Numbers.
Simply drag and drop/cut & paste/copy & paste the .package files into your Mods\Packages as normal.
Additional Credits:
Inge Jones for the tip on getting S3OC to recognize Showtime before the official updated version was released, S3PE/S3OC and its developers and MTS for hosting this upload.
| Unlocks All Genie Clothing from the Showtime for Male & Females (YA to ELDER)
Uploaded: 9th Mar 2012, 15.1 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 19th Oct 2013 at 2:39 PM - Confirm 1.38 Compatibility
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Showtime |
About Me
I'm relatively new to Sims modding, only discovering it in late 2011 (very late to the party, but better late than never I suppose). I make mods to satisfy my own personal needs filling in gaps (whether they be new or updating existing mods), and then offer to release them publicly for others to use as well.
I give permission for anyone here to update the mods i've uploaded for the latest expansion packs/patches on the condition that I am inactive (i.e. not having logged on) for at least one month, I haven't stated in any capacity that I plan to update said mod either via the mod thread or in my journal, the updater states it's not their original work/is an update, and gives me credit by linking back to the original mod at the beginning of the main text description for the updated version.