NCI - Monopoly Game Town Neighborhood

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Monopoly, an early 20th century board game, has been passed down to millions of people since its inception with variations as early as in 1903 with Lizzie Maggie's The Landlord's Game.

It became a cult favorite, with some auction monopoly games created by university students (e.g. a 1909 game in the University of Pennsylvannia's Wharton School of Finance), families and neighbors (Ruth Hoskins, 1929, teaching the game to her Quaker friends, rearranged by Jesse Raiford, passed down to Charles Todd, then to Charles Darrow), imitation games (Finance in 1932 by Dan Layman, Easy Money in 1935 by Milton Bradley, Big Business in 1936 by Transogram, Inflation in 1936 by Rudy Copeland), & even briefly by Parker Brothers (Fortune in 1935). The game's original intent on teaching how unequal distribution of wealth bankrupts your opponent has been played for pleasure, & has become one of the world's most recognizable board games in history, published in several languages, & countries.

Ladies and gentlemen, NCI presents to you one of The Sims 2's finest board game inspired neighborhoods. We introduce to you...Monopoly Game Town! And now a word from the master of the board, Mr. Monopoly himself, "Rich Uncle" Pennybags.

Mr. Pennybags isn't available in this download, but he is available now from this link (with some adjustments):


So, first and foremost, the layout is completely inspired by the board game itself. Each coloured group has two to three houses with similar themes. You can read about each house from the comments section that follow.

The neighborhood has a poor district leading up to a wealthy district, just like you would imagine from the prices of the property cards in the game. The neighborhood is heavily residential based, with only a couple of lots prepared for converting into shops. If you wish to add to the number of shops available, place them around the Chance or Community Chest card areas.

Much of the community lots are parks, with grills & swings. Other community lots serve as decoration (although are still able to be visited by your Sims). The board is surrounded by aquaducs, trees & ancient head stones that watch over the activities of the people living in the neighborhood.

To maximize compatibility, everything from this neighborhood is base-game created, thanks to Numenor's AnyGameStarter. Absolutely nothing in the neighborhood created has custom content by downloaders, including myself. So go crazy unfurnishing those homes with your own furniture, lol. Or if you absolutely despise the homes made by me, deletes those lots and make your own!

Just make sure to replace those homes with 3 x 5 medium lots, unless you want to divide the areas into smaller bits. If you want apartment towers, place them in the middle of the board (the "Administrative Area") to make the neighborhood look like a metropolis.

Cool! So I can play this board game in multiplayer with other Simmers?

What files are included with this download?

Can I download only a house or two (or three or ten)?

How do you install this Neighborhood?

The welcome screen says to visit Pennybags in the center of town. Why isn't he in his house?

The following is a list of lots from the comments section. That way, you don't have to sift through Pages 1 and 2 of picture intensive comments section.

NCI Download Policies for this thread of (March 19, 2012) regarding:

You may use this download in your game however you wish. Enjoy it & if you feel like it, give feedback on how it works. Do not make money off of this creation.

Do not upload this creation onto other websites. Instead, please link back to this download thread from your website.

If you wish to convert or remix this creation for use in other games, please contact me by private message or e-mail for an arrangement on what you'd like to do with this creation.

This policy will supersede the above policies with condition to the following order, whichever event occurs first:
a. You may redistribute/remix this download anyway you'd like (with the condition that you credit me for the original download) after 5 years of the date listed in this policy, OR
b. You may redistribute/remix this download anyway you'd like (with the condition that you credit me for the original download) in case I become inactive after 2 years of the Last Activity date listed in my profile.
If neither conditions occur, then the above policies remain in effect.

Additional Credits
- Mootilda's "Lot Adjuster 3.6" for adjusting the coloured lots into 3x1 sizes, & dice apartments & small parking lots into 2x2 sizes.
- Numenor's "AnyGameStarter 2.1.1" for making it possible to work on base-game only files (along for base-game/Apartment Life expansion pack files for the apartment files).
- Phaenoh for providing recommendations on improving the neighborhood.
- Maxis' SimCity 4 game for making road layout for importing into The Sims 2.

AND a thank you to Mootilda and her HoodReplace program. It was useful in getting rid of a Sim user error that HoodChecker reported. Could be removed for those of you who already have the neighborhood, but the updated file (June 14, 2012) removed the error from start-up. DO NOT OVERWRITE your old neighborhood, as the new one has the same file names. EDIT: Apparently it can't be removed using HoodChecker. Luckily, the sim user data leftover isn't a critical error type thing. No one was related to the Sim person in question. So there can't possibly be gossip or memories about it.

Further Reading:
- The Lulu Lounge (Post of Mar. 20 2012) by livlukas
- The Simppl Life ("The Boardgame Challenge", Jan. 20th, 2013) by javabean_dreams
- SIMSOWE ROZMOWY (Post of Apr. 25, 2012) by Simsowe_Rozmowy
- Ove's sims (Post of Mar. 20, 2012) by Ove
- opalescent nights (Post of Mar. 2012) by voleste
- GetMyGameOn (Post of Mar. 20, 2012) by getmygameon
- PAGESINKEDsims (Post of Mar. 2012) by pagesinked
- KOTANGENS (Post of Mar. 20, 2012) by kotangens
- I'm Dreaming of a Blue Simismas (Post of Mar. 20, 2012) by bluesimsmas
- Magical Plumbobs (Post of Mar. 2012) by simstrology
- Rapisims (Post of Mar. 20, 2012) by rapisims
- Isabelline Dreams (Post of Mar. 20, 2012) by iniquity-incense
- Pink Noise (Post of Mar. 2012) by pink77loki-blog
- Thai The Sims 3 (Thread of Jan. 8, 2014) by Freshznova
- The Sims 5 Build your own city? (Post of Jan. 6, 2018) by Mireia Balaguer

There was a building contest (that ended) for Sims 2 Players that can be found from the link provided HERE.

These are some of the buildings submitted (or proposed without submission to the contest) from the participants who joined:
Cheap Deluxe Living ~ pets acceptedThe Fairy Tale Bride
Hotel BotseJust Married - Wedding Venue
Marvin Gardens MallOld Kent Road - No CC Starter
Pacific Avenue Sunny Palms ResortPentonville Road Apartments
The Santorini HotelScience Centre (Monopoly Contest)
ShopMartSimopoly Railroad
Water Works: Swim ~ Shop ~ Dive
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